Did Republican lies about Planned Parenthood cause the killings?

When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

A crazy guy caused the killings.

Blaming some aspect of his ramblings on recent events is flawed reasoning. Was Jody Foster responsible for the guy who shot President Reagan? Of course not.
When will planned psrenthood be held accountable for killing infants and selling their body parts?
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.

Killing babies? Oh wait, that's not the topic

Carry on

Blaming some aspect of his ramblings on recent events is flawed reasoning. Was Jody Foster responsible for the guy who shot President Reagan? Of course not.
There has never been a public movement calling for the murder of Reagan..

there is a movement and organizations who call for the assassination of Planned Parenthood staff.....
Blaming some aspect of his ramblings on recent events is flawed reasoning. Was Jody Foster responsible for the guy who shot President Reagan? Of course not.
There has never been a public movement calling for the murder of Reagan..

there is a movement and organizations who call for the assassination of Planned Parenthood staff.....

Reveal it then. Can make up whatever you like. Without evidence of it though everyone's gonna assume you're lying and/or wearing a tinfoil hat.

Reveal it then. Can make up whatever you like. Without evidence of it though everyone's gonna assume you're lying and/or wearing a tinfoil hat.
Sure sure bud its a fucking mystery LOL Gun men shouting Right wing lies p[ about body parts] goes in to Planned Parenthood and comes ouyt with blood on hands ...no one knows why big big enigma LOL
It’s a Giant Fcking Mystery Wrapped Inside A Riddle Inside an Enigma
Give me a break:

The shooter who killed three and injured several others at the site of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs remains something of an enigma, and while both sides of the political aisle have chimed in about the shooting it isn’t clear at all that he was particularly or specifically motivated by politics to commit his crimes:

If a Muslim man shot up a synagogue and told the cops “No more Jews,” would his motives be enigmatic?

If a black man shot a cop and said “fuck the police” while being arrested, would we have to wait to figure out his motivations?

But if a crazy loner gun nut shoots a bunch of people in front of a planned parenthood, carrying explosive devices with him, and states “No more baby parts,” which JUST SO FUCKING HAPPENS to be rhetoric tossed around by right to lifers the past few months, and it’s a GIANT FUCKING RIDDLE what his motivations might have been. It’s a real fucking whodunit. Lemme guess, you probably think Dr. Tiller’s killer just had a thing against lab coats.

Balloon Juice | It’s a Giant Fucking Mystery Wrapped Inside A Riddle Inside an Enigma
when that criminal bitch cop "GI Joe" committed suicide the mother fuckers from the Right wing said Black lives Matter killed the bitch Pig
Trump claims thousands of US Muslims celebrated 9/11 and was called out on his lie.

You're no better than he.
Trump claims thousands of US Muslims celebrated 9/11 and was called out on his lie.

You're no better than he.
I am much better than you though phony ass apologist
I am not running for President
and LOL there are preachers openly calling for murder of abortion providers...would like to see the video? I can provide it...Trump can't lol
When will Republicans be held accountable for their rhetoric?

Stop the lies against Planned Parenthood (Opinion) - CNN.com

According to CNN, the man who allegedly launched an armed assault at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado reportedly talked about "baby parts" to police. This appears to be a direct reference to a series of heavily edited videos used by anti-abortion extremists to suggest that Planned Parenthood profits off fetal tissue donation. This is a lie.

But right wing ideologues have continued to spread this lie despite the fact that the man who presumably believed in this falsehood went so far as to kill three people at the clinic. Shockingly, in the wake of the shooting, several Republican presidential candidates repeated the smear against Planned Parenthood.
Do not respond to trollers.

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