Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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Why do so many wingnuts have a hard on for Sarah Palin?

Or, does it say more about the wingnuts than it does about the idiot Palin? Smarts don't count for much among the wingnuts, that's for sure.

Palin represents a faction of the GOP and the right in general who exhibit disdain for what they perceive as the ‘intellectual elite,’ where ‘too much thinking’ is a bad thing.

The only thing a real American needs to know is his bible and his job, nothing else – he doesn’t need to read any other books or newspapers, know about other peoples and cultures, and he certainly doesn’t need to know about Supreme Court cases, including those he disagrees with.

We see examples of this rightwing ‘anti-intellectualism’ and ignorance in this very forum, in this very thread…

And the ACLU is always bad. You left that out.
The only thing a real American needs to know is his bible and his job, nothing else – he doesn’t need to read any other books or newspapers, know about other peoples and cultures, and he certainly doesn’t need to know about Supreme Court cases, including those he disagrees with.

We see examples of this rightwing ‘anti-intellectualism’ and ignorance in this very forum, in this very thread…
ANNND; every American has the liberty use any language they can spit out, aimed at any named individual, and no other American can take offense. BUT, two strangers of the same gender marrying is an affront to every "decent, moral, NORMAL" person in the nation.

Now that is an interesting comment. No court has even heard this case yet (Florida courts are corrupt, Tommy?) and you are already calling them corrupt.

I would think you guys would welcome a court decision on whether Ms Fluke is a private citizen or not. You certainly seem confident that she is not. What is the matter? You don't think a court will back you on that? A Florida court?

No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.

Wrong. Do you know the elements of a law suit?

I thought not.

Elements of a law suit:

The defendant has a duty;

The duty was breached;

The plantiff was harmed.

Does Rush Limbaugh have a duty to Ms. Fluke?

Did he breach that duty?

Was Ms. Flukes harmed in any manner?

I'll wait for the pleading to be filed and the court rendering a decision. Calling someone a slut and a prostitute in an effort to defame her is at best outrageous; will Ms. Fluke prevail? I hope so.

What duty?

The plantiff became a 'Public figure' politically when the Democrats paraded her around...
Now that is an interesting comment. No court has even heard this case yet (Florida courts are corrupt, Tommy?) and you are already calling them corrupt.

I would think you guys would welcome a court decision on whether Ms Fluke is a private citizen or not. You certainly seem confident that she is not. What is the matter? You don't think a court will back you on that? A Florida court?

No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.

Wrong. Do you know the elements of a law suit?

I thought not.

Elements of a law suit:

The defendant has a duty;

The duty was breached;

The plantiff was harmed.

Does Rush Limbaugh have a duty to Ms. Fluke?

Did he breach that duty?

Was Ms. Flukes harmed in any manner?

I'll wait for the pleading to be filed and the court rendering a decision. Calling someone a slut and a prostitute in an effort to defame her is at best outrageous; will Ms. Fluke prevail? I hope so.

You are a dumb ass and do not know shit about civil law suits. I work them for a living and work for both insurance companies on the defendant side and on other cases I get hired on the plaintiff side.
Do you have a clue about any of this? I have worked over 2500 civil cases and almost a thousand have gone to trial.
Let us say Fluke wins the liability side of a slander case? Then they go to the damages part where she has to prove monetary damages. WHAT MONEY DID SHE LOSE? Did she have any medical damages?, did she lose any work?, if her reputation was damaged what business has she lost and what business will she lose as a result of being called a slut?
Real world Moe. Get your game on next time as what you posted is not anywhere close to what the law is and civil court rules of procedure.
No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.

Wrong. Do you know the elements of a law suit?

I thought not.

Elements of a law suit:

The defendant has a duty;

The duty was breached;

The plantiff was harmed.

Does Rush Limbaugh have a duty to Ms. Fluke?

Did he breach that duty?

Was Ms. Flukes harmed in any manner?

