Did These Guys Get Background Checks...before Killing 9 Year Old...

I like that it always remains civil and you often have interesting studies or other links. I like the study that concealed carry people commit less crime, makes one feel better. You are obviously too paranoid, but I am sure there is some therapy for that.

You know Brain357...I actually enjoy debating you...you are a good poster...I have learned a lot about my side of the argument from debating you...thanks.
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

All weapons? You mean like guns, knives of any kind, baseball bats, hammers, anything poisonous, etc.?

I'm actually with the Wrongpublicans on the issue of background checks before gun purchases--I believe there shouldn't be any, because I believe there shouldn't be any guns to buy. No matter how much we regulate them, they're still dangerous tools of mass murder. The only way to stop the senseless violence guns are used for is to ban them completely.

You know it to be true.
I have a right to my guns.

Bullshit, prove it.
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

In your world there will be no baseball
No Carving of the Thanksgiving bird
No slicing of your bagel in the morning
You want a nice slice of prime rib? To bad no knives here
The use of clubs on the golf course is now banned, you must throw your ball
Pocket knifes? Nope can't have em

Peace will be here if you remove all weapons and weapon like objects?

Yes indeed, peace. Won't it be grand? Just imagine the amount of time we can save from doing these bigoted, backwards, and quite frankly extremely dangerous actions and apply it to something more worthwhile, like re-reading Dreams From My Father or the complete text of all of President Obama's speeches.
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.
First thing you should do then, is throw away your computer, tv, radio, and anything else that runs on electricity, or just do away with electricity all together, for anyone can throw or drop an electric appliance into a tub with you in it, that makes it a weapon.

Does anyone really take baths any more? It's much more efficient to take showers. Save some of that water for the fish, you greedy manpig--they need it to breathe.

Then, take any piece of cloth you might own, like a towel, a pair of pants, a shirt or bra, etc. and get rid of them, for someone could strangle you with any of these.

At least you're enlightened enough to appreciate the fine art of nudism. The more pyyple that share this view of ours, the better.

Take all hardback books out of your house, and anything that is not nailed down that is hard enough to be used as a weapon, for beating your brains in with them is a distinct possibility.

Agree. All books should be printed on lighter material--like bubble wrap or toilet paper. Something that can't be weaponized. Good thinking, fellow lybyryl!

And I haven't even gotten to the utensils you use. So we need to go back to eating with our fingers, and I have no idea what we are going to cook with.

That's what hired help is for, conservatard. It creates jobs for the underprivileged AND solves your "hurr durr hw does i cook" problem.
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

In your world there will be no baseball
No Carving of the Thanksgiving bird
No slicing of your bagel in the morning
You want a nice slice of prime rib? To bad no knives here
The use of clubs on the golf course is now banned, you must throw your ball
Pocket knifes? Nope can't have em

Peace will be here if you remove all weapons and weapon like objects?

Yes indeed, peace. Won't it be grand? Just imagine the amount of time we can save from doing these bigoted, backwards, and quite frankly extremely dangerous actions and apply it to something more worthwhile, like re-reading Dreams From My Father or the complete text of all of President Obama's speeches.

Met a woman on a plane a couple of weeks ago who spoke of having re-read "Dreams From My Father" on the long flight. She was returning from vomiting in the toilet and credited the book with having saved her life after eating a tuna sandwich she'd brought on board, one she'd been carrying around for several days but was hungry enough to eat despite her better judgement. Seems the sandwich wanted to stay down but fortunately she had the book and was able to get rid of it. The sandwich, that is.
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

In your world there will be no baseball
No Carving of the Thanksgiving bird
No slicing of your bagel in the morning
You want a nice slice of prime rib? To bad no knives here
The use of clubs on the golf course is now banned, you must throw your ball
Pocket knifes? Nope can't have em

Peace will be here if you remove all weapons and weapon like objects?

Yes indeed, peace. Won't it be grand? Just imagine the amount of time we can save from doing these bigoted, backwards, and quite frankly extremely dangerous actions and apply it to something more worthwhile, like re-reading Dreams From My Father or the complete text of all of President Obama's speeches.

