Did republican committee press conference present any proof of a crime?

Is treason a crime?... is taking money from the CCP and taxing and regulating the American solar panel manufactures out of business so China could corner the market treason?....
No. Of course it is not treason.

You want to execute all the senators and congressmen involved?
The Trump family generated literally thousands of them because every international transaction over $10,000, is reported by every bank in the USA. But in this case somebody leaked the Biden reports to Comer he’s been making up stories about them ever since.

Hunter Biden received $50,000 a month from Burisma for an extended period - five years I think. Every single one of those payments would have generated a report. In addition to his Directors salary, his consulting firm did work and were paid just over $1 million for that. That would account for a large portion of these reports right off the top.

Calling them “suspicious activity reports” is a misnomer. The purpose of the reporting is to track large sums of money, moving between countries, looking for funding for terrorists, money laundering, or racketerring. To do this, they ”report” all entries over $10,000. The idea being that law enforcement will look at these reports, and if they see patterns that disturb them more, they have other reasons to believe there is criminal activity, they can investigate further.

Given that there have been numerous investigations of Hunter Biden by various government agencies, including the IRS, both while Donald Trump was in office and since he left, it’s very possible that any or all of the FBI, IRS and Trump’s DOJ, and most certainly John Durham, all looked at these records and saw nothing worthy of further investigation.

Unless you’re a legal, accounting or tax specialist it all looks hinkey as hell. But on any of the kinds of high risk projects, everybody has an LLC in order to shield them from the risks if they go bad, and reduced taxes on the profits if they succeed.

Shareholder loans allow them to withdraw their seed capital with no zero implications at all. The repayment of the capital loan is fully tax deductible by the corporation, reducing taxable income, and tax free to the shareholder since it was his money in the first place.

Incorporate another LLC to own the building where you have your offices. Then charge tax deductibe rent to your consulting firm, reducing your profits. Then you use depreciation deductions on the building to wipe out any profit on the rent and voila, the rent money goes back into your pocket as a dividend, at a lower tax rate.

If your consulting firm, goes broke, your LLC still owns the building. Last, but not least, if you don’t entirely trust, one or all of the other people, you may be involved with in business, you’ve got shield shield of protection from them. That was always a concern when dealing with people you don’t really know from foreign countries.
Literally thousands?

Gotta link, liar?
The Trump family generated literally thousands of them because every international transaction over $10,000, is reported by every bank in the USA. But in this case somebody leaked the Biden reports to Comer he’s been making up stories about them ever since.

Hunter Biden received $50,000 a month from Burisma for an extended period - five years I think. Every single one of those payments would have generated a report. In addition to his Directors salary, his consulting firm did work and were paid just over $1 million for that. That would account for a large portion of these reports right off the top.

Calling them “suspicious activity reports” is a misnomer. The purpose of the reporting is to track large sums of money, moving between countries, looking for funding for terrorists, money laundering, or racketerring. To do this, they ”report” all entries over $10,000. The idea being that law enforcement will look at these reports, and if they see patterns that disturb them more, they have other reasons to believe there is criminal activity, they can investigate further.

Given that there have been numerous investigations of Hunter Biden by various government agencies, including the IRS, both while Donald Trump was in office and since he left, it’s very possible that any or all of the FBI, IRS and Trump’s DOJ, and most certainly John Durham, all looked at these records and saw nothing worthy of further investigation.

Unless you’re a legal, accounting or tax specialist it all looks hinkey as hell. But on any of the kinds of high risk projects, everybody has an LLC in order to shield them from the risks if they go bad, and reduced taxes on the profits if they succeed.

Shareholder loans allow them to withdraw their seed capital with no zero implications at all. The repayment of the capital loan is fully tax deductible by the corporation, reducing taxable income, and tax free to the shareholder since it was his money in the first place.

Incorporate another LLC to own the building where you have your offices. Then charge tax deductibe rent to your consulting firm, reducing your profits. Then you use depreciation deductions on the building to wipe out any profit on the rent and voila, the rent money goes back into your pocket as a dividend, at a lower tax rate.

If your consulting firm, goes broke, your LLC still owns the building. Last, but not least, if you don’t entirely trust, one or all of the other people, you may be involved with in business, you’ve got shield shield of protection from them. That was always a concern when dealing with people you don’t really know from foreign countries.
what was Hunter and Uncle Xiden "consulting" these countries on? and what about Hallie? what was she consulting them on?
Tell us again why Vanity Fair published that shot? It would seem to me that they bear ultimate responsibility for it, yet you have no vitriol whatsoever for them, even though you continue to wail about it.

I guess you didn’t read my post where and I said I couldn’t believe Vanity Fair would publish such photos. Yes they took a lot of criticism for publish them and rightfully so.

There is no shortage of sexual exploitation of very young teenage girls. But there’s no other teenage girl who appeared in creepy pictures in her dad’s bed either.

