Did they dope up tRump to keep

/——/ Nahh, Obozo said low employment was the new norm and manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back. Trump rocks.

/——-/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Obama Warns of 'New Normal' for Economy - Washington Wire - WSJ
Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy
Nov 7, 2010 Obama Warns of 'New Normal' for Economy. On unemployment: "What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high. People who have jobs see their incomes go up. Businesses make big profits, but they've learned to do more with less. And so they don't hire. And, as a consequence,...

You have reading comprehension issues. He did not say we were in the new normal, but that we were in danger of staying that way.
/—-/ A distinction without a difference.

It was a warning, not a statement of fact. If I warn you that you are about to walk off a cliff that is not the same thing as saying you have walked off the cliff.

Even you are not this dumb...are you?
The dems have no room to criticize Trump's speech when Nancy Pelosi sounds like a drunken whore who is trying to keep her dentures from falling out.
Trump BELIEVED an attack was imminent He ""thought"" attacks were being planned??? Trump is a fn moron and idiot that needs to be yanked out of the WH
The dems have no room to criticize Trump's speech when Nancy Pelosi sounds like a drunken whore who is trying to keep her dentures from falling out.
Trump BELIEVED an attack was imminent He ""thought"" attacks were being planned??? Trump is a fn moron and idiot that needs to be yanked out of the WH
Is that the hole the plane made going down killing 176?/ 176 that'd still be alive if not for the AH trump killing a terrorist ""thinking"" he might attack us
/——/ Nahh, Obozo said low employment was the new norm and manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back. Trump rocks.

/——-/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Obama Warns of 'New Normal' for Economy - Washington Wire - WSJ
Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy
Nov 7, 2010 Obama Warns of 'New Normal' for Economy. On unemployment: "What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high. People who have jobs see their incomes go up. Businesses make big profits, but they've learned to do more with less. And so they don't hire. And, as a consequence,...

You have reading comprehension issues. He did not say we were in the new normal, but that we were in danger of staying that way.
/—-/ A distinction without a difference.

It was a warning, not a statement of fact. If I warn you that you are about to walk off a cliff that is not the same thing as saying you have walked off the cliff.

Even you are not this dumb...are you?
/----/ You are pathetically trying to split hairs. I know what Obozo said and what he meant. Just because he parsed his words, doesn't give you wiggle room to say he didn't say what he said. Barack Obama warns of unemployment being 'new normal' in US
"There are times when I thought that the economy would have gotten better by now," he said. "You know, one of the things I think you understand as president is you're held responsible for everything, but you don't always have control of everything, right?"

"What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high, people who have jobs see their incomes go up, businesses make big profits, but they've learned to do more with less, and so they don't hire," he said.

"And as a consequence, we keep on seeing growth that is just too slow to bring back the eight million jobs that were lost. That is a danger. So that's something that I spend a lot of time thinking about."
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement

Just watch him at tonight's rally. You'll see the energizer bunny back in fine form.
Yep, Don Jr. scored a sack last night for his Daddy.

From Biden’s son.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wrong. Meth, not coke
Is there such a thing as "diet meth"?
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Yes. It's stupid to say any ex president hates America.
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.

Yes, it was stupid of Obama to harm America like he did. See, look:

Removed the public option from the Obamacare final draft? Check.
Made me pay a $495 fine for not buying Obamacare? Check.
Sent weapons to Mexico, fast & furiously, as the weapons killed US Fed Agents and Mexican women/children? Check.
Opened up our borders to illegal, undocumented HISP? Check.
Imported tens of millions of anti-American, Arab, refugees into the USA? Check.
Refused to rehab crack addicts like Trump has rehab opioid addicts? Check.
Too spooked to start a trade war vs China ---but did ask Bush43 to start one in July'08? Check.
Forced anti-gay Americans to uplift our nation's LGBT brethren? Check.


Yes Obama was very anti American, and man0man did it hurt the USA.

The Congress removed the public option.

You wre so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? If you had a major problem you would depend on others to pay your bulls,. You cheapass jerk.

Obama had nothing to do with Fasdt & Furious, The government did not send guns into Mexico.

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing.

Gay people are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like you.
Why you lie?
See, here's the thing:

He's not. The "media" sources you consume are.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has done great things for america.
Losing all our allies , lying 15000 times in 3 years, pardoning murdering pos are 3 of those great things?
Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Obama ran around the world apologizing for American greatness. He divided this country like no one ever has. When being the first black president. He could've United us. Obama was the worst president ever.
Ok, list Obama's 15,000 + lies please.
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
And he did. He transformed America from a drowning country heading towards a depression into a thriving economic boom with an unprecedented 76 consecutive months of job growth.
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
Look assfuck. Time Zones. Learn about them.

While the attack started after dark in Benghazi, it was afternoon in DC.
He looked well rested when he lied to us about bengazi then flew off to Vegas to golf and campaign.
You're lying, Obama didn't lie.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has done great things for america.
Losing all our allies , lying 15000 times in 3 years, pardoning murdering pos are 3 of those great things?
Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Obama ran around the world apologizing for American greatness. He divided this country like no one ever has. When being the first black president. He could've United us. Obama was the worst president ever.
The dems have no room to criticize Trump's speech when Nancy Pelosi sounds like a drunken whore who is trying to keep her dentures from falling out.
Trump BELIEVED an attack was imminent He ""thought"" attacks were being planned??? Trump is a fn moron and idiot that needs to be yanked out of the WH
View attachment 299815
Impeached Trump's red line.....


