Did republican committee press conference present any proof of a crime?

They made a lot of money since 2016. Book deals, and lots of them. The Town and Country article details where that $120 million came from, how they left office in debt and worked their way out of it with speaking engagements and book deals.

They also got a lot of money from Putin...largely to get then Sec Clinton to side with him on issues, such as sanctions...it was part of the "great reset" = or great Putin bank deposit.

Hillary Clinton sided with Russia on sanctions as Bill made $500G on Moscow speech​

“If you want to talk about having relationships with Russia, I'd look no further than the Clintons,” Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said at a briefing last week. “Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars to give a speech to a Russian bank, personally thanked by President Putin.”

The former president indeed had received a personal call from then-Prime Minister Vladimir Putin expressing his appreciation for the speech. According to Mrs. Clinton’s ethics disclosure form filed while she was secretary of State, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by the Russia-based finance company Renaissance Capital for his June 29, 2010, speech in Moscow to its employees and guests attending the company's annual conference.

The speech is now coming back to haunt the Clintons, considering the company that cut the check was allegedly tied to the scandal that spurred the Global Magnitsky Act, a bill that imposed sanctions on Russians designated as human-rights abusers and eventually would become law in 2012.
If you have a dead body, you have evidence a crime has been committed. There is nothing suspicious about the Biden bank records. Not one thing.

All of the amounts track and tally with the amounts reported by the banks. Everything is accounted for and nothing is hidden.

The GOP doesn’t have any evidence that any crime has been committed.
huh? a dead body isn't evidence of a crime...people die all the time....what people don't do all the time is get millions of dollars from foreign countries, that their father happens to be dealing with in his Govt role.

Try again
Why don’t you ask Donald? He’s the one who had a 13-year-old daughter posing on his bed in a short skirt and a come hither gaze.

There are lots of pictures of a teenage Ivanka and her father, and none of him with any of their other of his other children at the same age. Many of these picture are inappropriate and creepy.
Ivana had custody, you want to blame Donald and pretend she didn't exist.
huh? a dead body isn't evidence of a crime...people die all the time....what people don't do all the time is get millions of dollars from foreign countries, that their father happens to be dealing with in his Govt role.

Try again

The fact that people got millions of dollars from foreign countries is meaningless unless you have evidence that these payments were illegal, or for illegal purposes.

During the same timeframe, members of the Trump family received hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries, including China and you find nothing nefarious or illegal with Junior getting a $500 million loan from China and Trump lifting tariffs on Chinese tech corporations two days later.

Donald Trump took $11 million out of a super secret Chinese bank account after he was elected, and you said nothing.

Ivanka received dozens of personal trade, works as a gift from Chairman Xi and you said nothing.

Do you have a real double standard going on here and the problem is that there is evidence that the trumps received corrupt payments from foreign governments, including billions of dollars in cash.

But let’s investigate Halle Biden getting $35,000 on an investment in the Chinese energy company.
Why don’t you ask Donald? He’s the one who had a 13-year-old daughter posing on his bed in a short skirt and a come hither gaze.

There are lots of pictures of a teenage Ivanka and her father, and none of him with any of their other of his other children at the same age. Many of these picture are inappropriate and creepy.
what is inapprociate about an adult model posing? That's what models do.

What's creepy is a dad showering with his middle school age daughter...actually that's beyond creepy...that's just straight up sexual abusing your child.....
The fact that people got millions of dollars from foreign countries is meaningless unless you have evidence that these payments were illegal, or for illegal purposes.

During the same timeframe, members of the Trump family received hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries, including China and you find nothing nefarious or illegal with Junior getting a $500 million loan from China and Trump lifting tariffs on Chinese tech corporations two days later.

Donald Trump took $11 million out of a super secret Chinese bank account after he was elected, and you said nothing.

Ivanka received dozens of personal trade, works as a gift from Chairman Xi and you said nothing.

Do you have a real double standard going on here and the problem is that there is evidence that the trumps received corrupt payments from foreign governments, including billions of dollars in cash.

But let’s investigate Halle Biden getting $35,000 on an investment in the Chinese energy company.
what legal business were the Xiden family in?

We know the Trump Organization did, they were real estate development company.

hahah there was nothing "super secret" about the CHinese bank account, China law requires businesses to have bank accounts in this country if they are doing business there...that's publicly known....and we know the Trump Organization did...they develop real estate...

Again, what legal business were the Xiden family in? Please...tell us

hahaha a 300 page report, by the dembots, on a probe, that hasn't been completed? hahahha and how do they know the names of the whisleblowers? hahah they are whisleblowers....

it's a 300 page report attacking three people...haha

Jordan hasn't released a report on the investigation....

It’s unusual for a committee to reveal the substance of private, transcribed interviews, something Democrats acknowledge by saying it is not a tactic they would use “in the ordinary course of business.”

The decision to do so drew fire from Republicans on the panel.