Met a woman on a plane a couple of weeks ago who spoke of having re-read "Dreams From My Father" on the long flight. She was returning from vomiting in the toilet and credited the book with having saved her life after eating a tuna sandwich she'd brought on board, one she'd been carrying around for several days but was hungry enough to eat despite her better judgement. Seems the sandwich wanted to stay down but fortunately she had the book and was able to get rid of it. The sandwich, that is.

President Obama is so powerful, his mere written words can literally save lives.

Truly, we have never had a greater president.
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

In your world there will be no baseball
No Carving of the Thanksgiving bird
No slicing of your bagel in the morning
You want a nice slice of prime rib? To bad no knives here
The use of clubs on the golf course is now banned, you must throw your ball
Pocket knifes? Nope can't have em

Peace will be here if you remove all weapons and weapon like objects?

Yes indeed, peace. Won't it be grand? Just imagine the amount of time we can save from doing these bigoted, backwards, and quite frankly extremely dangerous actions and apply it to something more worthwhile, like re-reading Dreams From My Father or the complete text of all of President Obama's speeches.

Met a woman on a plane a couple of weeks ago who spoke of having re-read "Dreams From My Father" on the long flight. She was returning from vomiting in the toilet and credited the book with having saved her life after eating a tuna sandwich she'd brought on board, one she'd been carrying around for several days but was hungry enough to eat despite her better judgement. Seems the sandwich wanted to stay down but fortunately she had the book and was able to get rid of it. The sandwich, that is.

President Obama is so powerful, his mere written words can literally save lives.

Truly, we have never had a greater president.

You may well be correct but how DOES one measure ego?
exactly how does banning law abiding citizens from owning firearms stop criminals from having them?

You misunderstand. I don't want to do anything to law-abiding citizens, I want to ban guns. All weapons really, and as well as all weapon-like objects, or things that can potentially be used as a weapon. The motivation to use weapons will always be there--violence in manpigs is innate--so we must merely remove the opportunity to act upon their motives by banning all weapons from the United States. Only then can we know peace.

All weapons? You mean like guns, knives of any kind, baseball bats, hammers, anything poisonous, etc.?


Ok, LiberalMedia is a compete retard; check, thinks he's being funny; check, group him with Luddly and rdean as living proof that I'm on the sensible and correct side of any argument as long as I'm disagreeing; Check.
It is clear you don't want to do anything more to keep guns away from criminals. Seems like your plan is to arm more and more people. Would you also arm this 9 year old?

Well, they seem to have caught the gang members who murdered a 9'year old boy...Why did they kill the boy...they were out looking to kill rival gang members and thought he was going to shout a warning...so they shot him 4 times killing him....

Now...these guys are all full time gang members....with prior criminal convictions...in fact....the murderer did 3 1/2 years for a previous gun crime...okay...none of these guys could legally buy a gun, own a gun or carry a gun....they did not register their gun...they did not go through 16 hours of training to get a concealed carry permit...

And they somehow had a gun and used it to slaughter a 9 year old boy...without hesitation, mercy or regret....

so tell me....what law prevented this from happening....?

9-Year-Old Boy Shot And Killed By Gang Member In Chicago Concealed Nation
Antonio Smith, a 9-year-old boy, was shot at least four times by Allmon and died at the hospital. The boy, nor any of his family members, were affiliated with any gangs.

Allmon threw the handgun down a sewer and was later recovered by police during their investigation. The handgun was traced back to two other shootings, one of which was fatal.

Also important to note is that Allmon had been arrested in 2012 on gun charges and served 3 1/2 years for those crimes. He was released just a few weeks before gunning down this innocent 9-year-old boy.
Actually, I want current laws actually enforced, and I want criminals who use guns to commit crimes and kill people to go to prison for a long time....that actually stops gun crime....

the measures you promote do neither...but they do sound good and they make you feel good for supporting them

Of the two...felling good about things that don't work, or locking up gun criminals....I prefer locking up the gun criminals....

