Did These Guys Get Background Checks...before Killing 9 Year Old...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, they seem to have caught the gang members who murdered a 9'year old boy...Why did they kill the boy...they were out looking to kill rival gang members and thought he was going to shout a warning...so they shot him 4 times killing him....

Now...these guys are all full time gang members....with prior criminal convictions...in fact....the murderer did 3 1/2 years for a previous gun crime...okay...none of these guys could legally buy a gun, own a gun or carry a gun....they did not register their gun...they did not go through 16 hours of training to get a concealed carry permit...

And they somehow had a gun and used it to slaughter a 9 year old boy...without hesitation, mercy or regret....

so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....?

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation
Antonio Smith, a 9-year-old boy, was shot at least four times by Allmon and died at the hospital. The boy, nor any of his family members, were affiliated with any gangs.

Allmon threw the handgun down a sewer and was later recovered by police during their investigation. The handgun was traced back to two other shootings, one of which was fatal.

Also important to note is that Allmon had been arrested in 2012 on gun charges and served 3 1/2 years for those crimes. He was released just a few weeks before gunning down this innocent 9-year-old boy.
I'm actually with the Wrongpublicans on the issue of background checks before gun purchases--I believe there shouldn't be any, because I believe there shouldn't be any guns to buy. No matter how much we regulate them, they're still dangerous tools of mass murder. The only way to stop the senseless violence guns are used for is to ban them completely.

You know it to be true.
I'm actually with the Wrongpublicans on the issue of background checks before gun purchases--I believe there shouldn't be any, because I believe there shouldn't be any guns to buy. No matter how much we regulate them, they're still dangerous tools of mass murder. The only way to stop the senseless violence guns are used for is to ban them completely.

You know it to be true.
Then get to work getting an amendment created to replace the 2nd. Without that you have no way to ban firearms. And while we are on the subject exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.
You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

that's pretty funny...
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.
Now explain how we ban firearms from criminals? How do you get them to turn in their weapons, not smuggle more in or steal them from cops and military?
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.
Better hurry up and get that Amendment created and then passed.
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.
First thing you should do then, is throw away your computer, tv, radio, and anything else that runs on electricity, or just do away with electricity all together, for anyone can throw or drop an electric appliance into a tub with you in it, that makes it a weapon.

Then, take any piece of cloth you might own, like a towel, a pair of pants, a shirt or bra, etc. and get rid of them, for someone could strangle you with any of these.

Take all hardback books out of your house, and anything that is not nailed down that is hard enough to be used as a weapon, for beating your brains in with them is a distinct possibility.

And I haven't even gotten to the utensils you use. So we need to go back to eating with our fingers, and I have no idea what we are going to cook with.

Yes, you are a moron!
Thank you for pointing out how stupidly easy it is for criminals to get guns right now. First thing we have to do is register all guns. Then we can track who the previous owner of that gun is and find out how it got into criminal hands. Next we need to require background checks on all sales. As laws are now these guys could have bought the gun from some guy on the corner without a background check. The guy on the corner has no worries because the gun isn't registered.

Well, they seem to have caught the gang members who murdered a 9'year old boy...Why did they kill the boy...they were out looking to kill rival gang members and thought he was going to shout a warning...so they shot him 4 times killing him....

Now...these guys are all full time gang members....with prior criminal convictions...in fact....the murderer did 3 1/2 years for a previous gun crime...okay...none of these guys could legally buy a gun, own a gun or carry a gun....they did not register their gun...they did not go through 16 hours of training to get a concealed carry permit...

And they somehow had a gun and used it to slaughter a 9 year old boy...without hesitation, mercy or regret....

so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....?

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation
Antonio Smith, a 9-year-old boy, was shot at least four times by Allmon and died at the hospital. The boy, nor any of his family members, were affiliated with any gangs.

Allmon threw the handgun down a sewer and was later recovered by police during their investigation. The handgun was traced back to two other shootings, one of which was fatal.

Also important to note is that Allmon had been arrested in 2012 on gun charges and served 3 1/2 years for those crimes. He was released just a few weeks before gunning down this innocent 9-year-old boy.
Refostering guns isn't' a solution to anything...it is however the first step to get guns banned....
There is no evidence it will prevent criminals from getting guns and is not needed to get people selling guns to felons....

If you catch someone breaking the law using a gun they cannot legally use, you get him to tell you who sold him the gun...then you can go arrest the guy...hence....no need to make criminals out of law abiding citizens by forcing them to choose not registering their guns vs. breaking the law....


MYTH 4:"Honest citizens have nothing to fear from gun registration and licensing which will curb crime by disarming criminals."

Registration and licensing have no effect on crime, as criminals, by definition, do not obey laws. Indeed, a national survey of prisoners conducted by Wright and Rossi for the Department of Justice found that 82% agreed that "gun laws only affect law-abiding citizens; criminals will always be able to get guns."

