Did President Obama separate families at the border? Yes!

Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!
Does not matter; it's wrong. So you want OTrumpo to be like Obama.
I want the Press to be just a little bit balanced instead of being propaganda tool of the Democrats.
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!
Does not matter; it's wrong. So you want OTrumpo to be like Obama.

I want the media to be fair and report it under Obama or any other empty suit Dim in power, but they don't.
I missed it. Where did you post it?
Here ya go:


Mexican kids held for months as punishment for border-crossing

Date of the article is 2015:

"LAREDO, Tex. — Last spring, as Central American children flooded into Texas in a way he had never seen in his three-decade career, Border Patrol agent Robert Harris decided to experiment.

His intelligence analysts estimated that 78 percent of the guides smuggling other migrants were Mexicans younger than 18 — teenagers often hired or conscripted by drug cartels that knew they would not be prosecuted if caught — and he wanted to attack this loophole.

“Why don’t we remove these juveniles from the smuggling cycle?” Harris, the outgoing commander of the Laredo sector of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, recalled thinking.

Now, as a result of that decision, young Mexicans are being held for months without charge in shelters across the United States, sometimes without their parents’ knowledge. Since the program began in May, 536 juveniles have been held — 248 of whom have been deported to Mexico after an average stay of 75 days, according to Border Patrol statistics. Mexican authorities say some of these repeat border-crossers have spent as much as six months in U.S. custody while they await an appearance before an immigration judge."

Not another under educated white boy who doesn't know the origin of snowflake?
The original pro slavery boys?
Maybe he does and is proud

You obviously missed the numerous repeat postings of the article about how the Democrats adopted the term to initially describe other Democrats who became increasingly offended by anything and everything.

And 'white boy'? Once again - something else often brought up on this board - I am Native American, 'genius'. :p

Thanks for proving you could npot ne more wrong about EVERYTHING if your life depended on it. Bwuhahahaha........
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!
Does not matter; it's wrong. So you want OTrumpo to be like Obama.

I want the media to be fair and report it under Obama or any other empty suit Dim in power, but they don't.
So Trump is just as bad as Obama, yet you support the Orange Dump. OK.
Come on Republicans......time to man up and own your immigration policy

You consider Mexicans to be a menace and a class of people you do not want in this country

Capturing families and pulling children away from their parents is meant to send a message not to come.

Own it

It was being done before Trump was President, so own it!
Does not matter; it's wrong. So you want OTrumpo to be like Obama.
I want the Press to be just a little bit balanced instead of being propaganda tool of the Democrats.
The Press takes it too easy on Trump

Any other politician who said and did what Trump has would be driven out of office
So the angle on this rationalization of the policy of brutality is that Trump is no better than Obama. You sure you want to go with that?
So what your saying is we should all ignore what was done during the Obama administration because TRUUUUUUUP !!!!!!!!

No. Please continue. But keep in mind, Obama hasn't been in office for over a year or so...you're stating Trump cannot solve problems whenever you play the "what about" game.
But why then did Obama blame everything on Bush?

How well did it work for Obama and the Democrats? PS: He discontinued many of the policies that Bush had enacted. He kept some.
At this point the trump defenders are just reposting the same debunked and deflective links and comments over and over. Republicans can't get away from trump fast enough on this shameful policy he instigated and then tried to lie about. Even his wife is attempting to distance herself away from his despicable program of kidnapping, holding babies, toddlers and small children hostage for his stupid wall that he is so obsessed with.
Does anyone remember any of the boards libs starting any threads and being outraged, years ago about the issue of separating families during Obama's presidency ?

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It
May 8, 2018, 6:16pm Tina Vasquez

A program that detains male Mexican migrants near the border and repatriates them far from their area of origin ramped up under the Obama administration—and often led to family separation.

The Alien Transfer Exit Program

The United States since 2008 has had a policy called the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), which detains male Mexican migrants near the border and, instead of repatriating them to their area of origin, leaves them hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of miles away at the opposite end of the U.S.-Mexico border. They are often released from custody at unusual times of day in completely unfamiliar areas where they have no family or other support system. The practice is supposed to deter further border crossing attempts, but instead it subjects migrants to crime and danger.

In 2011, the Alien Transfer Exit Program affected an estimated one-fifth of migrants detained by Border Patrol along the southwest border. That’s because ATEP ramped up under the Obama administration as a way to handle the spike in Mexican migrants attempting to enter the United States.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It - Rewire.News
It was not a policy then.
Obama separated people who were not related.
Our KKK sessions little man is separating families who are legal.
And bragging about it

The practice of separating immigrant families at the border isn’t new.

