Did the coronavirus start as a bio weapon

It would be a crummy weapon, and I think it barely kills 1% of those infected
There is a little island off the coast of Long Island NY with tight security. Government agencies admit that Plumb Island "was" a research center for developing new strains of biologic weapons and some conspiracy theorists think the AIDS virus might have escaped from the facility. It stands to reason that China would have developed the same research.
Trump has had it in for China

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It would be a crummy weapon, and I think it barely kills 1% of those infected

Well, you are totally wrong about that.

Comparing the number who have died vrs the number infected is a false analysis of an ongoing pandemic.

You need to compare those who have RECOVERED vrs the number who have died, which today is 1778 vrs 638. So of those who are no longer ill, more than a quarter of them are dying.

The number of ongoing infections without result is 31,535 with 4,826 in ICU. The disease has about an 11 day illness period on average, with a two week incubation period.

If current trends hold, we are looking at about another 10,000 deaths, with more as the disease continues to spread. We dont know how early in infection the disease is commutable, but we do know it can be transmitted during incubation. This makes it very hard to contain as people in urban areas come into biological contact with thousands of people in a two week period.
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It would be a crummy weapon, and I think it barely kills 1% of those infected
According to some reports leaking out of China only those admitted to their hospitals are counted and many being turned away from the hospitals because they are full. Ones dying at home or in the streets are not listed in the official counts.

Another thing that should be looked at is the 5G to see if there is any correlation in that rollout they did in many of their cities in October. From everything I have read on it that higher frequency damages cell structure. If the mitochondria is damage can a body fend off a viral attack from a more dangerous viral infection like this or even a more virulent type flu? I would like to see the numbers from the cities here where it has already been rolled out in. A young man from China that lives in a more rural area in China 20 miles from one of the larger quarantined cities said his dad was a doctor and they haven't had any cases in their area out from the big city.

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Trump has had it in for China

They have been stealing anything from viral and bacterial strains to fighter jets. Hell, them jets they copied that they stole from Russia are crashing. If they stole biological materials and got to playing with them and it got out of hand whose fault is that?
Yes it's a bio weapon. Do some looking into Soros and Gates depopulation agenda.
This is a QUOTE

Professor Francis A. Boyle joins The Alex Jones Show to deliver an urgent message to President Trump regarding the coronavirus outbreak as well as provide his analysis of the virus as a bioweapon.

More words for those with a brain to " search"
I'm a complete ignorant about genetics and virology.
But I've recently seen a tv show about coronavirus and they say that somebody think this virus could be a bioweapon (some said it could be an "inside job" from the Chinese government, others said Russians did it...:eusa_think:).
Anyway there's no evidence this virus is man-made.
Maybe it's just something entirely natural
I hope there's no human involvement because it would be really really sad if somebody would be willing to kill dozens of people for "policatical" reasons :frown:
I'm a complete ignorant about genetics and virology.
But I've recently seen a tv show about coronavirus and they say that somebody think this virus could be a bioweapon (some said it could be an "inside job" from the Chinese government, others said Russians did it...:eusa_think:).
Anyway there's no evidence this virus is man-made.
Maybe it's just something entirely natural
I hope there's no human involvement because it would be really really sad if somebody would be willing to kill dozens of people for "policatical" reasons :frown:
There were some papers that said their were HIV markers in the virus they investigated, but the papers were denounced and taken down within days of publication.
#17: This is interesting but not surprising In virological circles, it is well known that retroviral env can integrate the Nidovirus genome. See The Nidoviruses (Coronaviruses and Arteriviruses, Kluwer Academic [20001]).

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