Further, felons are constitutionally exempt from a gun registration requirement. According to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Haynes v. U.S., since felons are prohibited by law from possessing a firearm, compelling them to register firearms would violate the Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination. 8 Only law-abiding citizens would be required to comply with registration--citizens who have neither committed crime nor have any intention of doing so.
since anti gunners love the anti gun laws of other countries, and hearing stories about failed gun laws in other countries might make a difference to rational people here....

Registration and licensing of America's 60-65 million gun owners and their 200 million firearms would require the creation of a huge bureaucracy at tremendous cost to the taxpayer, with absolutely no tangible anti-crime return. Indeed, New Zealand authorities repealed registration in the 1980s after police acknowledged its worthlessness, and a similar recommendation was made by Australian law enforcement. Law enforcement would be diverted from its primary responsibility, apprehending and arresting criminals, to investigating and processing paperwork on law-abiding citizens.
There is an actual solution....when you catch a felon with a gun...arrest them...and lock them up for a long, long time.

case in point...this killer was convicted on a gun crime and was out in 3 1/2 years...so that is time for the crime and time for the gun part of it....then he got out and killed the boy....he should have served at least 10 years on the gun crime by itself on top of the actual crime...cause odds are he already had a vast criminal record....

Anti gunners don't care about the victims because if they did, they would focus their efforts on the criminals using guns, the way I did above....what do they focus on....regular people owning guns...law abiding people owning guns...you know, the actual people who don't commit crimes with guns...their thought processes are screwed up because of their irrational fear of guns...the very thought of guns makes them crazy...

it has been shown over and over and over again that background checks, gun registration and limits on magazines don't stop crime...and yet those are the things that gun grabbers focus on....the ones that will hurt regular people and leave criminals un troubled....

Why do they think like that?
I'm actually with the Wrongpublicans on the issue of background checks before gun purchases--I believe there shouldn't be any, because I believe there shouldn't be any guns to buy. No matter how much we regulate them, they're still dangerous tools of mass murder. The only way to stop the senseless violence guns are used for is to ban them completely.

You know it to be true.
You have a right to your beliefs and I have a right to my guns. Ain't life grand
And you know...anti gunners may not have a historical memory...how could they with the things they support...but those,who support the Constitution and Bill of Rights...including the 2nd Amendment....do...

And, since 1991, New York City authorities have used registration lists to enforce a ban on semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. Avowed handgun prohibitionist Charles Morgan, as director of the American Civil Liberties Union's Washington office, in a 1975 hearing before the House Subcommittee on Crime stated: "I have not one doubt, even if I am in agreement with the National Rifle Association, that kind of a record-keeping procedure is the first step to eventual confiscation under one administration or another."

So yes...registration has been used in the past....that is why it is resisted now...it has also been used in other countries to deny people the right to keep and bear arms....so sell registration to someone who doesn't know history...
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

The bolded is funny as hell.
In your world there will be no baseball
No Carving of the Thanksgiving bird
No slicing of your bagel in the morning
You want a nice slice of prime rib? To bad no knives here
The use of clubs on the golf course is now banned, you must throw your ball
Pocket knifes? Nope can't have em

Peace will be here if you remove all weapons and weapon like objects? What an asinine statement, I guess no one ever harmed another person with their hands.

The real problem is people like this are allowed to vote
Thank you for pointing out how stupidly easy it is for criminals to get guns right now. First thing we have to do is register all guns. Then we can track who the previous owner of that gun is and find out how it got into criminal hands. Next we need to require background checks on all sales. As laws are now these guys could have bought the gun from some guy on the corner without a background check. The guy on the corner has no worries because the gun isn't registered.

Well, they seem to have caught the gang members who murdered a 9'year old boy...Why did they kill the boy...they were out looking to kill rival gang members and thought he was going to shout a warning...so they shot him 4 times killing him....

Now...these guys are all full time gang members....with prior criminal convictions...in fact....the murderer did 3 1/2 years for a previous gun crime...okay...none of these guys could legally buy a gun, own a gun or carry a gun....they did not register their gun...they did not go through 16 hours of training to get a concealed carry permit...

And they somehow had a gun and used it to slaughter a 9 year old boy...without hesitation, mercy or regret....

so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....?

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation
Antonio Smith, a 9-year-old boy, was shot at least four times by Allmon and died at the hospital. The boy, nor any of his family members, were affiliated with any gangs.

Allmon threw the handgun down a sewer and was later recovered by police during their investigation. The handgun was traced back to two other shootings, one of which was fatal.

Also important to note is that Allmon had been arrested in 2012 on gun charges and served 3 1/2 years for those crimes. He was released just a few weeks before gunning down this innocent 9-year-old boy.

I love it when the hoplophobes have this all figured out.

