Did the Dems who won the House run on impeachment?

If not, why are they doing this now?

Because Trump committed impeachable acts.

Name them, and provide evidence.

Abuse of power. - It is very clear that Trump was using Giuliani to conduct a rogue foreign policy designed to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden.

Obstruction of justice - Impeding a congressional inquiry is obstruction of justice.
NO. the abuse of power is Schiff for making himself special prosecutor. And Schiff is impeding the inqu by not letting Republicans ask questions-get smart busybee01-stop watching CNN

Schiff is conducting a proper investigation and what you are complaining about is unconfirmed. Talking points distributed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and other Trump sycophants. You are the puppet.
A President fighting for America First.....and Dems are impeaching him.....

Every Rightwinger who failed to vote in 2018 is directly responsible for Trump's impeachment. They own it as much as any democrat.

It's not a luxury, optional or a game anymore.....this is no longer about ideology and basic policies, too much is at stake. (freedom for example)

I don't understand some people...they brag that they'd go down in a blaze of hot bullets if anyone tried to take their guns.......but they won't freaking get off their asses to VOTE for people who would prevent that from ever happening in the first place. :dunno:

So much for all the keyboard warrior Internet tuff guys eh ?

Trump doesn't give a hoot about America. He is the premier conman and you are the perfect example of it.
Be serious-you are smarter than that aren't you?
If not, why are they doing this now?

Because Trump committed impeachable acts.

Name them, and provide evidence.

Abuse of power. - It is very clear that Trump was using Giuliani to conduct a rogue foreign policy designed to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden.

Obstruction of justice - Impeding a congressional inquiry is obstruction of justice.
NO. the abuse of power is Schiff for making himself special prosecutor. And Schiff is impeding the inqu by not letting Republicans ask questions-get smart busybee01-stop watching CNN

Schiff is conducting a proper investigation and what you are complaining about is unconfirmed. Talking points distributed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and other Trump sycophants. You are the puppet.
We hear it nightly on ABC-the Republicans keep saying Shciff won't let witnesses answer questions. NO Fox. And don't accuse until you know for sure-who do you think you are Adam Schiff?
If not, why are they doing this now?

Because it's the morally and legally right thing to do.

The fact that it's so popular with voters is just a bonus.
Well its not popular for the 23 freshmen house reps who won in 18 in Trump districts. I think it is a profiles in courage moment, and so far the dems are passing the test. Talking back to the Birthers was a profiles in courage moment the gop failed. And that's largely why the only reason I remain registered as a goper is I'm automatically registered as one whenever I vote gop in a state primary. And I was very interested in the governor race this year, although the guy I voted for lost.

The Fox poll found that 52% of voters in swing districts support impeachment and removal. Many of these seats have a strong suburban flavor to them.
D stands for Dumb

D stands for dumb and Donald Trump. The 2 fit perfectly.
D is for democracy, which Adam Schiff is trampling with his new found God like powers-he needs to be stopped-he is way worse than Joseph McCarthy.

D for you is dumb. Schiff is gathering information on a question of impeachment. That is democracy in action. Holding even the President accountable.
No, Schiff is making up new shit to present at the witch hunt-that is fear and hatred in action-and you have just become a charter member of the lynch party. Democracy IS due process-something Schiff does not understand or want.
Because Trump committed impeachable acts.

Name them, and provide evidence.

Abuse of power. - It is very clear that Trump was using Giuliani to conduct a rogue foreign policy designed to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden.

Obstruction of justice - Impeding a congressional inquiry is obstruction of justice.
NO. the abuse of power is Schiff for making himself special prosecutor. And Schiff is impeding the inqu by not letting Republicans ask questions-get smart busybee01-stop watching CNN

Schiff is conducting a proper investigation and what you are complaining about is unconfirmed. Talking points distributed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and other Trump sycophants. You are the puppet.
We hear it nightly on ABC-the Republicans keep saying Shciff won't let witnesses answer questions. NO Fox. And don't accuse until you know for sure-who do you think you are Adam Schiff?

Why should we believe Republicans? The Republicans would say or do anything to discredit the process since they apparently cannot argue the facts.
If not, why are they doing this now?

