Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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Judges do not rule on civil cases. All they do is interpret the law.
Material fact civil cases always go to a jury.
You can not ever file any civil cases in the 9th circuit if a state court has jurisdiction.

It's not a civil case. It's a criminal statute. However, it's a misdemeanor, and it's probably a law that's at least 100 years old. I doubt anyone has been prosecuted under it for 100 years.
Wrong. Do you know the elements of a law suit?

I thought not.

Elements of a law suit:

The defendant has a duty;

The duty was breached;

The plantiff was harmed.

Does Rush Limbaugh have a duty to Ms. Fluke?

Did he breach that duty?

Was Ms. Flukes harmed in any manner?

I'll wait for the pleading to be filed and the court rendering a decision. Calling someone a slut and a prostitute in an effort to defame her is at best outrageous; will Ms. Fluke prevail? I hope so.

Horseshit. The defendant has no duty to treat mis Fluke kindly. In a libel claim, the statements being sued over have to be false. If they aren't false, then you have no case. You can't be sued for libel for calling someone a thief if they have a conviction for theft on their record.

That's the bottom line.
They attacked her because she is a republican. Woman was secondary and brains is last.

GOP politicians are thin-skinned.

You could well have asked the same question about how Hillary was treated.

And palin invited the responses she got. Though I still wouldn't have called her a c**t or a skank. on the other hand, the rightwingnut boys got a little out of hand about her for the sole reason that they liked how she looked.

Just for the record, pointing out that palin is stupid isn't an "attack". It's merely truth.

Pointing out that, in your opinion, Palin is stupid merely displays your gross ignorance.
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All but Fox made all kinds of unacceptable comments about her child and Downs Syndrome children and about her being a terrible person for bringing such a child into the world.


Pornographer Larry Flynt Calls Palin's Down Syndrome Son 'Brain Dead Vegetable'

LA Times Columnist Calls Sarah Palin a 'Special-Needs Case'

Wonkette Pulls Offensive Post About Sarah Palin's Handicapped Son

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday

Maher: Palin’s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby

The list is rather large, and disgusting...

WHERE is the lawsuit by Palin? (When by liberal logic on display here)?

Ms. Palin could clean thier clocks and be very rich...

Only one of those articles had anything to do with specifically speaking of her kid.
And that was Larry Flint, hardly major media there.

If the major media didn't air and print Larry Flint's remarks, how did you find out about it?
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and once again, all this makes it ok to refer to her in derogatory terms such as a "slut" or t he "c" word and others like it? I don't think so. Criticize her lack of intelligence, her being so conservative or whatever, but referring to her in such terms in uncalled for. That has nothing to do with her stance in politics. That's just a mean spirited personal attack, plain and simple.

i wonder what palin did that warranted her being called a slut.

Fluke admitted thast her sex life was very active and of utmost importance to her....deserve being called a slut? No.....but certainly more of a reason than palin.

maybe it's because she was very much the socialist when governor by handing out $1200 to every resident alaskan from the funds she collected from the major oil companies. But then, when bill kristol and karl rove showed up in juneau in 2007, she immediately went into hard-right conservative mode and started kissing their asses and maybe more : how sarah seduced bill kristol & the gop commentariat | firedoglake

wait a minute! That would have made her a whore. Sluts don't get a payoff.


The Alaska permanent fund is a constitutionally established permanent fund, managed by a semi-independent corporation, established by Alaska in 1976, primarily by the efforts of then Governor Jay Hammond. Shortly after the oil from Alaska’s north slope began flowing to market through the Trans-Alaska pipeline system, the permanent fund was created by an amendment to the Alaska constitution to be an investment for at least 25% of proceeds from some mineral (such as oil and gas) sales or royalties. The Alaska Permanent Fund sets aside a certain share of oil revenues to continue benefiting current and all future generations of Alaskans.
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The right cannot rationalize LimpBall's behavior so they jump in circles and point fingers at comedians who HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH SANDRA FLUKE. Then it's an easy jump to Sarah Palin who was called derogatory names when she made an ASS of herself in front of Katie Couric and the entire country.

The far right learned these sort of tactics from Karl Rove's campaign book on how to make a stupid, rich lazy boy the 43rd president of the United States. You learn well, little grasshoppers.

