Did the media treat Palin with the respect that everyone is demanding for women?

Did the MSM and liberals in general give Palin the very respect they are now demandin

  • Im too much of a chicken to expose my hypocrisy

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She became a public figure at the behest of the Statist Democrats...she is living her 15 minutes of fame.

She will be tossed away like an old worn shoe when the Statists have used and abused her as a tool...just like Cindy Sheehan.

FYI: private citizen - definition of private citizen by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

   [pol-i-tish-uhn] Show IPA

1. a person who is active in party politics.

2. a seeker or holder of public office, who is more concerned about winning favor or retaining power than about maintaining principles.

3. a person who holds a political office.

4. a person skilled in political government or administration; statesman or stateswoman.

5. an expert in politics or political government.

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

4. Politician, statesman refer to one skilled in politics. These terms differ particularly in their connotations; politician is more often derogatory, and statesman laudatory. Politician suggests the schemes and devices of a person who engages in (especially small) politics for party ends or for one's own advantage.: a dishonest politician Statesman suggests the eminent ability, foresight, and unselfish patriotic devotion of a person dealing with (especially important or great) affairs of state: a distinguished statesman.

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.


It would be interesting to see if a Court of Law defines her as a politician or not. Maybe it's a good thing Gloria Allred is checking on the slander laws in FL. Maybe that can be decided for us.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

4. Politician, statesman refer to one skilled in politics. These terms differ particularly in their connotations; politician is more often derogatory, and statesman laudatory. Politician suggests the schemes and devices of a person who engages in (especially small) politics for party ends or for one's own advantage.: a dishonest politician Statesman suggests the eminent ability, foresight, and unselfish patriotic devotion of a person dealing with (especially important or great) affairs of state: a distinguished statesman.

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.

Bodey knows...she is just bucking for another argument she knows she will lose.

private citizen - definition of private citizen by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Again....I will say, maybe it's time for Gloria Allred to go ahead with that slander suit. Then we can find out for sure.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

4. Politician, statesman refer to one skilled in politics. These terms differ particularly in their connotations; politician is more often derogatory, and statesman laudatory. Politician suggests the schemes and devices of a person who engages in (especially small) politics for party ends or for one's own advantage.: a dishonest politician Statesman suggests the eminent ability, foresight, and unselfish patriotic devotion of a person dealing with (especially important or great) affairs of state: a distinguished statesman.

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.


It would be interesting to see if a Court of Law defines her as a politician or not. Maybe it's a good thing Gloria Allred is checking on the slander laws in FL. Maybe that can be decided for us.

from 1885,,, fucking A. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.


It would be interesting to see if a Court of Law defines her as a politician or not. Maybe it's a good thing Gloria Allred is checking on the slander laws in FL. Maybe that can be decided for us.

from 1885,,, fucking A. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Isn't it nice how the Statists here rely so heavily on corrupt courts?
Many in the Left Press even attacked her children. So obviously it's a big HELL NO!

That was totally unacceptable, I agree. But Palin was and is a politician. Unless you want a double standard for women politicians, she gets just what the men get.

I am just curious, who was the last male politician that had his Down's Syndrome child verbally abused by the media? It was downright disgusting what they did to her and that child.


What media verbally abused that child?
Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin never said that, you pathetic moron. When you go around attacking the intelligence of a politician, you better make sure you have your facts straight. Otherwise you end up looking like a complete jackass.
The sooner we admit the fact that Sarah Palin was a complete joke on our last ticket the quicker we can learn from our mistakes and never make one like that again.
You can dress up and put lipstick on a hog but what you end up with is a hog.
Folks are just mad because they worship Palin because she is pretty and winks at them. They can not accept the fact that we said a long, long, long time ago she is a weak quitter, was not going to run and is going to sit on the sidelines Monday morning quarterbacking for $10,000 a half day.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.
Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

If it walks like a duck, swims like a duck or quacks like a duck it is more than likely a duck.

Politician | Define Politician at Dictionary.com

Numbers 1, 4 & 5 define Sandra Fluke. She is a politician.