So all we need is a mandatory registration of all weapons, sounds easy enough. Now explain to me how your going to convince criminals to go out and register their weapons. For that matter tell me how your going to get me to register my weapons. As a social authoritarian are you also for home to home searches by the gov? I am guessing so

310M plus guns in private hands only a tine fraction would ever get registered
That doesn't appear to be the solution.
United States incarceration rate - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The incarceration rate in the United States of America is the highest in the world. As of October 2013, the incarceration rate was 716 per 100,000 of the national population.[2] While the United States represents about 5 percent of the world's population, it houses around 25 percent of the world's prisoners.[3][4] Imprisonment of America's 2.3 million prisoners, costing $24,000 per inmate per year, and $5.1 billion in new prison construction, consumes $60.3 billion in budget expenditures.

There is an actual solution....when you catch a felon with a gun...arrest them...and lock them up for a long, long time.

case in point...this killer was convicted on a gun crime and was out in 3 1/2 years...so that is time for the crime and time for the gun part of it....then he got out and killed the boy....he should have served at least 10 years on the gun crime by itself on top of the actual crime...cause odds are he already had a vast criminal record....

Anti gunners don't care about the victims because if they did, they would focus their efforts on the criminals using guns, the way I did above....what do they focus on....regular people owning guns...law abiding people owning guns...you know, the actual people who don't commit crimes with guns...their thought processes are screwed up because of their irrational fear of guns...the very thought of guns makes them crazy...

it has been shown over and over and over again that background checks, gun registration and limits on magazines don't stop crime...and yet those are the things that gun grabbers focus on....the ones that will hurt regular people and leave criminals un troubled....

Why do they think like that?
There is an actual solution....when you catch a felon with a gun...arrest them...and lock them up for a long, long time.

case in point...this killer was convicted on a gun crime and was out in 3 1/2 years...so that is time for the crime and time for the gun part of it....then he got out and killed the boy....he should have served at least 10 years on the gun crime by itself on top of the actual crime...cause odds are he already had a vast criminal record....

Anti gunners don't care about the victims because if they did, they would focus their efforts on the criminals using guns, the way I did above....what do they focus on....regular people owning guns...law abiding people owning guns...you know, the actual people who don't commit crimes with guns...their thought processes are screwed up because of their irrational fear of guns...the very thought of guns makes them crazy...

it has been shown over and over and over again that background checks, gun registration and limits on magazines don't stop crime...and yet those are the things that gun grabbers focus on....the ones that will hurt regular people and leave criminals un troubled....

Why do they think like that?

The bold above hit the nail on the head, very well said.

It has been proven over and over that the Anti Gun Loons do not care about gun crime, they only want all guns gone because they are hoplophobes. Now thats not to say that they are not foaming at the mouth to dance on the graves of shooting victims to push their agenda
Obviously you take any weapons that are not registered. The criminals will run out of guns after arrests. Those who sell guns to criminals will become much less likely to do so because it will be traced back to them. Requiring background checks on all sales will make it so the seller can't just say I didn't know he was a felon.

I wouldn't suggest home to home searches no. But if you are found in possession of unregistered firearms they will be taken. If you are a law abiding citizen and it becomes the law to register your guns then you will do it.

Thank you for pointing out how stupidly easy it is for criminals to get guns right now. First thing we have to do is register all guns. Then we can track who the previous owner of that gun is and find out how it got into criminal hands. Next we need to require background checks on all sales. As laws are now these guys could have bought the gun from some guy on the corner without a background check. The guy on the corner has no worries because the gun isn't registered.

Well, they seem to have caught the gang members who murdered a 9'year old boy...Why did they kill the boy...they were out looking to kill rival gang members and thought he was going to shout a warning...so they shot him 4 times killing him....

Now...these guys are all full time gang members....with prior criminal convictions...in fact....the murderer did 3 1/2 years for a previous gun crime...okay...none of these guys could legally buy a gun, own a gun or carry a gun....they did not register their gun...they did not go through 16 hours of training to get a concealed carry permit...

And they somehow had a gun and used it to slaughter a 9 year old boy...without hesitation, mercy or regret....

so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....?

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation
Antonio Smith, a 9-year-old boy, was shot at least four times by Allmon and died at the hospital. The boy, nor any of his family members, were affiliated with any gangs.

Allmon threw the handgun down a sewer and was later recovered by police during their investigation. The handgun was traced back to two other shootings, one of which was fatal.

Also important to note is that Allmon had been arrested in 2012 on gun charges and served 3 1/2 years for those crimes. He was released just a few weeks before gunning down this innocent 9-year-old boy.

I love it when the hoplophobes have this all figured out.

So all we need is a mandatory registration of all weapons, sounds easy enough. Now explain to me how your going to convince criminals to go out and register their weapons. For that matter tell me how your going to get me to register my weapons. As a social authoritarian are you also for home to home searches by the gov? I am guessing so

310M plus guns in private hands only a tine fraction would ever get registered
costing $24,000 per inmate per year, and $5.1 billion in new prison construction, consumes $60.3 billion in budget expenditures.

I read somewhere that a criminal out in the world costs society 3 million dollars a year...so excuse me if 24,000 dollars sounds like a deal...and it keeps them from killing 9'year olds....kind,of seals the deal....if stopping crime was you goal...which it obviously isn't....

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