Only a partisan, ignorant pissant would call the former Governors from the largest state in the union, Alaska, and the second largest state,Texas STUPID.
well you know i think fair or unfair the and i do think it is is a more concentrated criticism that Sarah gets on on so many fronts i think that is unfortunate but fair or unfair i think she does herself a disservice to even mention it really i mean you gotta plough through that you have to know what you are getting into ahm which I say this with all due respect to Sarah Palin and to her experience and passion for changing the status quo also but when I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism or you know maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think you know that doesn’t do us any good – women in politics, women in general wanting to progress this country. I don't think it's it bodes well for her a statement like that because again fair or unfair it is there i think that's reality and i think it is a gim and i think people can accept that she is going to be under that sharper microscope, so be it, i mean work harder, prove yourself to an even greater degree that you are capable that you're gonna be the best candidate and that of course is what she wants us to believe at this point so it bothers me a little bit hearing hearing her bring all that attention to herself on that level.

Video - Perceived Whine - White House '08

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9Y8FKAsxmk&feature=relmfu]Palin: The Perceived Whine -- video.newsweek.com - YouTube[/ame]
palin was not treated with respect, especially not by that horrible twat of the LMSM, who asked all those gotcha questions, like "what newspaper do you read".

Look at the righties crying about Gocha questions. In an election year they don't want to answer any questions. Why? Because they don't want to reveal their real agenda. When they do, it goes off about as well as it did when Rush told the truth.

You guys have a lot of extreme positions. Expect us to be asking you a lot of questions.
And not the softball questions you are asked at the GOP debates either.

yeah, a smaller government, less spending is so way EXTREME
And what did how many Newpapers Palin read have to do with anything..

the answer to the question is HELL NO
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well you know i think fair or unfair the and i do think it is is a more concentrated criticism that Sarah gets on on so many fronts i think that is unfortunate but fair or unfair i think she does herself a disservice to even mention it really i mean you gotta plough through that you have to know what you are getting into ahm which I say this with all due respect to Sarah Palin and to her experience and passion for changing the status quo also but when I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism or you know maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think you know that doesn’t do us any good – women in politics, women in general wanting to progress this country. I don't think it's it bodes well for her a statement like that because again fair or unfair it is there i think that's reality and i think it is a gim and i think people can accept that she is going to be under that sharper microscope, so be it, i mean work harder, prove yourself to an even greater degree that you are capable that you're gonna be the best candidate and that of course is what she wants us to believe at this point so it bothers me a little bit hearing hearing her bring all that attention to herself on that level.

Video - Perceived Whine - White House '08

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9Y8FKAsxmk&feature=relmfu]Palin: The Perceived Whine -- video.newsweek.com - YouTube[/ame]

Wow at that fucking video...All she does is whine...Here comes the Irony Fairy
No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.
Limbaugh made a statement about a person that made herself PUBLIC...albiet he decended into the depths of whalesqueeze of the left to make his point.

She has NO case. The woman went public.

Case dismissed.

Of course she has a case. All she needs to win is to get a liberal judge who believes the Constitution can be rewritten by a judge on a whim and he is toast.

Definitely not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, if she files in the 9th Circuit, I would say she has better than even odds of winning.


So, before this case is even presented you are preparing to complain about liberal judges causing your side to lose?

BTW, if this case is heard, it will be in Florida....Red Florida.
The media treated Sarah Palin like she was an idiot......

And your point was?
Why on earth would you expect honesty?

They won't participate in anything that exposes them.
The media treated Sarah Palin like she was an idiot......

And your point was?

My point is in the vote tally. Not one single liberal has any apparent decency. I had expected a few to be honest. Guess the laughs on me.

Sarah Palin voluntarily entered the arena and fights for as much attention as she can get. More than any other politician she has shielded herself from unscripted interviews ever since Katie Couric was mean to her

She loves to dish the dirt but whines when she gets it in return
The media treated Sarah Palin like she was an idiot......

And your point was?

My point is in the vote tally. Not one single liberal has any apparent decency. I had expected a few to be honest. Guess the laughs on me.

Sarah Palin voluntarily entered the arena and fights for as much attention as she can get. More than any other politician she has shielded herself from unscripted interviews ever since Katie Couric was mean to her

She loves to dish the dirt but whines when she gets it in return

Sounds like the Obama:lol:

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