Did Somebody Get To Trey Gowdy?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
When the Clintons are involved, nothing would surprise me. So let's review. The next logical step after the Nunes/Gowdy memo, is to join the IG in taking a fresh look at Pantsuit's myriad of criminal activity during the 2016 campaign and her money-laundering "foundation". If you were Willy, fresh off eliminating Seth Rich to pin the DNC hack on the Ivans, why stop there? So now Gowdy is suddenly not running again and has been acting mighty peculiar in interviews since the Friday unveiling of the memo. Today on the CBS morning show, he says Rosenstein is a good guy, Mueller is a good guy, and he doesn't want the investigation to end even though his own investigation has shown it's totally bogus. Huh? :doubt:

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Gowdy is probably hoping to have a career after he leaves. He needs to distance himself from the crooks and traitors he’s spent the last couple years in bed with.

A more likely scenario is his wife woke up in the middle of the night with a knife to her throat and a warning that Trey needs to spend more time at home.
Gowdy is probably hoping to have a career after he leaves. He needs to distance himself from the crooks and traitors he’s spent the last couple years in bed with.

A more likely scenario is his wife woke up in the middle of the night with a knife to her throat and a warning that Trey needs to spend more time at home.
Yeah that really sounds “more likely” :laugh:
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Yeah that really sounds “more likely” :laugh:

You haven't bothered wondering how dozens of Clinton foes have been "suicides" all the way back to Arkansas...it's why you're a prog...you couldn't care less what they do to get/keep power.
Nobody ever had a bad thing to say about Mueller until Trump supporters realized he was there for more than just show. All Gowdy and the GOP are doing is maintaining the same opinion of Mueller they always had. Only Trump and his die-hard supporters turned him into Satan overnight.
What power? Are they part of Obama’s secret government? :lmao:

Started drinking early today I see....run along now before you fall and hit your head on the milk crate (coffee table). :rolleyes-41:

Damn I remember in University having such a coffee table. It served double duty as a curling bar, I would throw stuff in it and go to town on the arms. I didn't know it was "a thing", glad to see others appreciate some rare fine furniture too :)

Ah, the good old days...
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Nobody ever had a bad thing to say about Mueller until Trump supporters realized he was there for more than just show. All Gowdy and the GOP are doing is maintaining the same opinion of Mueller they always had. Only Trump and his die-hard supporters turned him into Satan overnight.

Mueller did nothing about the Uranium One deal after the FBI was tipped off Hillary and Willy were raking in million$ from it. Mueller also went for Comey's job after Trump fired him and got turned down...the next day, Rosenstein named him special council....nah, nothing to see here, right? :26:
Nobody ever had a bad thing to say about Mueller until Trump supporters realized he was there for more than just show. All Gowdy and the GOP are doing is maintaining the same opinion of Mueller they always had. Only Trump and his die-hard supporters turned him into Satan overnight.

Mueller did nothing about the Uranium One deal after the FBI was tipped off Hillary and Willy were raking in million$ from it. Mueller also went for Comey's job after Trump fired him and got turned down...the next day, Rosenstein named him special council....nah, nothing to see here, right? :26:
Uranium One was business as usual. A company owned by foreigners was purchased by other foreigners. Note that Trump has not attempted to purchase the company or nationalize its assets here. Because it’s not a big deal.
Cholesterol isn't Democracy's only hope, but it might be our best hope.

I know you were sorely disappointed DJT is healthy as a horse. BTW, why did your masters fight so hard to keep the memo from going public if it was a "nothing burger"????
Uranium One was business as usual. A company owned by foreigners was purchased by other foreigners. Note that Trump has not attempted to purchase the company or nationalize its assets here. Because it’s not a big deal.

He has always said that.
When the Clintons are involved, nothing would surprise me. So let's review. The next logical step after the Nunes/Gowdy memo, is to join the IG in taking a fresh look at Pantsuit's myriad of criminal activity during the 2016 campaign and her money-laundering "foundation". If you were Willy, fresh off eliminating Seth Rich to pin the DNC hack on the Ivans, why stop there? So now Gowdy is suddenly not running again and has been acting mighty peculiar in interviews since the Friday unveiling of the memo. Today on the CBS morning show, he says Rosenstein is a good guy, Mueller is a good guy, and he doesn't want the investigation to end even though his own investigation has shown it's totally bogus. Huh? :doubt:

He has always said that.
When the Clintons are involved, nothing would surprise me. So let's review. The next logical step after the Nunes/Gowdy memo, is to join the IG in taking a fresh look at Pantsuit's myriad of criminal activity during the 2016 campaign and her money-laundering "foundation". If you were Willy, fresh off eliminating Seth Rich to pin the DNC hack on the Ivans, why stop there? So now Gowdy is suddenly not running again and has been acting mighty peculiar in interviews since the Friday unveiling of the memo. Today on the CBS morning show, he says Rosenstein is a good guy, Mueller is a good guy, and he doesn't want the investigation to end even though his own investigation has shown it's totally bogus. Huh? :doubt:


Far from it.

p.s. you either learn to reply below a quote instead of above it like everybody else or this is the last reply you get from me.
Nobody but a few in the GOP really want the investigation to end. It's not that they think Trump is guilty of anything, but they have always respected Mueller, and want to see him complete his investigation without interference. In the end there may be a few more indictments for other crimes that have no link whatsoever to the President, but Trump is such a thin-skinned pussy that he sees any question of election interference by Russia as marginalizing his YUGE victory.
Nobody but a few in the GOP really want the investigation to end. It's not that they think Trump is guilty of anything, but they have always respected Mueller, and want to see him complete his investigation without interference. In the end there may be a few more indictments for other crimes that have no link whatsoever to the President, but Trump is such a thin-skinned pussy that he sees any question of election interference by Russia as marginalizing his YUGE victory.

Horseshit...the dirtbags you keep voting for won't give him credit for the biggest election upset in US history and in fact want him impeached and imprisoned for it. It's not "thin-skinned" to fight back against a commiecrat coup....you better hope he doesn't get really pissed and start having these rodents frog-marched into paddy wagons and sent to Gitmo where they belong.
When the Clintons are involved, nothing would surprise me. So let's review. The next logical step after the Nunes/Gowdy memo, is to join the IG in taking a fresh look at Pantsuit's myriad of criminal activity during the 2016 campaign and her money-laundering "foundation". If you were Willy, fresh off eliminating Seth Rich to pin the DNC hack on the Ivans, why stop there? So now Gowdy is suddenly not running again and has been acting mighty peculiar in interviews since the Friday unveiling of the memo. Today on the CBS morning show, he says Rosenstein is a good guy, Mueller is a good guy, and he doesn't want the investigation to end even though his own investigation has shown it's totally bogus. Huh? :doubt:


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