I might also call your attention to this paragraph found on the same page:

Emphasis added

Now if that isn't Sandra Fluke then a duck is an elephant in disguise.


It would be interesting to see if a Court of Law defines her as a politician or not. Maybe it's a good thing Gloria Allred is checking on the slander laws in FL. Maybe that can be decided for us.

from 1885,,, fucking A. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

And the Constitution is from 1787 with the Bill of Rights from 1791. Will you be laughing at those too, Willow?
The sooner we admit the fact that Sarah Palin was a complete joke on our last ticket the quicker we can learn from our mistakes and never make one like that again.
You can dress up and put lipstick on a hog but what you end up with is a hog.
Folks are just mad because they worship Palin because she is pretty and winks at them. They can not accept the fact that we said a long, long, long time ago she is a weak quitter, was not going to run and is going to sit on the sidelines Monday morning quarterbacking for $10,000 a half day.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.

Who is "we?" You sound like a Democrat most of the time.
It would be interesting to see if a Court of Law defines her as a politician or not. Maybe it's a good thing Gloria Allred is checking on the slander laws in FL. Maybe that can be decided for us.

from 1885,,, fucking A. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Isn't it nice how the Statists here rely so heavily on corrupt courts?

Now that is an interesting comment. No court has even heard this case yet (Florida courts are corrupt, Tommy?) and you are already calling them corrupt.

I would think you guys would welcome a court decision on whether Ms Fluke is a private citizen or not. You certainly seem confident that she is not. What is the matter? You don't think a court will back you on that? A Florida court?
This thread isn't about Palins acumen as a politician. It's asking if the media treated her in a respectful manner. Ie all the name calling prior to the 08 election. Now stop being a chickenshit and vote.
When you call the media into question, Palin's acumen as a political figure becomes the issue. The media didn't attack her because she is a woman. the attacked her because she is a stupid woman and a political figure. Vice Presidential candidate and governor (who quit) of Alaska.

They attacked her because she is a republican. Woman was secondary and brains is last.
And all the while the Statists accuse the right of waging WAR against women...:eusa_whistle:

The 'WAR' is false...and partisan bullsqueeze.
The sooner we admit the fact that Sarah Palin was a complete joke on our last ticket the quicker we can learn from our mistakes and never make one like that again.
You can dress up and put lipstick on a hog but what you end up with is a hog.
Folks are just mad because they worship Palin because she is pretty and winks at them. They can not accept the fact that we said a long, long, long time ago she is a weak quitter, was not going to run and is going to sit on the sidelines Monday morning quarterbacking for $10,000 a half day.
Quitters never win and winners never quit.

Who is "we?" You sound like a Democrat most of the time.

You sound like an uninformed juvenile most of the time.
Get over it, you spilled your milk and lost your cookie.
I remember when you guys were laughing your ass off with me at the Billy Carter and Amy Carter skits on SNL.
Oh wait, that is OK. They are Democrats. How dare anyone laugh at a Sarah Palin joke?
Grow some stones my man. We need help and NO CRY BABIES.
Romney is our man so shut the fuck up and get on board. Either you are in or not.
Which is it? Grab your helmet and buckle up your chin strap.
Why do so many wingnuts have a hard on for Sarah Palin?

Or, does it say more about the wingnuts than it does about the idiot Palin? Smarts don't count for much among the wingnuts, that's for sure.

Palin represents a faction of the GOP and the right in general who exhibit disdain for what they perceive as the ‘intellectual elite,’ where ‘too much thinking’ is a bad thing.

The only thing a real American needs to know is his bible and his job, nothing else – he doesn’t need to read any other books or newspapers, know about other peoples and cultures, and he certainly doesn’t need to know about Supreme Court cases, including those he disagrees with.

We see examples of this rightwing ‘anti-intellectualism’ and ignorance in this very forum, in this very thread…
Or is this so called war on women just a reflection of partisan politics?

