Did republican committee press conference present any proof of a crime?

And what proof do you have to show all that is true?

The proof is that Hunter has no expertise or skills in consulting on any subject at all, and had never raised a finger to earn any of the millions he has been paid.
Did the Trump rape trial prove a crime?
What about the impeachment hearings?
The only difference is, Trump owes $5 million and Biden will win reelection.

Must be nice to be apart of the DNC crime syndicate.
Yes, hence the verdict.

Yes, the transcript of the call and actions leading up to J6.
But you haven't connected anyone to an illegal scheme of any kind. Your active imagination is not proof.

Sure, everyone has seen the video where Joe illegally calls for the firing of Shokin in the Ukraine, when it is totally illegal to fire a civil service Inspector General like that, unless you can show specific criminal activities.
Everyone has seen the billions the US started illegally pouring into the Ukraine even before the 2012 military coup.
Hunter Biden is not a foreign agent. He's a US citizen doing business overseas.

When he is selling influence over things like foreign aid, then he is supposed to register, and he did not.
But the laptop show he was selling meetings with his father Joe, so he did break the law by failing to register.
The only reason why Hunter could get off is that likely it was Joe who was running the show, and Hunter was just the bag man.
Perhaps you could point to something illegal that would make the answers to those questions anyone's business? Hannity can rile you up over anything, can't he? Come up with something that shows a crime occured, and you might have something.
So you have no answers.

Got it.
But you haven't connected anyone to an illegal scheme of any kind. Your active imagination is not proof.
I can say the same thing to you about every single Trump illegality you anti Trumpers have been coming up with....
The proof is that Hunter has no expertise or skills in consulting on any subject at all, and had never raised a finger to earn any of the millions he has been paid.
Bullshit. If you want to start crowd sourcing the decision of who a company might hire, and why, you'll have a hard time justifying that 2 Billion, yep, that's Billion with a B, that Jarad got. What do you think he is able to do that is worth 2 Billion?
Sure, everyone has seen the video where Joe illegally calls for the firing of Shokin in the Ukraine, when it is totally illegal to fire a civil service Inspector General like that, unless you can show specific criminal activities.
Everyone has seen the billions the US started illegally pouring into the Ukraine even before the 2012 military coup.
Wrong again. There was nothing illegal about Biden doing what the president sent him to do. What makes you think that was illegal? Can you name the law you think he broke?
I can say the same thing to you about every single Trump illegality you anti Trumpers have been coming up with....
You can say anything you want. It doesn't have to match reality. Most of what you post here doesn't match reality.
Bullshit. If you want to start crowd sourcing the decision of who a company might hire, and why, you'll have a hard time justifying that 2 Billion, yep, that's Billion with a B, that Jarad got. What do you think he is able to do that is worth 2 Billion?
Jared didn’t get 2 billion, liar.
You can say anything you want. It doesn't have to match reality. Most of what you post here doesn't match reality.
What you believe doesn't match reality... you know and I know you know that CNN PBS NBC and the others do not tell you the whole truth... they tell you what you want to believe and its way off... its the total opposite of the real story on every report...
You are the outcome of their dishonesty and bias.....

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