My plan is to make sure that you don't take away the right of an individual who is law abiding and a good person to buy, own and carry the tool they decide they need to protect themselves and their loved ones....I will leave it up to their individual judgement on wether or not to own or carry a gun...that is their choice, not mine....
Yes you want to do more of what isn't working. More guns even though we have far more than any other country. More people in jail even though we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. When will you learn? I guess you think we need more drunk drivers too?

The things I have proposed would help keep guns from criminals and if they do get a gun make them less dangerous. That equals lives saved. You want to arrest people after they have killed people.

I have provided a large number of actual events where these measures would help. These are actual events, you can't say my proposals wouldn't work. And also they wouldn't take a single gun away from anyone who can legally own one.

Actually, I want current laws actually enforced, and I want criminals who use guns to commit crimes and kill people to go to prison for a long time....that actually stops gun crime....

the measures you promote do neither...but they do sound good and they make you feel good for supporting them

Of the two...felling good about things that don't work, or locking up gun criminals....I prefer locking up the gun criminals....

My plan is to make sure that you don't take away the right of an individual who is law abiding and a good person to buy, own and carry the tool they decide they need to protect themselves and their loved ones....I will leave it up to their individual judgement on wether or not to own or carry a gun...that is their choice, not mine....
Yes you want to do more of what isn't working. More guns even though we have far more than any other country. More people in jail even though we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. When will you learn? I guess you think we need more drunk drivers too?

The things I have proposed would help keep guns from criminals and if they do get a gun make them less dangerous. That equals lives saved. You want to arrest people after they have killed people.

I have provided a large number of actual events where these measures would help. These are actual events, you can't say my proposals wouldn't work. And also they wouldn't take a single gun away from anyone who can legally own one.

Actually, I want current laws actually enforced, and I want criminals who use guns to commit crimes and kill people to go to prison for a long time....that actually stops gun crime....

the measures you promote do neither...but they do sound good and they make you feel good for supporting them

Of the two...felling good about things that don't work, or locking up gun criminals....I prefer locking up the gun criminals....

My plan is to make sure that you don't take away the right of an individual who is law abiding and a good person to buy, own and carry the tool they decide they need to protect themselves and their loved ones....I will leave it up to their individual judgement on wether or not to own or carry a gun...that is their choice, not mine....

As I have already pointed out to you, your whole post here shows how clueless you are. All you are doing is whistling past the graveyard. Nothing you are proposing addresses the real problem. You are simply parroting the failed left wing nut policies.

And you are completely and utterly wrong in that what you propose would in fact take guns away from innocent law abiding citizens in many cases and severely infringe in the rights of the rest. Thank God people as simple minded as you are in the minority.
Ok what have I proposed that would take guns away from anyone who can legally own one?

Yes you want to do more of what isn't working. More guns even though we have far more than any other country. More people in jail even though we have the highest incarceration rate in the world. When will you learn? I guess you think we need more drunk drivers too?

The things I have proposed would help keep guns from criminals and if they do get a gun make them less dangerous. That equals lives saved. You want to arrest people after they have killed people.

I have provided a large number of actual events where these measures would help. These are actual events, you can't say my proposals wouldn't work. And also they wouldn't take a single gun away from anyone who can legally own one.

Actually, I want current laws actually enforced, and I want criminals who use guns to commit crimes and kill people to go to prison for a long time....that actually stops gun crime....

the measures you promote do neither...but they do sound good and they make you feel good for supporting them

Of the two...felling good about things that don't work, or locking up gun criminals....I prefer locking up the gun criminals....

My plan is to make sure that you don't take away the right of an individual who is law abiding and a good person to buy, own and carry the tool they decide they need to protect themselves and their loved ones....I will leave it up to their individual judgement on wether or not to own or carry a gun...that is their choice, not mine....

As I have already pointed out to you, your whole post here shows how clueless you are. All you are doing is whistling past the graveyard. Nothing you are proposing addresses the real problem. You are simply parroting the failed left wing nut policies.