“It is beyond disappointing, but sadly not surprising, that Democrats would leak cherry-picked excerpts of testimony to attack the brave whistleblowers who risked their careers to speak out on abuses at the Justice Department and FBI. These same Democrats vowed to fight our oversight ‘tooth and nail,’ and they are willing to undermine the work of the Congress to achieve their partisan goals,” Russell Dye, spokesman for Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), said in a statement.

The 300 page "report" is a sad desperate and unprecedented attempt by the Demafascsit to obstruct oversight, and to play to their base with propaganda.

I do love from the clip how Raskin is bitching about being called a Democrat hahahah funny stuff
what is inapprociate about an adult model posing? That's what models do.

What's creepy is a dad showering with his middle school age daughter...actually that's beyond creepy...that's just straight up sexual abusing your child.....

Ivanka was not an “adult model”, she was a 13 years old in suggestive poses on her father’s bed.

what legal business were the Xiden family in?

We know the Trump Organization did, they were real estate development company.

hahah there was nothing "super secret" about the CHinese bank account, China law requires businesses to have bank accounts in this country if they are doing business there...that's publicly known....and we know the Trump Organization did...they develop real estate...

Again, what legal business were the Xiden family in? Please...tell us

Hunter Biden is a lawyer and business consultant. Republicans keep promoting this fiction that Hunter Biden is just a drug addled loser who has no marketable skills and is just trading on his name. Quite frankly, the same thing could be said about Donald Trump, Junior.

Biden also has friends and associates with whom he does has been doing business for year. And while he may be trading on his name that’s not illegal.

Posting Trump cult talking points about the Bidens shows what a gullible fool you are.

Evidence. You have no evidence of any illegal activities. None.
Ivanka was not an “adult model”, she was a 13 years old in suggestive poses on her father’s bed.

Hunter Biden is a lawyer and business consultant. Republicans keep promoting this fiction that Hunter Biden is just a drug addled loser who has no marketable skills and is just trading on his name. Quite frankly, the same thing could be said about Donald Trump, Junior.

Biden also has friends and associates with whom he does has been doing business for year. And while he may be trading on his name that’s not illegal.

Posting Trump cult talking points about the Bidens shows what a gullible fool you are.

Evidence. You have no evidence of any illegal activities. None.
1) I thought you said she was 18...oh well...minors model too...models pose

2) what was he lawyering or business consulting in this countries that just happened to be countries his father was involved in with his role in Govt.

yes, the trump organization has been a real estate development company for decades, we know what they do.

What business was the Xiden family doing business with for years? Just tell us.
hahaha a 300 page report, by the dembots, on a probe, that hasn't been completed? hahahha and how do they know the names of the whisleblowers? hahah they are whisleblowers....

it's a 300 page report attacking three people...haha

Jordan hasn't released a report on the investigation....

It’s unusual for a committee to reveal the substance of private, transcribed interviews, something Democrats acknowledge by saying it is not a tactic they would use “in the ordinary course of business.”

The decision to do so drew fire from Republicans on the panel.

“It is beyond disappointing, but sadly not surprising, that Democrats would leak cherry-picked excerpts of testimony to attack the brave whistleblowers who risked their careers to speak out on abuses at the Justice Department and FBI. These same Democrats vowed to fight our oversight ‘tooth and nail,’ and they are willing to undermine the work of the Congress to achieve their partisan goals,” Russell Dye, spokesman for Chair Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), said in a statement.

The 300 page "report" is a sad desperate and unprecedented attempt by the Demafascsit to obstruct oversight, and to play to their base with propaganda.

I do love from the clip how Raskin is bitching about being called a Democrat hahahah funny stuff

It appears that you have limited comprehension of anything that is happening here at all. You don’t seem to understand any of the processes or requirements for oversight or investigation.

Any attempts to enlighten you on the investigative process seems to confuse you further. You’re appear to believe that investigators can just make up shit, and then try to prove it happened.

This is why all of your investigations into the so-called “wrongdoing” of Democrats has failed. You start with a conclusion, and then work to prove it be true.

Strzok, McCabe and Lisa Page all sued the Trump Administration. Everyone that Donald Trump has slandered, threatened, and defamed, has sued and all of the cases which have been settled and decided have gone against Trump.

Peter Strzok

Andrew McCabe

Lisa Page

And of course, E. Jean Carroll.

The Biden family now has serious grounds to go after the Republican Party for judicial harassment, and violation of their constitutional right of protection them from unreasonable search and seizure.

Democrats are getting fed up with these phoney allegations, leading nowhere. False allegations, accusations made on no evidence, judicial harassment.

I guess you haven’t been sufficiently embarrassed by the Durham investigation or 25+ Clinton investigations which produced no corruption charges against anyone in the Clinton administration.

Get back to us when you come up with some evidence, because the lawsuits are going to keep coming, and Republicans are going to continue to lose if they don’t start basing their investigations on evidence and facts, and not their hopes of finding something that they can use to undermine their political enemies.
Poor leftards, now Obama staffers are outing Biden's influence peddling and saying it wasn't Hunter but Joe who was the mastermind.
1) I thought you said she was 18...oh well...minors model too...models pose

2) what was he lawyering or business consulting in this countries that just happened to be countries his father was involved in with his role in Govt.

yes, the trump organization has been a real estate development company for decades, we know what they do.

