Did Republican lies about Planned Parenthood cause the killings?

How long will it take before the nutters on this board back the kook who killed three people at Planned Parenthood, like they backed that murderer zimmerman?
He's a socialist...
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

No, because there weren't any lies about Planned Parenthood. The lies come from Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party.
Isn't it wonderful to watch the demented leftist go out of their phony outraged minds?

  • Here’s Ted Cruz’s full statement on the Planned Parenthood shootings (Video)
    The Right Scoop ^ | Nov 30, 2015
    The media is reporting today that Ted Cruz has called the Planned Parenthood shooter a ‘transgender leftist’, but that’s not what he said at all. He was simply pointing to the fact that we don’t have enough information about the shooter to make a decision, and referenced our report that the shooter had been registered as a female on his voting record after the news reporter said it was reported that the shooter said ‘no more baby parts’. He wasn’t calling the shooter a transgender leftist, just saying there are reports suggesting it.Watch:Ted Cruz's Remark (Video)
Yes, directly or indirectly, and Republicans must be held accountable for their rabid anti-abortion terrorist rhetoric that will likely incite and inspire more murders.

Pigs in a blanket, fry em' like bacon.....Cop shot in back of head Houston TX gas station. one of many.

The PP videos were not proven edited. I saw a hag eat lunch, causally talk about scrap out parts. Disgusting.
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

Yes, directly or indirectly, and Republicans must be held accountable for their rabid anti-abortion terrorist rhetoric that will likely incite and inspire more murders.
Why arent you blaming Bush?

Remember when people tried to blame Sarah Palin for the attack on Gabrielle Giffords because one of her ads showed a cross hair?
Evidence indicates that PP does profit from the sale of human body parts despite CNN simply calling it a lie. Everyone from Hillary on down in the dizzy democrat party acknowledged it. Free speech is rhetoric when you don't agree with it. What have democrats been saying about corporations for the last decade while secretly taking money from them? When OWS was on a roll, left wing celebrity Roseane Barr called for internment camps and beheading of bankers who make more than 100 million. It only makes lefties look stupider than they are when they blame a maniac's actions on rhetoric.
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.
Planned Parenthood is not a reputable organization...
Yes it is.
Na, not really.
They sell butchered baby parts...
No asshole, it is called fetal tissue, but I wouldn't expect an uneducated, ignorant moron like yourself to understand the distinction between the two.

Only the educated are allowed to cut babies into pieces I guess.

Us uneducated raise them
Especially Carly. She said she saw the video and the selling of baby parts. A flat out lie. She should be apologizing.
Those photographers were shopping for parts and taping the transactions. Why didn't you watch all the videos?
Because they were heavily edited bullshit. What she said happened is illegal and even GOP governors haven't brought up charges. Why? No crime.

Republicans are such fucking jerks. Always want to charge people for something. And if there is nothing there, them make it up. They just flat out lie. Then they repeat the lie so often, they assume it must be true.

GOP are jerks
GOP are jerks.

If I say it often enough, then it must be true. Only it is true. I can stop saying it now.
Evidence indicates that PP does profit from the sale of human body parts despite CNN simply calling it a lie. Everyone from Hillary on down in the dizzy democrat party acknowledged it. Free speech is rhetoric when you don't agree with it. What have democrats been saying about corporations for the last decade while secretly taking money from them? When OWS was on a roll, left wing celebrity Roseane Barr called for internment camps and beheading of bankers who make more than 100 million. It only makes lefties look stupider than they are when they blame a maniac's actions on rhetoric.
You mean left wing comedian.

Have you ever seen right wing comedians? Like Dennis Miller or those guys from Fox's Red Eye?
They just aren't funny. Seems like the right revels in third rate and lies.
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

They sell the tissue, are you still living on Pluto?
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

No, because there weren't any lies about Planned Parenthood. The lies come from Planned Parenthood and the Democrat Party.
Yep. Even the folks hired to debunk the videos couldn't find the lies.
When some police officers were murdered sitting in their car at the height of the BLM protest when they were caught on tape saying at different marches pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon and what do we want dead cops when do we want them now were they are the Democrats who supported them ever held accountable for their rhetoric?
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

Are you serious? After ignoring the rhetoric of Sharpton, BLM and other idiots that got cops and whites killed across the country, you pick this to be outraged about?

