Did republican committee press conference present any proof of a crime?

And I want a pony, but nobody will give me one.
But maybe there isn't a good reason to give you a pony. There was a good reason for the trial to be moved out of Manhattan where Trump could not get a fair trial, or even anything close. I know Manhattan. I was born & raised there, went to school and college there, and lived there for 30 years.

No place on earth is more insanely liberal and anti-Trump than there. That jury's mind was made up the day they signed on. Lowlifes like Bragg and Carol know that. That's why they showed up without any evidence.
The thing I remember most about Ivanka though, was all those beautiful pictures mother and child pictures that she posted on her Instagram page, on the day that the press learned her father was separating families at the southern border.

Heartless and uncaring doesn’t begin to cover it.
What American arrested or convicted criminal going to jail, is not separated from his family?
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I just watched the entire repub press conference, and read the transcript. I didn't find any proof of a specific crime that was supposed to have been committed. Can somebody please indicate the specific point in the news conference where proof of a specific crime was mentioned? There is no shortage of innuendo, bur republicans have never had a problem supplying unlimited amounts of that.
to answer your OP, yes there was evidence presented that suggests there are criminal activity
I think it’s a fair representation of the morality of the Trump family.

No, my my posts are definitely based on facts and reality.

She knew her boob was hanging out in public and she didn’t care. She just strolled down the runway and let the strap on the dress fall.

She also did that skivvy “Daddy’s girl” photo shoot for Vanity Fair when she was 13, but I blame her parents for that one given that she was well below the age of consent.

Melania was such a good role model for her growing up and I’m sure she gave Ivanka tips on the right nipple rouge ro wear.
Should have been BOTH boobs. :muahaha:

Did republican committee press conference present any proof of a crime?​

Idiot, they have seen the proof, from what the CIA eyewitness whistleblower has testified to, to the many bank documents examined in the skiff. What did you think, they were going to prove the case to your stupid TV you moron?

They still have several more banks to subpoena as the Biden Deep State drags its heels for all they're worth to save your little commie criminal from going to prison too soon.
Suggests isn't evidence. Trials require PROOF, not speculation.
um the records aren’t speculation, the lies aren’t speculation

i do think more is required for a jury to find any guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. But we aren’t at that stage

the question was if there was evidence of crime. The answer is yes
There's plenty of credible evidence against Biden
Clearly not, otherwise it would have been presented.

Conservatives subscribing to this thread, Congressional Republicans, are all dishonest and liars – contriving baseless claims against President Biden in a failed, pathetic attempt to deflect from Republican corruption and criminality; Trump and Santos being the more infamous examples.
More accusations. Try some proof with the accusations. Republicans have provided no evidence.
Call any solar panel installer and ask them.... or try and find a solar panel manufacture in America.... before Obama and Biden we led the world in panel manufacturing.... all those entrepreneurs closed up shop... couldn't compete with China with the EPA regulations we put on them... sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with idiots on this board....
China leads the world in solar and wind... if you think that was an accident think again... then ask yourself how Obama and Biden got so rich as public servants....
Wasting time? You mean like that silly press conference yesterday?
The committee is not done with their investigation....What they did is keep America up to date with what they are uncovering so far, and it looks horrible for Democrats...

We don't have the conclusions yet because it hasn't concluded, but this is how you people try to wave off getting your hands in the cookie jar slapped...Trying to say that there is nothing there because you want the conclusion before all of the steps have been taken is ridiculous...

My actual advice to you is that you keep your powder dry until the day when the final report is done, because now you just look foolish.
More accusations. Try some proof with the accusations. Republicans have provided no evidence.
The evidence is in the committee's hands, and they will reveal it when the investigation is concluded. Until then suck on it just like you guy's would tell us concerning Trump.
but you solely blame Donald. Where was she? Mom usually has something to say about what her daughter does.

They were divorced 4 years before that photo shoot. I can’t imagine Donald Trump even discussed this with her. It’s not like he has any respect for the opinion of women. Or there anything that she might say will change his mind about doing it.
I just watched the entire repub press conference, and read the transcript. I didn't find any proof of a specific crime that was supposed to have been committed. Can somebody please indicate the specific point in the news conference where proof of a specific crime was mentioned? There is no shortage of innuendo, bur republicans have never had a problem supplying unlimited amounts of that.
the buydem crime group does a great job of secretly making all their family member rich off foreign kickbacks....nice
But maybe there isn't a good reason to give you a pony. There was a good reason for the trial to be moved out of Manhattan where Trump could not get a fair trial, or even anything close. I know Manhattan. I was born & raised there, went to school and college there, and lived there for 30 years.

No place on earth is more insanely liberal and anti-Trump than there. That jury's mind was made up the day they signed on. Lowlifes like Bragg and Carol know that. That's why they showed up without any evidence.
Quit whining.

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