Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy?

Did Republicans pass the Failed Stimulus and Obamacare?

I was listening to government watchdogs yesterday that said the Obama administration is making a mockery of accountability practices.

He's able to access unlimited funds and spend it on anything he chooses and there is no way to track it. They know he's breaking the law but they can't prove it. Obama's White House explores every possible way to go around the system and still have plausible-deniability in every case. They've rigged the system and are fleecing the Treasury. 6 more months of this theft will cause massive cash shortages in every part of the federal government. There won't be enough left to pay the interest on the debt much less pay all of the benefits in Social Security, Medicare and unemployment which takes up the bulk of the federal budget.

LMAO. You are so fuking stupid you will believe anything. They KNOW he is breaking the law but can't prove it. Really? Known law breaking. Known by who? You? LMAO.
Did Republicans pass the Failed Stimulus and Obamacare?

I was listening to government watchdogs yesterday that said the Obama administration is making a mockery of accountability practices.

He's able to access unlimited funds and spend it on anything he chooses and there is no way to track it. They know he's breaking the law but they can't prove it. Obama's White House explores every possible way to go around the system and still have plausible-deniability in every case. They've rigged the system and are fleecing the Treasury. 6 more months of this theft will cause massive cash shortages in every part of the federal government. There won't be enough left to pay the interest on the debt much less pay all of the benefits in Social Security, Medicare and unemployment which takes up the bulk of the federal budget.

If you were the GAO and given an unlimited expense account to party hearty would you care what the presidebt made a mockery of?
Where have you been the past two years? The Republican House has passed several bills to do what you claim they are not doing. Need I remind you that the Democrat control of the Senate under hypocrite Dem. Leader Harry Reid has blocked every one of these bills from coming to the floor for debate and a vote. For Pete sake man if you are going to spout off at least find out what you are talking about.

You may think that we who want to be free and expect the government to protect those freedoms were born yesterday, but is was not last night!
SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers
Eight Years After Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Key Provisions Will Now Be Implemented
Washington, D.C., Sept. 19, 2007 - Ending eight years of stalled negotiations and impasse, the Commission today voted to adopt, jointly with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Board), new rules that will finally implement the bank broker provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. The Board will consider these final rules at its Sept. 24, 2007 meeting. The Commission and the Board consulted with and sought the concurrence of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Office of Thrift Supervision.
Where have you been the past two years? The Republican House has passed several bills to do what you claim they are not doing. Need I remind you that the Democrat control of the Senate under hypocrite Dem. Leader Harry Reid has blocked every one of these bills from coming to the floor for debate and a vote. For Pete sake man if you are going to spout off at least find out what you are talking about.

You may think that we who want to be free and expect the government to protect those freedoms were born yesterday, but is was not last night!

22 jobs Bills blocked, last I counted. Sad, huh?
The Bush admin refused to allow the protections in the GLBact that would have prevented this whole mess.

These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis -- Dems 2008

These two entities—Social Security and Medicare—are not facing any kind of financial crisis -- Dems 2012
These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis -- Dems 2008

These two entities—Social Security and Medicare—are not facing any kind of financial crisis -- Dems 2012

yep, and

Nov. 6, 2003, 4:50 p.m. EST

White House warns of GSE risks
Fannie, Freddie enjoy perception of backing, Mankiw says
one of many warnings, denied by the Dems
There are even videos of them before the sessions denying there was a problem. Sad, to think much of it may have been able to be contained, if only the Dems had listened.
Bush adviser warns of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac risks - MarketWatch
Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy?

Be it ideology or stratagem, the GOP has blocked pro-growth policy and backed job-killing austerity – all while blaming Obama

Why has job creation in America slowed to a crawl? Why, after several months of economic hope, are things suddenly turning sour? The culprits might seem obvious – uncertainty in Europe, an uneven economic recovery, fiscal and monetary policymakers immobilized and incapable of acting. But increasingly, Democrats are making the argument that the real culprit for the country's economic woes lies in a more discrete location: with the Republican Party.

In recent days, Democrats have started coming out and saying publicly what many have been mumbling privately for years – Republicans are so intent on defeating President Obama for re-election that they are purposely sabotaging the country's economic recovery. These charges are now being levied by Democrats such as Senate majority leader Harry Reid and Obama's key political adviser, David Axelrod.

i don't think baby bush intentionally crashed the economy. it's pretty clear that the GOP is intentinally keeping anything from getting done to make it better.

And despite that, it has gotten better... albeit slowly.
Well.. the downturn definitely started as soon as Harry And Nancy took over Congress in January of 2007..They completely F'd up their oversight responsibilities..

Housing Boom not the good kind

There is no doubt of this...NONE

Democrats should start their investigation or excuse list there, a what?

The housing bubble actually burst in 2006. The economic collapse that followed did not happen in a vaccuum, as much as you want it to. If you were intellectually honest, you would admit that the collapse did not magically happen in 2007 when dems were elected to a small majority. Also, if you were intellectually honest, you would admit that Frannie and Freddie did not cause the meltdown. But I don't expect a rightie to be intellectually honest or debate with facts. Ever.
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From the linked article.

But increasingly, Democrats are making the argument that the real culprit for the country's economic woes lies in a more discrete location: with the Republican Party.

What a surprise.
Did Republicans deliberately crash the US economy?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT29fq0slGc]Wall Street Got Drunk - YouTube[/ame]
Well of course we deliberately crashed the economy. We figured it was the best and fastest way for us to lose substantial portions of our net worth. And why the hell not since we're all gonna die soon from all that dirty air and water we're so in favor of too.

Your desperation is once again duly noted. See y'all on November 7th.
Might I remind folks that Bill Clinton signed the deregulation legislation into law rather than veto it. Regardless of what happened in Congress, he ultimately held the key and he turned it.

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