I'll wait for the pleading to be filed and the court rendering a decision. Calling someone a slut and a prostitute in an effort to defame her is at best outrageous; will Ms. Fluke prevail? I hope so.

What duty?

The plantiff became a 'Public figure' politically when the Democrats paraded her around...

I wonder if a court will agree with you on that, Tommy.
No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.

Wrong. Do you know the elements of a law suit?

I thought not.

Elements of a law suit:

The defendant has a duty;

The duty was breached;

The plantiff was harmed.

Does Rush Limbaugh have a duty to Ms. Fluke?

Did he breach that duty?

Was Ms. Flukes harmed in any manner?

I'll wait for the pleading to be filed and the court rendering a decision. Calling someone a slut and a prostitute in an effort to defame her is at best outrageous; will Ms. Fluke prevail? I hope so.

What duty?

The plantiff became a 'Public figure' politically when the Democrats paraded her around...

True but even if they rule she is not she has no monetary damages.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

4. Politician, statesman refer to one skilled in politics. These terms differ particularly in their connotations; politician is more often derogatory, and statesman laudatory. Politician suggests the schemes and devices of a person who engages in (especially small) politics for party ends or for one's own advantage.: a dishonest politician Statesman suggests the eminent ability, foresight, and unselfish patriotic devotion of a person dealing with (especially important or great) affairs of state: a distinguished statesman.

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.


It would be interesting to see if a Court of Law defines her as a politician or not. Maybe it's a good thing Gloria Allred is checking on the slander laws in FL. Maybe that can be decided for us.

Just because you don't WANT her to be a politician doesn't mean she isn't. ;)

That was totally unacceptable, I agree. But Palin was and is a politician. Unless you want a double standard for women politicians, she gets just what the men get.

I am just curious, who was the last male politician that had his Down's Syndrome child verbally abused by the media? It was downright disgusting what they did to her and that child.


What media verbally abused that child?

All but Fox made all kinds of unacceptable comments about her child and Downs Syndrome children and about her being a terrible person for bringing such a child into the world.

Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

As I recall, the "media" have not passed any laws restricting female health care and reproductive rights.
Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.


It would be interesting to see if a Court of Law defines her as a politician or not. Maybe it's a good thing Gloria Allred is checking on the slander laws in FL. Maybe that can be decided for us.

Just because you don't WANT her to be a politician doesn't mean she isn't. ;)


It would be interesting to see if a court agrees with you Immie.
I am just curious, who was the last male politician that had his Down's Syndrome child verbally abused by the media? It was downright disgusting what they did to her and that child.


What media verbally abused that child?

All but Fox made all kinds of unacceptable comments about her child and Downs Syndrome children and about her being a terrible person for bringing such a child into the world.


All what? NBC? CBS? ABC? MSNBC? CNN? any other media outlets?
Isn't it nice how the Statists here rely so heavily on corrupt courts?

Now that is an interesting comment. No court has even heard this case yet (Florida courts are corrupt, Tommy?) and you are already calling them corrupt.

I would think you guys would welcome a court decision on whether Ms Fluke is a private citizen or not. You certainly seem confident that she is not. What is the matter? You don't think a court will back you on that? A Florida court?

Nancy Pelosi wants criminal charges against Limbaugh.
And yes, we see the #1 ambulance and publicity chaser in America, Gloria Allred getting her mug in front of the camera once again.
The absurdity of this is most Americans do not have a damn clue how tort liability cases must be brought and how they are litigated.
Let us say Fluke wins this case on the defense's summary judgment motion but I doubt it as this case will most likely be thrown out then. So she proceeds to trial and let us say she wins! But now we come to the 3rd and final stage of civil damages cases, the damages part. What are her damages?
Zero but if it made it that far I would give her a dollar.
She has no damages. What monetary damages could she possibly have?
Case closed, end of story. Much ado about nothing as this is not a slander case in any shape or form.

Does she now?