Because it's the morally and legally right thing to do.

The fact that it's so popular with voters is just a bonus.
Well its not popular for the 23 freshmen house reps who won in 18 in Trump districts. I think it is a profiles in courage moment, and so far the dems are passing the test. Talking back to the Birthers was a profiles in courage moment the gop failed. And that's largely why the only reason I remain registered as a goper is I'm automatically registered as one whenever I vote gop in a state primary. And I was very interested in the governor race this year, although the guy I voted for lost.

The Fox poll found that 52% of voters in swing districts support impeachment and removal. Many of these seats have a strong suburban flavor to them.
Hey, I got no problem if he is voted out. I don't like the way this whole witch hunt ride from Dec. 2016 till now has been engineered. I don't know if I blame Schiff or the MEDIA more. I would like Joe Manchin-if the dems can't anyone good, he may yet run.
Pelosi is in a bind if she listens to her idiotic base She and her Trotskyite caucus face serious jail time for violating Trump's civil rights in the conduct of the impeachment of Trump. If she runs an impeachment that is BOR compliant then the collapse of the Deep State will result in roll overs on a long list of Ds she needs to keep in order to stay speaker.

The Constitution does not grant a President civil rights. It requires the Congress to hold him accountable. There is no deep state. No one faces any jail time. Trump supporters want to put anyone who holds Trump accountable in jail.
(Billy notes with interest just how petulantly childish and vainly hopeful our resident Democrats' posts are becoming. Perhaps someone finally read them the writing on the wall. :auiqs.jpg:)
Name them, and provide evidence.

Abuse of power. - It is very clear that Trump was using Giuliani to conduct a rogue foreign policy designed to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden.

Obstruction of justice - Impeding a congressional inquiry is obstruction of justice.
NO. the abuse of power is Schiff for making himself special prosecutor. And Schiff is impeding the inqu by not letting Republicans ask questions-get smart busybee01-stop watching CNN

Schiff is conducting a proper investigation and what you are complaining about is unconfirmed. Talking points distributed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and other Trump sycophants. You are the puppet.
We hear it nightly on ABC-the Republicans keep saying Shciff won't let witnesses answer questions. NO Fox. And don't accuse until you know for sure-who do you think you are Adam Schiff?

Why should we believe Republicans? The Republicans would say or do anything to discredit the process since they apparently cannot argue the facts.
I would not believe Republicans OR Democrats. Use your common sense-they can't argue facts they are not allowed to present. What facts? "Whistleblower, what is incorrect on the phone call transcript? I don't know, I never heard the phone call". It just seems too loose to me. These are questions you or I would ask-but since Schiff hid the whistleblower, we will never know.
Pelosi is in a bind if she listens to her idiotic base She and her Trotskyite caucus face serious jail time for violating Trump's civil rights in the conduct of the impeachment of Trump. If she runs an impeachment that is BOR compliant then the collapse of the Deep State will result in roll overs on a long list of Ds she needs to keep in order to stay speaker.

The Constitution does not grant a President civil rights. It requires the Congress to hold him accountable. There is no deep state. No one faces any jail time. Trump supporters want to put anyone who holds Trump accountable in jail.
Not me-I don't support Trump, but I do support due process which they are cheating him out of. Schiff should be censured for with holding the whistleblower evidence from Congress, for falsifying a document he read to the House about the transcript, and trying to get a "pee" tape from the Russians. No jail-for ANYBODY!
D stands for Dumb

D stands for dumb and Donald Trump. The 2 fit perfectly.
D is for democracy, which Adam Schiff is trampling with his new found God like powers-he needs to be stopped-he is way worse than Joseph McCarthy.

D for you is dumb. Schiff is gathering information on a question of impeachment. That is democracy in action. Holding even the President accountable.
No, Schiff is making up new shit to present at the witch hunt-that is fear and hatred in action-and you have just become a charter member of the lynch party. Democracy IS due process-something Schiff does not understand or want.

