Did These Guys Get Background Checks...before Killing 9 Year Old...

I realize all that, and most importantly he was stopped at reload. We should want guys like this reloading often. Gives people a chance to stop him or even just run around a corner.

Had your armed hero been there, how many shots you think he'd have used to stop this guy?

And again I've not said anything about banning guns.

I don't believe Tucson was a gun free zone....

Here is another:
Long Island Rail Road massacre - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Ferguson had emptied two 15-round magazines during the shooting. While reloading his third magazine, somebody yelled, "Grab him!"[13] Passengers Michael O'Connor, Kevin Blum and Mark McEntee tackled Ferguson and pinned him to one of the train's seats.[

Really, this is the best you can do...

One...it was another gun free zone...he was the only guy with a gun and he killed a lot of people...because no one else had a gun...

2) He changed his magazine and kept killing...

3) the only reason they rushed the guy during the last magazine change is because they were in a confined space and had no other option except to let him start shooting again...

A confined space where they were already in close proximity to the attacker...same with Giffords attack...he got too close to do his shooting...

And the train was a gun free zone...the hunting preserve of mass shooters...
I read them. They are propaganda and that's about it. No backing by studies or actual events or anything real.

because the articles come from people with actual knowledge of the subject and who can write clearly on the topic...
Ah...Massad Ayoob on this very subject...a master at the craft of Defensive Pistol shooting...let's read what he has to say...shall we...you know...someone who testifies about gun shootings and who has law enforcement experience...and teaches defensive shooting...

You wanted real world examples of needing more than 2 rounds...allow the master to educate you...


Most police officers have seen the famous autopsy photo in the cops-only text book “Street Survival” of the armed robber who soaked up 33 police 9mm bullets before he stopped trying to kill the officers.

Consider Lance Thomas, the Los Angeles area watch shop owner who was in manyshootouts with multiple gang bangers who tried to rob and murder him. He shot several of them, and discovered that it took so many hits to stop them that he placed multiple loaded handguns every few feet along his workbench.

That’s not possible in a home, or when lawfully carrying concealed on the street: a semiautomatic pistol with a substantial cartridge capacity makes much more sense for that defensive application.

Okay...now move the goal posts about needing more than 2 bullets...now that there is an actual expert telling you the truth...
And here it is...the ranchers on the border shootings you say don't exist...

Semiautomatic rifles? Consider this heart-breaking, fatal home invasion in Florida Murders of Byrd and Melanie Billings - Wikipedia the free encyclopediaand ask yourself if it might have turned out differently had the homeowners been able to access and competently deploy something like, oh, a Bushmaster AR15 with 30 round magazine. I teach every year in Southern Arizona, and each year I see more Americans along the border with AR15s and similar rifles in their ranch vehicles and even their regular cars. There have been cases where innocent ranchers and working cops alike have been jeopardized by multiple, heavily armed drug smugglers and human traffickers in desert fights far from police response and backup.
Part 2 of Massad Ayoob and why magazines should not be limited...


Real life is more like a zombie movie: if the first bullet doesn’t short-circuit the central nervous system, you have to keep shooting until the skeletal support structure no longer holds him (and his weapon) up where he can hurt you and yours, or until his cardiovascular system has run out of oxygenated blood for his brain. The latter mechanism’s effect can often be better measured in minutes than in moments.

Three of the people saved by their guns were up against two-to-one odds: An unidentified farmer in West Virginia, store owner Roger Webster of Maryland, and an 83-year-old lady with a “walker” in Tennessee.

And two of the seven documented cases – A 35-year-old woman in the New Orleans area and a Pennsylvania man – were each up against a gang of at least FOUR home invaders.

In a world where the Good People With Guns often have to deliver several hits to neutralize even one Bad Person With Deadly Weapons, and in which there is often more than one attacker, anyone applying logical thinking can only end up shouting one three-word mantra:

Had your armed hero been there, how many shots you think he'd have used to stop this guy?

Depends on how close he was and how many bullets he had...

How easily could the shooter on the train have switched out magazines if someone was actually shooting at him...switching magazines while getting shot at or shot a lot harder....
I don't see anything of any great substance, again more propaganda. Is there some part of it you think is so great we should debate?