Just like a liberal to want to take the free speech rights away from someone she doesn't agree with. It think Limbaugh's comments were in extreme poor taste, but I support his right to say it.

Limbaugh as just as much rights to say what he said as Fluke had to make her idiotic and dishonest comments.

Now that is an interesting comment. No court has even heard this case yet (Florida courts are corrupt, Tommy?) and you are already calling them corrupt.

I would think you guys would welcome a court decision on whether Ms Fluke is a private citizen or not. You certainly seem confident that she is not. What is the matter? You don't think a court will back you on that? A Florida court?

Nancy Pelosi wants criminal charges against Limbaugh.
And yes, we see the #1 ambulance and publicity chaser in America, Gloria Allred getting her mug in front of the camera once again.
The absurdity of this is most Americans do not have a damn clue how tort liability cases must be brought and how they are litigated.
Let us say Fluke wins this case on the defense's summary judgment motion but I doubt it as this case will most likely be thrown out then. So she proceeds to trial and let us say she wins! But now we come to the 3rd and final stage of civil damages cases, the damages part. What are her damages?
Zero but if it made it that far I would give her a dollar.
She has no damages. What monetary damages could she possibly have?
Case closed, end of story. Much ado about nothing as this is not a slander case in any shape or form.

Does she now?

Just like a liberal to want to take the free speech rights away from someone she doesn't agree with. It think Limbaugh's comments were in extreme poor taste, but I support his right to say it.

Limbaugh as just as much rights to say what he said as Fluke had to make her idiotic and dishonest comments.

Alred has no case.
New York Rules of Civil Procedure: slander
In order for the person about whom a statement is made to recover for libel, the false statement must be defamatory, meaning that it ACTUALLY HARMS THE REPUTATION, as opposed to being merely insulting or offensive. The statement(s) alleged to be defamatory MUST ALSO BE a false statement of fact. That which is name calling, hyperbole, or however characterized, can not be proven true or false, CAN NOT BE THE SUBJECT TO A LIBEL OR SLANDER CLAIM.

How does one prove whether she is a slut or not?
Calling someone a slut is name calling and not subject to a slander claim.
Slam dunk. NY civil rules of procedure FOR DUMMIES.
Now that is an interesting comment. No court has even heard this case yet (Florida courts are corrupt, Tommy?) and you are already calling them corrupt.

I would think you guys would welcome a court decision on whether Ms Fluke is a private citizen or not. You certainly seem confident that she is not. What is the matter? You don't think a court will back you on that? A Florida court?

No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.
Limbaugh made a statement about a person that made herself PUBLIC...albiet he decended into the depths of whalesqueeze of the left to make his point.

She has NO case. The woman went public.

Case dismissed.

Of course she has a case. All she needs to win is to get a liberal judge who believes the Constitution can be rewritten by a judge on a whim and he is toast.

Definitely not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, if she files in the 9th Circuit, I would say she has better than even odds of winning.

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I am just curious, who was the last male politician that had his Down's Syndrome child verbally abused by the media? It was downright disgusting what they did to her and that child.


What media verbally abused that child?

All but Fox made all kinds of unacceptable comments about her child and Downs Syndrome children and about her being a terrible person for bringing such a child into the world.


Pornographer Larry Flynt Calls Palin's Down Syndrome Son 'Brain Dead Vegetable'

LA Times Columnist Calls Sarah Palin a 'Special-Needs Case'

Wonkette Pulls Offensive Post About Sarah Palin's Handicapped Son

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday

Maher: Palin’s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby

The list is rather large, and disgusting...

WHERE is the lawsuit by Palin? (When by liberal logic on display here)?

Ms. Palin could clean thier clocks and be very rich...
No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.
Limbaugh made a statement about a person that made herself PUBLIC...albiet he decended into the depths of whalesqueeze of the left to make his point.

She has NO case. The woman went public.

Case dismissed.

Of course she has a case. All she needs to win is to get a liberal judge who believes the Constitution can be rewritten by a judge on a whim and he is toast.