Everyone involved should be ashamed of himself, but as a parent, Trump should have been protecting his daughter from such exploitation, not participating in it.

what was Hunter and Uncle Xiden "consulting" these countries on? and what about Hallie? what was she consulting them on?

Not everyone in a project is a consultant. Some of these people are simply shareholders looking for a return on investment. Their contribution is strictly financial. They may have LLCs as holding companies for their shares to insulate these investments from their broader portfolios or reduce taxes.

The riskier the investment, the more likely a person is to use every available means to shield yourself from further losses should anything go wrong.

If I were related to Hunter Biden, I might throw a few bucks at one of his deals, but he’s not exactly dealing with top shelf business partners here. Let’s put a little distance between us.
I guess you didn’t read my post where and I said I couldn’t believe Vanity Fair would publish such photos. Yes they took a lot of criticism for publish them and rightfully so.

There is no shortage of sexual exploitation of very young teenage girls. But there’s no other teenage girl who appeared in creepy pictures in her dad’s bed either.

Everyone involved should be ashamed of himself, but as a parent, Trump should have been protecting his daughter from such exploitation, not participating in it.

Not everyone in a project is a consultant. Some of these people are simply shareholders looking for a return on investment. Their contribution is strictly financial. They may have LLCs as holding companies for their shares to insulate these investments from their broader portfolios or reduce taxes.

The riskier the investment, the more likely a person is to use every available means to shield yourself from further losses should anything go wrong.

If I were related to Hunter Biden, I might throw a few bucks at one of his deals, but he’s not exactly dealing with top shelf business partners here. Let’s put a little distance between us.
1) haha ok
2) what business were the Xidens in? Please, it's a simple question. What business were they doing in the countries that Xiden happened to be involved in via his Govt role. What products or services were they providing?
haha what the f are you talking about? they have the bank records, they have shared their findings thus far with the public.

That’s not speculation.

This is the opposite of parody used by Shifty’s demafasict regime

Comer has to produce his evidence and whistleblowers, not just claim he has proof. Perhaps Comer is simply stupid. They found no wrong doing in the Romanian deal as well.

These old men are liars and conspiracy freaks like Trump.
1) haha ok
2) what business were the Xidens in? Please, it's a simple question. What business were they doing in the countries that Xiden happened to be involved in via his Govt role. What products or services were they providing?

Comer should be able to name the businesses. Why hasn't he?
Funny how your able to so easily dismiss the criminal actions of your low IQ President, while wanting so badly to imprison Trump for made up bs….

Says loads about your character…

Trump's IQ is low average.. what are you talking about? Trump's biggest problems are his dyslexia and his tiny dick. He can't read and he hates women.
Comer should be able to name the businesses. Why hasn't he?
Why should he be able to name something that doesn’t exist?

why can’t the Biden’s tell us what their businesses are? They have 20 and counting.
Why should he be able to name something that doesn’t exist?

why can’t the Biden’s tell us what their businesses are? They have 20 and counting.
You guys are so weirdly hung up on the LLC line because you clearly don’t understand what you’re talking about.

LLCs are nothing. They can be created and destroyed with a little paperwork. Trump has hundreds of them. Hell, Cohen made an LLC for the sole purposes of paying off Stormy Daniels.
Comer has to produce his evidence and whistleblowers, not just claim he has proof. Perhaps Comer is simply stupid. They found no wrong doing in the Romanian deal as well.

These old men are liars and conspiracy freaks like Trump.
Well first...no he doesn't...we saw that first hand with Adam Shifty....but, more importantly, he has taken the steps to not be like Shifty and has been transparent and shared publicly some of the evidence, they have of course not completely finished their probe.

Who found no wrong doing inthe Romanian deal? Link us to that report please.
Comer should be able to name the businesses. Why hasn't he?
He has, they did list the names of many of the many different LLCs....that's not the question...the question is what business were they in...what products or services did they provide?
I just watched the entire repub press conference, and read the transcript. I didn't find any proof of a specific crime that was supposed to have been committed. Can somebody please indicate the specific point in the news conference where proof of a specific crime was mentioned? There is no shortage of innuendo, bur republicans have never had a problem supplying unlimited amounts of that.
You keep forgetting that you vermin won't accept proof unless you agree with it.
I guess you didn’t read my post where and I said I couldn’t believe Vanity Fair would publish such photos. Yes they took a lot of criticism for publish them and rightfully so.

There is no shortage of sexual exploitation of very young teenage girls. But there’s no other teenage girl who appeared in creepy pictures in her dad’s bed either.

Everyone involved should be ashamed of himself, but as a parent, Trump should have been protecting his daughter from such exploitation, not participating in it.
Again, where was Mom? You continue to ignore her, even though she was the custodial parent. Why is that? Is it because you have no outrage left to spare for her and to criticize her would be to dilute your rant about TRUMP!?

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