Did Reggie Help Obama Change Views on Gay Marriage?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Seems plausible


Obama Vacationed Alone With Reggie Love, Bans Media from Taking Pictures

The contents of this post may be upsetting to some of you unrepentant Obama apologists. You may want to sit this one out and wait for the next post which will be up shortly.

For years there have been rumors about President Barack Obama's sexual preferences. To understand why I am entertaining the rumors today, I have to take you back to November 2011, when Obama's "body man" Reggie Love resigned from his manufactured position as "deputy political director" to Mr. Obama.

At the time, the WH press pool that follows Obama everywhere speculated quietly that the president and Mr. Love had broken up. The rumor mongers within the press pool speculated that Love was asked to resign -- so close to the November elections -- because "compromising" pictures from his college days had surfaced online -- and the pics were zooming along the Internet highway at such a rapid pace that the White House could not contain them.

According to this blog, the pictures purportedly showed a "heavily inebriated" Mr. Love performing a homosexual act on another male.

Obama Vacationed Alone With Reggie Love, Bans Media from Taking Pictures
Jeeze dude.......................Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years now. Do you have to keep bringing him up?

Oh wait..................the louder you scream about something Obama did a long time ago, you think that will help Trump cover over his current mistakes.
Jeeze dude.......................Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years now. Do you have to keep bringing him up?

Oh wait..................the louder you scream about something Obama did a long time ago, you think that will help Trump cover over his current mistakes.
I'm just curious what made Obama change positions

Jeeze dude.......................Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years now. Do you have to keep bringing him up?

Oh wait..................the louder you scream about something Obama did a long time ago, you think that will help Trump cover over his current mistakes.
I'm just curious what made Obama change positions


Probably the many gay rights activists who have been working for marriage equality for many years are what changed his mind. Why do you have to go for the gay accusing angle, every time?
Obama is in the news daily criticizing Trump, and campaigned for a bunch of candidates that ALL LOST. However, he is still in politics, and in the media. He is fair game. The fact that he may be Gay has no bearing on our ability to comment on someone that is still very politically active.
Who couldn't figure out at Obama was a pole-smoker? I mean damn, he was almost flaming.

But it didn't begin with Reggie Love. Obama was exchanging oral favors to other men for cocaine, long before he met his soulmate.
Many Americans had changed their position on gay marriage in the last couples decades. The OP needs to pretend Obama’s “homosexuality” was the reason for his, but that’s only because he’s retarded.
IDK if Love influenced Ears on SSM but there is no doubt Obama has smoked more than a few poles.
Jeeze dude.......................Obama has been out of office for almost 2 years now. Do you have to keep bringing him up?

Oh wait..................the louder you scream about something Obama did a long time ago, you think that will help Trump cover over his current mistakes.
If I remember correctly , for the full 8 years the 1/2 white faggot muslim was in office, all you did was blame BUSH....You are such a stupid douche bag...
IDK if Love influenced Ears on SSM but there is no doubt Obama has smoked more than a few poles.

Well I'll state this as succinctly and eloquently as possible:

No half-black Affirmative Action "community organizer" could ever become President, without slobbering a few knobs.

Like they say in Hollyweird: "It's not who ya know, it's who ya blow..."
Many Americans had changed their position on gay marriage in the last couples decades. The OP needs to pretend Obama’s “homosexuality” was the reason for his, but that’s only because he’s retarded.
yeah, I wonder why Americans changed their position over the last 2 decades. The constant in your face, if you dont accept homos as normal you are a homophobe, bullshit cowered the precious little pajama boys and the rich bitch girls into submission... Well, I have taught my kids that homosexuality is not only immoral but unnatural and should not be accepted as normal.. If you want to be a US citizen and fuck who ever behind closed doors, I couldn't care less, but if and when you get HIV, dont come to me demanding I pay for your meds. You poked the place full of diseases, you deal with your actions...Libertarian/conservative, that is what we feel about you...

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals
Many Americans had changed their position on gay marriage in the last couples decades. The OP needs to pretend Obama’s “homosexuality” was the reason for his, but that’s only because he’s retarded.
yeah, I wonder why Americans changed their position over the last 2 decades. The constant in your face, if you dont accept homos as normal you are a homophobe, bullshit cowered the precious little pajama boys and the rich bitch girls into submission... Well, I have taught my kids that homosexuality is not only immoral but unnatural and should not be accepted as normal.. If you want to be a US citizen and fuck who ever behind closed doors, I couldn't care less, but if and when you get HIV, dont come to me demanding I pay for your meds. You poked the place full of diseases, you deal with your actions...Libertarian/conservative, that is what we feel about you...

12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals

No one cares if you support homosexuality or not. The gay community doesn't need assholes such as yourself as allies. You keep failing to recognize this fact, but you're just not that important in our lives, Mary.
Is this turning into a weird meat-gazer's thread?

I'm outta here.
Is this turning into a weird meat-gazer's thread?

I'm outta here.

No, it’s just the daily “I am so tired of having fags shoved in my face, but seemingly can’t stop taking about them!” thread. This forum talks about homos more than some gay media outlets.
Is this turning into a weird meat-gazer's thread?

I'm outta here.

No, it’s just the daily “I am so tired of having fags shoved in my face, but seemingly can’t stop taking about them!” thread. This forum talks about homos more than some gay media outlets.
Notice how the butt fucker doesn't debate me on the issue of HIV and having US pay for the medicines to keep him alive? Just averts the issue again calling us names, but then when it is crunch time and they are dying of Aids, then it is please , oh please, give me support so I can have my meds..

For Americans with HIV, there are many obstacles to successful treatment
¶ About 1.2 million Americans are infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Of that total, 80 percent know they are infected; 62 percent have sought medical care after diagnosis; 41 percent have stayed in care; 36 percent are receiving life-extending antiretroviral drugs; and 28 percent have no HIV detectable in their bloodstream as a result of treatment. ¶
IV infection is an ailment associated with poverty, denial, prejudice and risky behavior. Unlike nearly every other infectious disease, it requires meticulous, lifelong therapy, which also happens to be expensive, averaging $25,000 a year. Half of the money goes for pills, which must be taken every day.
Like a woman's choice to have an abortion, I dont give a rats ass if she execute all those future democrat voters, but I sure as hell dont have to pay for the procedures. You spread the legs you pay the punishment, you pork the poopshoot you pay for the punishment...….
Many Americans had changed their position on gay marriage in the last couples decades. The OP needs to pretend Obama’s “homosexuality” was the reason for his, but that’s only because he’s retarded.
I didn’t know obama was retarded! Explains a lot though.
Obama didn't change his position on gay marriage because of some guy's ass, but because of some guy's poll results. He would still be against gay marriage as most African Americans were when he was elected if he still thought most of that demographic supported said position.

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