The Alien Transfer Exit Program

The United States since 2008 has had a policy called the Alien Transfer Exit Program (ATEP), which detains male Mexican migrants near the border and, instead of repatriating them to their area of origin, leaves them hundreds—and sometimes thousands—of miles away at the opposite end of the U.S.-Mexico border. They are often released from custody at unusual times of day in completely unfamiliar areas where they have no family or other support system. The practice is supposed to deter further border crossing attempts, but instead it subjects migrants to crime and danger.

In 2011, the Alien Transfer Exit Program affected an estimated one-fifth of migrants detained by Border Patrol along the southwest border. That’s because ATEP ramped up under the Obama administration as a way to handle the spike in Mexican migrants attempting to enter the United States.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It - Rewire.News
None of those links about this happening under Obama really address the issue. They do not address the main points of families being separated, particularly babies, toddlers and small children being separated from their mothers or kids in general being separated from both parents.
To bad the parents put their kids through this. CPS would likely take them anyway with such poor parenting

Mexican immigrants are good parents, trying to find a better life for their children here.

Far better parents that many of our rural living native born citizens.
funny you didn't pull a link for a leftist paper. hahahaahahahahaa Aljazeera.
Funny how since the whole time you been babbling you haven't refuted any point I made -- let alone cited any links to support your narrative

So I will repeat it -- when your whole core belief is to be against what the black guy did -- I will continue to make you look like a fool.

Latinos to protest Obama's immigration policies - CNNPolitics
A Trump lovers reply "CNN doesn't count, fake news!!!"

Hundreds protest Obama's immigration policy in South Texas

A Trump lovers reply - That's a local newspaper from San Antonio and lots of brown people live there -- fake news!!!
what is there to refute? I don't lie. I just follow the links. thanks for the additional ones. So what you're saying is that what is being done today was done back in 2014 and so the two presidents are consistent with policy. that's good. thanks. So what is the main point again with the issue then?
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.
How do you feel about felony child endangerment? Seems to Me that dragging children across a desert in the company of criminals certainly qualifies.
Funny how since the whole time you been babbling you haven't refuted any point I made -- let alone cited any links to support your narrative

So I will repeat it -- when your whole core belief is to be against what the black guy did -- I will continue to make you look like a fool.

Latinos to protest Obama's immigration policies - CNNPolitics
A Trump lovers reply "CNN doesn't count, fake news!!!"

Hundreds protest Obama's immigration policy in South Texas

A Trump lovers reply - That's a local newspaper from San Antonio and lots of brown people live there -- fake news!!!
what is there to refute? I don't lie. I just follow the links. thanks for the additional ones. So what you're saying is that what is being done today was done back in 2014 and so the two presidents are consistent with policy. that's good. thanks. So what is the main point again with the issue then?
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.
How do you feel about felony child endangerment? Seems to Me that dragging children across a desert in the company of criminals certainly qualifies.
Their parents? In caravans with plenty of food and water and shade? On highways to entry points?
Mexican immigrants are good parents, trying to find a better life for their children here.

Far better parents that many of our rural living native born citizens.

They need to untuck their tales, and fix things in their own country instead of breaking our immigration laws.
Mexican immigrants are good parents, trying to find a better life for their children here.

Far better parents that many of our rural living native born citizens.

They need to untuck their tales, and fix things in their own country instead of breaking our immigration laws.
Yep, these infiltrators are making our country like the shit holes from which they flee. Many places in So California make it hard to tell the difference

what is there to refute? I don't lie. I just follow the links. thanks for the additional ones. So what you're saying is that what is being done today was done back in 2014 and so the two presidents are consistent with policy. that's good. thanks. So what is the main point again with the issue then?
Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.
How do you feel about felony child endangerment? Seems to Me that dragging children across a desert in the company of criminals certainly qualifies.
Their parents? In caravans with plenty of food and water and shade? On highways to entry points?

it is much abused

Wow, you deny being a liar and as proof tell a lie.
Oh, by the way, the answer to your question "what is the main point again with the issue...." is the issue is about separating families of legal asylum seekers at the border, something no other Presidents or administrations has ever done. It is not about immigration in general or illegal border crossers. It is about the refugees who come as families and seek asylum as refugees and have their children separated from them as a deterrent to other refugees seeking asylum.
dude, I'm all for putting them all back on a truck and sending them home. Why are you against that? you'd prefer they all be detained? hmmm you're mean.
I am not opposed to them being returned if due process is followed. It is not my fault or the refugees fault if there are not enough prosecutors, defense lawyers or judges to process the refugees right to due process. So, no, I am not in favor of violating the Constitution just because our President and his administration in incompetent.
How do you feel about felony child endangerment? Seems to Me that dragging children across a desert in the company of criminals certainly qualifies.
Their parents? In caravans with plenty of food and water and shade? On highways to entry points?

it is much abused

Prove that "it is much abused"

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