The guy was a lunatic. You are more upset about that than the organized thugs calling for cold-blooded killings? Un-fucking-real.
Especially Carly. She said she saw the video and the selling of baby parts. A flat out lie. She should be apologizing.
Actually you are the liar. If you had any decency you would apologize.

Carly Fiorina accurately described O'Donnell's eyewitness narrative of the daily practice of fetal body parts harvesting at Planned Parenthood.

Here are quotes from the transcript.

O'Donnell: so then I hear her calling, ‘hey Holly, come over here. I want you to see something kinda cool. It’s kinda neat, so I’m over here, and the moment I see it, I’m just flabbergasted. This is the gestated fetus, and closest thing to a baby I’ve ever seen. She’s like, okay, I want to show you something. She has one of her instruments, and she just taps the heart and it starts beating. I’m sitting here, and I’m looking at this fetus, and it’s heart is beating, and I don’t know what to think.

O'Donnell again: It had a face. It wasn’t completely torn up, and its nose was very pronounced. It had eyelids and its mouth was pronounced, and then, since the fetus was so intact, she said, well, okay, this is a really good fetus and it looks like we can procure a lot from it. Um, we’re going to procure a brain, so the moment I heard that, that meant we’re going to have to cut the head open, we’re going to have to cut the head open. ‘So, okay, so what you do is you go through the face.’ I’m thinking, no, don’t do this, and she takes the scissors and she makes a small incision right here [O’Donnell points to her chin], and goes, I would say maybe a little through the mouth. She says, ‘okay, can you go the rest of the way,’ and I’m like…yes. And I didn’t want to do this. So she gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face, and I can’t even, like, describe what that feels like.
I have a question I see some pretty ugly hate filled rhetoric on this board sometimes and from both sides so has anyone ever wondered if something they have posted might have set someone off and caused them to commit an act of violence? Granted there is no way to know what could set someone we don't know off but yet so many sure seem to expect those they don't agree with to be able to do this.
Nope. Baby murderers caused the killings and seeing how even the cops are saying he didn't target PP its not really like it matters. Violence in defense of the unborn is no vice!
When some police officers were murdered sitting in their car at the height of the BLM protest when they were caught on tape saying at different marches pigs in a blanket fry em like bacon and what do we want dead cops when do we want them now were they are the Democrats who supported them ever held accountable for their rhetoric?

And we all remember "burn this mother down" now don't we.

I guess if babies were armed with an AK-47.........

All these creeps seem to want to do is dis"arm" them.

Sad really.
What do you think should be done about it? Prohibit anyone from speaking against planned parenthood? What a great idea!
You know, the women who donated the fetal tissue (in other words, had abortions and were asked if they would let the fetal tissue be used for scientific research) were told what it would be used for and asked if they were willing to donate.

BTW.................it costs money to harvest the tissue and store it. Ask any hospital that takes organs and such from a donor and ships it across the country to help someone else. Not only does the surgery cost money that harvests the liver, heart, lungs, etc. but it also costs money to keep it viable as well as costs money to ship it to where it is needed.

You people call Planned Parenthood butchers for keeping donated tissue viable. Will you also call the surgeons who take the donated organs of people who gave them willingly "butchers" as well?

Nope, sorry..............but this is a non story and you people who are rabidly pro life don't seem to understand what is going on.

If you call PP butchers, then you have to call those who harvest organs from donors butchers as well.
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

Yes, directly or indirectly, and Republicans must be held accountable for their rabid anti-abortion terrorist rhetoric that will likely incite and inspire more murders.
Maybe if more people get killed, it'll be smart to close those butcher shops.
Oh...so you support terrorism? How interesting.

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