Due process is only involved in criminal trials. There is no such thing as due process in impeachment. What you do not understand is that your guy has to be held accountable for pressuring a foreign country to investigate a political rival.
Abuse of power. - It is very clear that Trump was using Giuliani to conduct a rogue foreign policy designed to pressure Ukraine to open a investigation of Biden.

Obstruction of justice - Impeding a congressional inquiry is obstruction of justice.
NO. the abuse of power is Schiff for making himself special prosecutor. And Schiff is impeding the inqu by not letting Republicans ask questions-get smart busybee01-stop watching CNN

Schiff is conducting a proper investigation and what you are complaining about is unconfirmed. Talking points distributed by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck and other Trump sycophants. You are the puppet.
We hear it nightly on ABC-the Republicans keep saying Shciff won't let witnesses answer questions. NO Fox. And don't accuse until you know for sure-who do you think you are Adam Schiff?

Why should we believe Republicans? The Republicans would say or do anything to discredit the process since they apparently cannot argue the facts.
I would not believe Republicans OR Democrats. Use your common sense-they can't argue facts they are not allowed to present. What facts? "Whistleblower, what is incorrect on the phone call transcript? I don't know, I never heard the phone call". It just seems too loose to me. These are questions you or I would ask-but since Schiff hid the whistleblower, we will never know.

You have no proof that Republicans are not being allowed to ask questions. The facts are being presented by the people who work for the taxpayers. The fact is that it goes beyond the phone call. Zelensky knew a few weeks after he was inaugurated that Trump was pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden. Giuliani was running a rogue foreign policy to pressure Ukraine. Little wonder he refuses to testify.
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
He tried strong arming a for leader in a private phone call THAT STILL HAS NOT BEEN FULLY RELEASED TO PUBLIC AND SIT THE FUK DOWN, JR.
No and No. Read the transcript-we don't need Adam Schiff or anyone else playing God. Case closed!

You need to read the transcript. He clearly wanted Ukraine to do 2 things. Find a fictitious server and investigate Biden. Besides remember how much money we give you.
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. Think about that- if you asked your neighbor to do you a favor-lend you his garden hose and then you got arrested.
He tried strong arming a for leader in a private phone call THAT STILL HAS NOT BEEN FULLY RELEASED TO PUBLIC AND SIT THE FUK DOWN, JR.
No and No. Read the transcript-we don't need Adam Schiff or anyone else playing God. Case closed!

Read the transcript. Read the statements of the witnesses.
Certainly enough to warrant an impeachment investigation.
Sorry you don't believe in the Constitution.
A President fighting for America First.....and Dems are impeaching him.....

Every Rightwinger who failed to vote in 2018 is directly responsible for Trump's impeachment. They own it as much as any democrat.

It's not a luxury, optional or a game anymore.....this is no longer about ideology and basic policies, too much is at stake. (freedom for example)

I don't understand some people...they brag that they'd go down in a blaze of hot bullets if anyone tried to take their guns.......but they won't freaking get off their asses to VOTE for people who would prevent that from ever happening in the first place. :dunno:

So much for all the keyboard warrior Internet tuff guys eh ?

Trump doesn't give a hoot about America. He is the premier conman and you are the perfect example of it.
Be serious-you are smarter than that aren't you?

You are the one who needs to get real. You apparently are not very smart.
Did Trump run on influencing a foreign country to investigate a family member of political opponent?
Imo, yes. But then I believe he owes so much money to Putin's henchmen that he's …. in their pocket …. regardless of whether there is electronic evidence or testimony that he had a deal with Russia or Assange, who has the same interests as Putin vis a vis the West.

Hillary was a crook, though. Imo anyway.
Trump asked a question-IN THE PUBLIC EYE-and is being impeached for it. T.

In the public eye?

Trump had a secret call to the President of the Ukraine. A call that he not only did not make public- but was specifically concealed into a super secret 'vault'
And in that secret call- he pressured the President of the Ukraine to investigate his political rival.

Remember- the only reason any of us know about this secret call to the President of the Ukraine to investigate Trump's political rival is because of the whistleblower.
Trump only released a version of the call- after he knew that Congress was going to hear about it from the whistleblower.

So much for 'in the public eye'

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