And you are completely and utterly wrong in that what you propose would in fact take guns away from innocent law abiding citizens in many cases and severely infringe in the rights of the rest. Thank God people as simple minded as you are in the minority.
Actually, you are wrong again....

More people are buying guns, and carrying them and our violent crime rate is,going down, not up....so with more people carrying guns than ever before it shows,that you are wrong....since something is making the crime rate go down...and armiing law abiding citizens isn't causing an increase....

How,do you explain that....?

Accidental gun deaths are,going down as well...I would explain by saying that with more people owning guns, more people are taking classes,and learning gun safety...How,do you explain fewer accidental gun deaths?

What you propose has already taken guns from people....I just bought a pistol that can't be,sold,in California...because of their silly anti gun laws...and it is a common pistol...

In a few years you won't be,able,to by a regular pistol in New Jersey because of their stupid smart gun laws....so yes...people are slowly being stopped from buying guns in some states...
I don't think more people owning guns or less guns effects the crime rates. I think it is other factors. That is why I don't argue that getting rid of guns will magically make crime disappear. I don't believe that. But I would like fewer armed criminals.

Do you have statistics for accidental shootings and deaths? I'd like to see them and you should back up your claim. I think shootings is very important as somebody could be crippled. I sure don't want to be shot.

I do not currently support forcing people to smart guns. Seems too untested for me. As pro gun people say maybe they will fail when needed. I also think they could fail and cause accidental shootings. Will people leave them lying around thinking it is safe?

Actually, you are wrong again....

More people are buying guns, and carrying them and our violent crime rate is,going down, not up....so with more people carrying guns than ever before it shows,that you are wrong....since something is making the crime rate go down...and armiing law abiding citizens isn't causing an increase....

How,do you explain that....?

Accidental gun deaths are,going down as well...I would explain by saying that with more people owning guns, more people are taking classes,and learning gun safety...How,do you explain fewer accidental gun deaths?

What you propose has already taken guns from people....I just bought a pistol that can't be,sold,in California...because of their silly anti gun laws...and it is a common pistol...

In a few years you won't be,able,to by a regular pistol in New Jersey because of their stupid smart gun laws....so yes...people are slowly being stopped from buying guns in some states...
Hmmmm...another gun study from 2,000....

Gun Control - Just Facts

Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18]

another gun study that puts guns saving lives and stopping crimes well over 700,000 times a year...well above the anti gunner number of 108,000

That would put the number of studies that put defensive uses at over 700,000 times a year at over 15, now, and more than a few put the their numbers at over a million times a year...

Vs...8-10,000 murders with guns a year...
Here is a stat on accidental gun deaths from a gun grabbing group...I like to use their stats because they are likely to over inflate their numbers...and it is hard for gun grabbers to dispute them since they are their numbers...

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Gun Law Information Experts

Unintentional Deaths and Injuries

In 2010, unintentional firearm injuries caused the deaths of 606 people.18

From 2005-2010, almost 3,800 people in the U.S. died from unintentional shootings.19

Notice the trick in the last line...3,800...makes it seem like a lot but it is over a 5 year period...comes out to 760 a year...vs. 1.4 million lives saved and crimes stopped each year...

And their are less biased sources that put the accidental gun death rate lower...and having fallen over the years...the tables have been posted elsewhere...
Here we go...non fatal gun accidents...

Gun Control - Just Facts

* In 2007, there were roughly 15,698 emergency room visits for non-fatal firearm accidents,[123] constituting 0.05% of 27.7 million emergency room visits for non-fatal accidents that year.[124]

* These emergency room visits for non-fatal firearm accidents resulted in 5,045 hospitalizations,[125] constituting 0.4% of 1.4 million non-fatal accident hospitalizations that year.[126]

Over 300 million guns, at the time...probably more...and only 15,000 non fatal accidents, only 5,000 that required any sort of hospital stay...

And Firearm accidents are second to last...last being dog bite accidents...oh my...

Falling...seems pretty dangerous...

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