Definitely not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, if she files in the 9th Circuit, I would say she has better than even odds of winning.


Pertinent point, and correct. But the Statists love to use the courts to foist thier agenda against the Constitution.

Been that way since Maubury v. Madison when the court gave themselves power...
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No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.
Limbaugh made a statement about a person that made herself PUBLIC...albiet he decended into the depths of whalesqueeze of the left to make his point.

She has NO case. The woman went public.

Case dismissed.

Of course she has a case. All she needs to win is to get a liberal judge who believes the Constitution can be rewritten by a judge on a whim and he is toast.

Definitely not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, if she files in the 9th Circuit, I would say she has better than even odds of winning.


Judges do not rule on civil cases. All they do is interpret the law.
Material fact civil cases always go to a jury.
You can not ever file any civil cases in the 9th circuit if a state court has jurisdiction.
What media verbally abused that child?

All but Fox made all kinds of unacceptable comments about her child and Downs Syndrome children and about her being a terrible person for bringing such a child into the world.


Pornographer Larry Flynt Calls Palin's Down Syndrome Son 'Brain Dead Vegetable'

LA Times Columnist Calls Sarah Palin a 'Special-Needs Case'

Wonkette Pulls Offensive Post About Sarah Palin's Handicapped Son

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday

Maher: Palin’s Job at Fox Equivalent to Talking to Her Down Syndrome Baby

The list is rather large, and disgusting...

WHERE is the lawsuit by Palin? (When by liberal logic on display here)?

Ms. Palin could clean thier clocks and be very rich...

Only one of those articles had anything to do with specifically speaking of her kid.
And that was Larry Flint, hardly major media there.
No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.

Wrong. Do you know the elements of a law suit?

I thought not.

Elements of a law suit:

The defendant has a duty;

The duty was breached;

The plantiff was harmed.

Does Rush Limbaugh have a duty to Ms. Fluke?

Did he breach that duty?

Was Ms. Flukes harmed in any manner?

I'll wait for the pleading to be filed and the court rendering a decision. Calling someone a slut and a prostitute in an effort to defame her is at best outrageous; will Ms. Fluke prevail? I hope so.

You are a dumb ass and do not know shit about civil law suits. I work them for a living and work for both insurance companies on the defendant side and on other cases I get hired on the plaintiff side.
Do you have a clue about any of this? I have worked over 2500 civil cases and almost a thousand have gone to trial.
Let us say Fluke wins the liability side of a slander case? Then they go to the damages part where she has to prove monetary damages. WHAT MONEY DID SHE LOSE? Did she have any medical damages?, did she lose any work?, if her reputation was damaged what business has she lost and what business will she lose as a result of being called a slut?
Real world Moe. Get your game on next time as what you posted is not anywhere close to what the law is and civil court rules of procedure.

Nice rant, there is nothing civil within your post. The only part of your post which is credible is your observation on duty. Does a broadcaster have Carte Blanche to defame a private citizen? I suspect not. Implied in your rant is how the court views Ms. Fluke. Was she a public figure at the time Mr. Limbaugh called her a "slut" and a "prostitute"? How will a judge view Limbaugh's comment suggesting she should pay for contraception by filming sexual acts? Does the judge have a daughter?

Stating you have testified in a thousand civil trials, plus the tone of your reaction to my post, suggests to me that you're full of shit. I can't prove it, but that would be my working hypothesis. I spent 32 years as an investigator with two different law enforcement agencies, and several years doing internal investigations. While I suspect you're full of shit I always follow my first mentors admonition - don't make a decision, don't draw a conclusion until you've interviewed everyone and have heard from every side on the issue. In your case I don't have an opportunity to interview anyone, and on the internet you can claim to be anything. Hence, I default to my working hypothesis based on this observation:

Your post is emotion based, no competent attorney hires a professional as an expert witness who cannot maintain control of his or her emotions while on the stand.

Thanks for sharing.

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