Did The Government Just Admit To Being Complicit In Trying to Keep Trump Out Of Office?

Are there legitimate concerns now about both trust in our elections AND in our federal government?

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Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
On national TV. Or put another way, did the government just admit to conspiracy to throw an election? To maybe to even wanting to assassinate a man to keep him out of office? You tell me.


I was just watching the free live feed I get on my television covering the senate hearings grilling both the deputy directors of the Secret Service and the FBI when senator John Kennedy of Louisiana took the microphone and pointedly asked the dep. director of the FBI whether they had just settled two wrongful-termination lawsuits with former employees PETER STROZK and LISA PAGE, for 1.2 MILLION and $800K respectively, to which the FBI director confirmed in the affirmative.

Remember that both these people were fired for their parts in an apparent government conspiracy to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. In short, Lisa Page sent a text message to Peter Strozk saying in effect that WE won't let Trump be president, right? To which Peter Strozk in effect replied that NO, WE WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN (I emphasize the plural).

Now, whatever the plot, Trump DID go on to be president, at least in 2016, but the questions remain:
  1. Both of these bad actors spoke in the PLURAL, as if they represented a group of people, to which to my knowledge, that has never been defined whether that meant just the two of them, a group of people, or what.
  2. Both of these agents were eventually fired for gross misbehavior, yet both still just received massive payouts for lost wages.
  3. Circumstantially, why would you pay such bad actors massive settlements? Doesn't that make it appear like you are buying their silence to accept the deal and to keep their silence about other things or people they know about to protect a larger issue?
  4. Lastly, if you can have two such people make it into such an important agency and to such HIGH positions, profiting from their silence, could you not then have more? And if for the 2016 election, then why not the 2020 election?
  5. And does this not raise further questions on the lapses of the SS to protect Trump at Butler, Pa?
While the SS and FBI both maintain that they are NON-POLITICAL, the fact remains that Washington DC is like 95% DEMOCRAT.

Speculative to be sure, but in light of these facts and with what is still not known and being apparently withheld, it certainly raises a lot of doubts and questions, and cast just FURTHER DOUBT on the 2020 election now (not to mention Trump's assassination attempt).

Here is a link to the hearing; I saved the key 13 minute period on my TV; I'm not sure where Senator Kennedy's questions are but I would estimate them to be somewhere around about 1.5 hours before the end. It actually starts at 3H 26M into the video.

All important and legitimate questions. It was encouraging to see this matter brought up by Congress before the FBI. It shows that not everyone in DC is a puppet or a dolt and that investigations into the matter are NOT settled. BTW, it was also SETTLED by the FBI in the hearing that WITHOUT A DOUBT, Trump was shot by a BULLET coming from Crook's rifle.

I just ask all this now because I have been ASSURED time and again with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY by many people such as JackOfNoTrades that there is NO DOUBT the 2020 election was safe, normal and secure, completely aboveboard, yet it seems to me that one would have to KNOW the answers to these questions above to be able to claim that definitively. Perhaps Jack can step in here to regale us on where I have gone wrong, and why any concerns by me, the public, or Congress, about the 2016 election, the 2020 election, and now possibly the 2024 election are both BASELESS and DISPROVEN???

I leave the mic open now for your replies.

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On national TV. Or put another way, did the government just admit to conspiracy to throw an election? To maybe to even wanting to assassinate a man to keep him out of office? You tell me.


I was just watching the free live feed I get on my television covering the senate hearings grilling both the deputy directors of the Secret Service and the FBI when senator John Kennedy of Louisiana took the microphone and pointedly asked the dep. director of the FBI whether they had just settled two wrongful-termination lawsuits with former employees PETER STROZK and LISA PAGE, for 1.2 MILLION and $800K respectively, to which the FBI director confirmed in the affirmative.

Remember that both these people were fired for their parts in an apparent government conspiracy to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. In short, Lisa Page sent a text message to Peter Strozk saying in effect that WE won't let Trump be president, right? To which Peter Strozk in effect replied that NO, WE WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN (I emphasize the plural).

Now, whatever the plot, Trump DID go on to be president, at least in 2016, but the questions remain:
  1. Both of these bad actors spoke in the PLURAL, as if they represented a group of people, to which to my knowledge, that has never been defined whether that meant just the two of them, a group of people, or what.
  2. Both of these agents were eventually fired for gross misbehavior, yet both still just received massive payouts for lost wages.
  3. Circumstantially, why would you pay such bad actors massive settlements? Doesn't that make it appear like you are buying their silence to accept the deal and to keep their silence about other things or people they know about to protect a larger issue?
  4. Lastly, if you can have two such people make it into such an important agency and to such HIGH positions, profiting from their silence, could you not then have more? And if for the 2016 election, then why not the 2020 election?
  5. And does this not raise further questions on the lapses of the SS to protect Trump at Butler, Pa?
While the SS and FBI both maintain that they are NON-POLITICAL, the fact remains that Washington DC is like 95% DEMOCRAT.

Speculative to be sure, but in light of these facts and with what is still not known and being apparently withheld, it certainly raises a lot of doubts and questions, and cast just FURTHER DOUBT on the 2020 election now (not to mention Trump's assassination attempt).

Here is a link to the hearing; I saved the key 13 minute period on my TV; I'm not sure where Senator Kennedy's questions are but I would estimate them to be somewhere around about 1.5 hours before the end.

All important and legitimate questions. It was encouraging to see this matter brought up by Congress before the FBI. It shows that not everyone in DC is a puppet or a dolt and that investigations into the matter are NOT settled. BTW, it was also SETTLED by the FBI in the hearing that WITHOUT A DOUBT, Trump was shot by a BULLET coming from Crook's rifle.

I just ask all this now because I have been ASSURED time and again with ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY by many people such as JackOfNoTrades that there is NO DOUBT the 2020 election was safe, normal and secure, completely aboveboard, yet it seems to me that one would have to KNOW the answers to these questions above to be able to claim that definitively. Perhaps Jack can step in here to regale us on where I have gone wrong, and why any concerns by me, the public, or Congress, about the 2016 election, the 2020 election, and now possibly the 2024 election are both BASELESS and DISPROVEN???

I leave the mic open now for your replies.


Yeah, you idiots should move to Russia. We all know Putin is very very fair and known for his belief in the justice system. Putin will also throw in a free all-paid vacation to the countryside of Ukraine.

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