Ah...Massad Ayoob on this very subject...a master at the craft of Defensive Pistol shooting...let's read what he has to say...shall we...you know...someone who testifies about gun shootings and who has law enforcement experience...and teaches defensive shooting...

You wanted real world examples of needing more than 2 rounds...allow the master to educate you...


Most police officers have seen the famous autopsy photo in the cops-only text book “Street Survival” of the armed robber who soaked up 33 police 9mm bullets before he stopped trying to kill the officers.

Consider Lance Thomas, the Los Angeles area watch shop owner who was in manyshootouts with multiple gang bangers who tried to rob and murder him. He shot several of them, and discovered that it took so many hits to stop them that he placed multiple loaded handguns every few feet along his workbench.

That’s not possible in a home, or when lawfully carrying concealed on the street: a semiautomatic pistol with a substantial cartridge capacity makes much more sense for that defensive application.
Okay...now move the goal posts about needing more than 2 bullets...now that there is an actual expert telling you the truth...
I don't believe Tucson was a gun free zone....

I believe it took place in the parking lot of a gun free zone...a grocery store...have to look it up...and this is one out of all the others...
Do you think it would have taken 20? I don't think so. Does concealed carry training teach you to fire like a criminal and not worry about hitting innocent people?

It would be hard to reload with someone firing at him. That is why I haven't suggested anything to disarm anyone who can legally carry. Why do you keep acting like I have?

Had your armed hero been there, how many shots you think he'd have used to stop this guy?

Depends on how close he was and how many bullets he had...

How easily could the shooter on the train have switched out magazines if someone was actually shooting at him...switching magazines while getting shot at or shot a lot harder....
I don't see anything of any great substance, again more propaganda. Is there some part of it you think is so great we should debate?

Of course you don't, he gives real world examples and gives legitimate reasons to have more than 10 round magazines...so of course you don't see any substance...it is right in front of you...
I will repeat myself.
Is there some part of it you think is so great we should debate?

I don't see anything of any great substance, again more propaganda. Is there some part of it you think is so great we should debate?

Of course you don't, he gives real world examples and gives legitimate reasons to have more than 10 round magazines...so of course you don't see any substance...it is right in front of you...
The Tuscon Shooting was in a grocery store parking lot...which means we would need to know the carry policy of the grocery store...if they had a no guns allowed policy...then it is likely fewer people in the parking lot would have guns...since they would either leave them at home or locked in their cars to go into the store...

2011 Tucson shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Well, they seem to have caught the gang members who murdered a 9'year old boy...Why did they kill the boy...they were out looking to kill rival gang members and thought he was going to shout a warning...so they shot him 4 times killing him....

Now...these guys are all full time gang members....with prior criminal convictions...in fact....the murderer did 3 1/2 years for a previous gun crime...okay...none of these guys could legally buy a gun, own a gun or carry a gun....they did not register their gun...they did not go through 16 hours of training to get a concealed carry permit...

And they somehow had a gun and used it to slaughter a 9 year old boy...without hesitation, mercy or regret....

so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....?

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation
Antonio Smith, a 9-year-old boy, was shot at least four times by Allmon and died at the hospital. The boy, nor any of his family members, were affiliated with any gangs.

Allmon threw the handgun down a sewer and was later recovered by police during their investigation. The handgun was traced back to two other shootings, one of which was fatal.

Also important to note is that Allmon had been arrested in 2012 on gun charges and served 3 1/2 years for those crimes. He was released just a few weeks before gunning down this innocent 9-year-old boy.

How dare they not have permits! I hope they received citations!
I am currently on the phone with Safeway customer service to ask about their carry policies...
While we disagree I do like your dedication to your cause.

The Tuscon Shooting was in a grocery store parking lot...which means we would need to know the carry policy of the grocery store...if they had a no guns allowed policy...then it is likely fewer people in the parking lot would have guns...since they would either leave them at home or locked in their cars to go into the store...

2011 Tucson shooting - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I am currently on the phone with Safeway customer service to ask about their carry policies...
They say it depends on the store...I don't want to spend the time tracking down this particular safeway...
You know Brain357...I actually enjoy debating you...you are a good poster...I have learned a lot about my side of the argument from debating you...thanks.

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