Sorry troll, Palin brought most of the negative press on herself. "I can see Russia from my porch"; not even you're dumb enough to suggest 'seeing' Russia is a substitute for knowing Russia in terms of an understanding of our long term relations with Russia and the nations which made up the former USSR.

Palin lacked even the rudimentary knowledge needed to pass a blue book exam in an undergrad Foreign Relations exam, or one in Geography or Psychology; her ignorance must be what attracted you and others like you to her.

Palin was and is all partisan all of the time. Of course that is what attracts the 28%ers to whom she appeals; as a demagogue she's a failure, she forgets the other 72% of Americans have open minds and open hearts and the callous conservative theme is anathema to them.

So your answer is "yes, her treatment was appropriate because I think she deserved it cuz she's stupid."

Do you think rape victims also bring it upon themselves?

Of course you do.

No, of course I don't believe rape victims bring the rape upon themselves. Rape is all about power and control and has very little to do with sexual desire. The rapist rapes when opportunity knocks, not when he is aroused by attire or attitude.

Never did I say the things said about her were fair or civil. However, what she has said about Democrats, liberals and President Obama is bound to elicit a response - some civil, some profane and even vulgar. That is what I meant by "she brought it on herself".

Now, I suppose your thinking (if in fact you do) that Sandra Fluke is responsible and deserved the vile and hateful comments broadcast about her to the nation by Mr. Limbaugh was deserved. That you may not know the difference between a public figure and a private citizen is understandable - partisanship gets in the way of rational thought.

I don't believe I called Palin stupid, in fact I have a small amount of empathy for her. You see she is ill equipped to be VP of the United States and it was foolish of her to believe she could pull it off.
When you call the media into question, Palin's acumen as a political figure becomes the issue. The media didn't attack her because she is a woman. the attacked her because she is a stupid woman and a political figure. Vice Presidential candidate and governor (who quit) of Alaska.

They attacked her because she is a republican. Woman was secondary and brains is last.
And all the while the Statists accuse the right of waging WAR against women...:eusa_whistle:

The 'WAR' is false...and partisan bullsqueeze.

Maybe not a war per se...but isn't it interesting all the talk of those issues that women have fought long and hard over? Womens reproductive rights, that is.
Now that is an interesting comment. No court has even heard this case yet (Florida courts are corrupt, Tommy?) and you are already calling them corrupt.

I would think you guys would welcome a court decision on whether Ms Fluke is a private citizen or not. You certainly seem confident that she is not. What is the matter? You don't think a court will back you on that? A Florida court?

No court ever will here the case. Gloria Alred is notorious for making toothless threats of legal action.

Any lawyer worth a plug nickel would know Fluke hasn't got a case. Limbaugh didn't make any slanderous statements about Fluke.
Why do so many wingnuts have a hard on for Sarah Palin?

Or, does it say more about the wingnuts than it does about the idiot Palin? Smarts don't count for much among the wingnuts, that's for sure.

Palin represents a faction of the GOP and the right in general who exhibit disdain for what they perceive as the ‘intellectual elite,’ where ‘too much thinking’ is a bad thing.

The only thing a real American needs to know is his bible and his job, nothing else – he doesn’t need to read any other books or newspapers, know about other peoples and cultures, and he certainly doesn’t need to know about Supreme Court cases, including those he disagrees with.

We see examples of this rightwing ‘anti-intellectualism’ and ignorance in this very forum, in this very thread…

And the ACLU is always bad. You left that out.
Who is "we?" You sound like a Democrat most of the time.

You sound like an uninformed juvenile most of the time.
Get over it, you spilled your milk and lost your cookie.
I remember when you guys were laughing your ass off with me at the Billy Carter and Amy Carter skits on SNL.
Oh wait, that is OK. They are Democrats. How dare anyone laugh at a Sarah Palin joke?
Grow some stones my man. We need help and NO CRY BABIES.
Romney is our man so shut the fuck up and get on board. Either you are in or not.
Which is it? Grab your helmet and buckle up your chin strap.

In other words, you're a RINO.

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