"If Iran strikes any Americans, or American assets, we have targeted 52 Iranian sites (representing the 52 American hostages taken by Iran many years ago), some at a very high level & important to Iran & the Iranian culture, and those targets, and Iran itself, WILL BE HIT VERY FAST AND VERY HARD. The USA wants no more threats!" ~ Impeached Trump
The Congress removed the public option.

You wre so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? If you had a major problem you would depend on others to pay your bulls,. You cheapass jerk.

Obama had nothing to do with Fasdt & Furious, The government did not send guns into Mexico.

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing.

Gay people are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like you.

The Congress removed the public option ---just as Obama Pelosi & Dem turds strategized.

You were so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? Or is RealDave brain just too, fatuous, to inquire if I am enjoy dual citizenship?...and I live 23 minutes from the Canadian border ---where my healthcare is free??


Obama had nothing to do with Fast & Furious, the government did not send guns into Mexico. Therefore Obama invoked Executives Privileges re: Fast & Furious only to protect the, pillows, that America slept on each night when fantasizing/dreaming of some silly mission we all titled Fast & Furious

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush and still found a way to import millions of undocumented White HISP while in comparison, deporting very few, as a vehicle to achieve the Dem's sinister goal.

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US but they were shipped to the United States of America by 'Barry 0' and his Dem friends.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts. But he refused to exclusively uplift crack addicts in ghetto rehabs ---like we see Trump doing for White Americans strung out on opioids. Because Trump seeks to preserve us Caucasians just like Obama sought to preserve only us Caucasians.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing but in July 2008 he did in fact leave the campaign trail, long enough, to go demand that Bush43 launch a trade war against China. Then the coward won the election and too spooked to do what he asked Bush43 to do. Where I was raised, they call that a Coward.

In many posts I refer to Gay people as our, brethren, because they are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like RealDave ... However, for the same way the LGBT has been allowed to go, decades, openly repealing heterosexuality then we should be allowed to do the same thing ---and not have our citizenship revoked for it via the fantasies of Obama & Dems. Humans don't have to indulge in our brethren's livelihood in order to fairly co-exist in the same society with it.
... opened saying Iran will not get a nuke after he ended the agreement that was stopping Iran from getting a nuke.

You mean the agreement you, hallucinate, prevents Iran from getting a nuke.

Iran is a rogue nation, so it is okay for Trump to treat it as such ... when it comes to the veracity here, in real time, where we live out Obama's asinine-agreement which allows the Iran rogues to forbid us from searching certain facilities and factories in their country.
... opened saying Iran will not get a nuke after he ended the agreement that was stopping Iran from getting a nuke.

You mean the agreement you, hallucinate, prevents Iran from getting a nuke.

Iran is a rogue nation, so it is okay for Trump to treat it as such ... when it comes to the veracity here, in real time, where we live out Obama's asinine-agreement which allows the Iran rogues to forbid us from searching certain facilities and factories in their country.
Oh go fuck yourself.

The US and 5 other nations were included in the agreement.

Trump is a fucking idiot & the sooner assfucks like you get it, the better this country will be.

In agreements like this, there are other methods besides inspections utilized in sensitive sites & they work fine. Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass.
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.

Yes, it was stupid of Obama to harm America like he did. See, look:

Removed the public option from the Obamacare final draft? Check.
Made me pay a $495 fine for not buying Obamacare? Check.
Sent weapons to Mexico, fast & furiously, as the weapons killed US Fed Agents and Mexican women/children? Check.
Opened up our borders to illegal, undocumented HISP? Check.
Imported tens of millions of anti-American, Arab, refugees into the USA? Check.
Refused to rehab crack addicts like Trump has rehab opioid addicts? Check.
Too spooked to start a trade war vs China ---but did ask Bush43 to start one in July'08? Check.
Forced anti-gay Americans to uplift our nation's LGBT brethren? Check.


Yes Obama was very anti American, and man0man did it hurt the USA.

The Congress removed the public option.

You wre so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? If you had a major problem you would depend on others to pay your bulls,. You cheapass jerk.

Obama had nothing to do with Fasdt & Furious, The government did not send guns into Mexico.

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing.

Gay people are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like you.
Why you lie?
See, here's the thing:

He's not. The "media" sources you consume are.
Lol, Obama was a failure. That's why is was so easy for Trump to make his presidency a bad memory.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has done great things for america.
Losing all our allies , lying 15000 times in 3 years, pardoning murdering pos are 3 of those great things?
Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Obama ran around the world apologizing for American greatness. He divided this country like no one ever has. When being the first black president. He could've United us. Obama was the worst president ever.
Ok, list Obama's 15,000 + lies please.
If the media hated him, we would have the list. Trump says the sky is blue, the media says you lie. There is a cloud in it.

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