What business was the Xiden family doing business with for years? Just tell us.

She was 18 when the nip slip photo was taken. 13 for the much creepier Vanity Fair shoot.

13 year olds are never used for sexually suggestive photo shoots outside of kitty porn websites.

There is a huge outcry when these pictures were published and that Vanity Fair used them. They’ve now been all but scrubbed from the internet.

what actual records showing a crime have been shared?

This is nothing more than a tit for tat show because they are pissed about the Jan 6 committee findings.
Has there ever been another crime family/corporation/entity of any kind that has generated 170 suspicious activity reports for shady bank transaction other that the Biden Crime Family Syndicate?

This is where you deflect, Simp.
The fact that people got millions of dollars from foreign countries is meaningless unless you have evidence that these payments were illegal, or for illegal purposes.

During the same timeframe, members of the Trump family received hundreds of millions of dollars from foreign countries, including China and you find nothing nefarious or illegal with Junior getting a $500 million loan from China and Trump lifting tariffs on Chinese tech corporations two days later.

Donald Trump took $11 million out of a super secret Chinese bank account after he was elected, and you said nothing.

Ivanka received dozens of personal trade, works as a gift from Chairman Xi and you said nothing.

Do you have a real double standard going on here and the problem is that there is evidence that the trumps received corrupt payments from foreign governments, including billions of dollars in cash.

But let’s investigate Halle Biden getting $35,000 on an investment in the Chinese energy company.
Bring links backing up your claims, liar.
She was 18 when the nip slip photo was taken. 13 for the much creepier Vanity Fair shoot.

13 year olds are never used for sexually suggestive photo shoots outside of kitty porn websites.

There is a huge outcry when these pictures were published and that Vanity Fair used them. They’ve now been all but scrubbed from the internet.

Octogenarian KKKanadian spinster obsessing over an 18 year old’s nipple.

What a perv.
I just watched the entire repub press conference, and read the transcript. I didn't find any proof of a specific crime that was supposed to have been committed. Can somebody please indicate the specific point in the news conference where proof of a specific crime was mentioned? There is no shortage of innuendo, bur republicans have never had a problem supplying unlimited amounts of that.
I didn't realize they had to. According to dems, impeachment is whatever the House says impeachment is. And, Democrats impeached Trump claiming the Senate had to find the evidence to remove Trump from office.
Has there ever been another crime family/corporation/entity of any kind that has generated 170 suspicious activity reports for shady bank transaction other that the Biden Crime Family Syndicate?

This is where you deflect, Simp.

The Trump family generated literally thousands of them because every international transaction over $10,000, is reported by every bank in the USA. But in this case somebody leaked the Biden reports to Comer he’s been making up stories about them ever since.

Hunter Biden received $50,000 a month from Burisma for an extended period - five years I think. Every single one of those payments would have generated a report. In addition to his Directors salary, his consulting firm did work and were paid just over $1 million for that. That would account for a large portion of these reports right off the top.

Calling them “suspicious activity reports” is a misnomer. The purpose of the reporting is to track large sums of money, moving between countries, looking for funding for terrorists, money laundering, or racketerring. To do this, they ”report” all entries over $10,000. The idea being that law enforcement will look at these reports, and if they see patterns that disturb them more, they have other reasons to believe there is criminal activity, they can investigate further.

Given that there have been numerous investigations of Hunter Biden by various government agencies, including the IRS, both while Donald Trump was in office and since he left, it’s very possible that any or all of the FBI, IRS and Trump’s DOJ, and most certainly John Durham, all looked at these records and saw nothing worthy of further investigation.

Unless you’re a legal, accounting or tax specialist it all looks hinkey as hell. But on any of the kinds of high risk projects, everybody has an LLC in order to shield them from the risks if they go bad, and reduced taxes on the profits if they succeed.

Shareholder loans allow them to withdraw their seed capital with no zero implications at all. The repayment of the capital loan is fully tax deductible by the corporation, reducing taxable income, and tax free to the shareholder since it was his money in the first place.

Incorporate another LLC to own the building where you have your offices. Then charge tax deductibe rent to your consulting firm, reducing your profits. Then you use depreciation deductions on the building to wipe out any profit on the rent and voila, the rent money goes back into your pocket as a dividend, at a lower tax rate.

If your consulting firm, goes broke, your LLC still owns the building. Last, but not least, if you don’t entirely trust, one or all of the other people, you may be involved with in business, you’ve got shield shield of protection from them. That was always a concern when dealing with people you don’t really know from foreign countries.
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She was 18 when the nip slip photo was taken. 13 for the much creepier Vanity Fair shoot.

13 year olds are never used for sexually suggestive photo shoots outside of kitty porn websites.

There is a huge outcry when these pictures were published and that Vanity Fair used them. They’ve now been all but scrubbed from the internet.

Tell us again why Vanity Fair published that shot? It would seem to me that they bear ultimate responsibility for it, yet you have no vitriol whatsoever for them, even though you continue to wail about it.

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