Did the Dems who won the House run on impeachment?

Pelosi is in a bind if she listens to her idiotic base She and her Trotskyite caucus face serious jail time for violating Trump's civil rights in the conduct of the impeachment of Trump. If she runs an impeachment that is BOR compliant then the collapse of the Deep State will result in roll overs on a long list of Ds she needs to keep in order to stay speaker.
civil rights?
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Yeh, but Trump is way too cheap to do that he'd rather send a lawyer that works for the feds and use the feds dime...Cheap bastards always get caught because they are cheap bastards...
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Yeh, but Trump is way too cheap to do that he'd rather send a lawyer that works for the feds and use the feds dime...Cheap bastards always get caught because they are cheap bastards...
I'm really not sure who is paying Ghouliani. Is he paid by the WH?
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
He tried strong arming a for leader in a private phone call THAT STILL HAS NOT BEEN FULLY RELEASED TO PUBLIC AND SIT THE FUK DOWN, JR.
No and No. Read the transcript-we don't need Adam Schiff or anyone else playing God. Case closed!
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
Well if you read the transcript and think it is a problem-there is no hope for you.
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Secret? He showed the transcript. You are too dense too argue with.
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Yeh, but Trump is way too cheap to do that he'd rather send a lawyer that works for the feds and use the feds dime...Cheap bastards always get caught because they are cheap bastards...
We'll see...
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Yeh, but Trump is way too cheap to do that he'd rather send a lawyer that works for the feds and use the feds dime...Cheap bastards always get caught because they are cheap bastards...
I'm really not sure who is paying Ghouliani. Is he paid by the WH?
You are-as long as the impeachment hunt lasts
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Secret? He showed the transcript. You are too dense too argue with.
LOL. Suck up that fake transcript trumpbitch
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
Only if this neighbor is your political opponent in a race to win the White House then it is unfair to call upon foriegn nations to dig up dirt on your opponent...Sorry old bean those are the rules of the game..
It's only illegal if an elected official uses the power of his position, which is what Trump did (and tried to keep it secret). IF Trump had just used his own money to get a Ukrainian government official to use his official power to investigate something … that would have been bribaryl

Trump legally could have hired a private Ukrainian citizen to did up dirt … so long as he paid taxes and make all necessary disclosures, which is what Hillary did with Fusion.
Secret? He showed the transcript. You are too dense too argue with.
LOL. Suck up that fake transcript trumpbitch
Yeah, your permission to act stupid is now revoked-you have now entered-THE IGNORE ZONE!
If not, why are they doing this now?

Because Trump committed impeachable acts.

Name them, and provide evidence.

Abuse of power. - It is very clear that Trump was using Giuliani to conduct a rogue foreign policy designed to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden.

Obstruction of justice - Impeding a congressional inquiry is obstruction of justice.
NO. the abuse of power is Schiff for making himself special prosecutor. And Schiff is impeding the inqu by not letting Republicans ask questions-get smart busybee01-stop watching CNN
A President fighting for America First.....and Dems are impeaching him.....

Every Rightwinger who failed to vote in 2018 is directly responsible for Trump's impeachment. They own it as much as any democrat.

It's not a luxury, optional or a game anymore.....this is no longer about ideology and basic policies, too much is at stake. (freedom for example)

I don't understand some people...they brag that they'd go down in a blaze of hot bullets if anyone tried to take their guns.......but they won't freaking get off their asses to VOTE for people who would prevent that from ever happening in the first place. :dunno:

So much for all the keyboard warrior Internet tuff guys eh ?

Trump doesn't give a hoot about America. He is the premier conman and you are the perfect example of it.

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