Did they dope up tRump to keep

He has two (2) speaking styles: The first is his natural, fourth-grade level ranting and flailing, and the second is his "I know I have to be serious here" droning, where he seems barely conscious while trying to sound like a BIG boy. I don't think it's drugs, it's more likely that he's not accustomed to having to sound serious or self-aware, so he over-compensates into that creepy, halting, semi-comatose mumble.

Interesting to watch, of course, if you allow your nihilistic impulses to take control for a few minutes. As if we have a choice.
What about the slurred words and the snorting and panting?

Oh yeah you are right!

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Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement

Sounds like maybe President Twitter has a cold or allergies....

What's the big deal? :dunno:
Sudafed addiction? That's something that has been floated before.

Maybe you smoke too much weed, and think you’re seeing something. Looks like natural emotions and concern for the American people.

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Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement

Just watch him at tonight's rally. You'll see the energizer bunny back in fine form.
Yep, Don Jr. scored a sack last night for his Daddy.

From Biden’s son.

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Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
I think you're talking about Pelosi.
No...... Didn't you watch the speech? It's linked in the OP if not.

He was pretty pulled back, but he was very clear.

You just can't let something reasonable pass ? Can you ?
Very clear?

You did watch the speech, right?

We didn’t jerk off to it like you. How many times did you watch it, before you finished. You criticize Don so much, because you’re in love [emoji7] with him. It’s ok. Everyone knows it. It shows in your obsessive posts. It’s ok, we won’t judge you. Many liberals are homos these days.

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Trump certainly sounded drugged up, about to have a stroke or suffering from early on-set Alzheimer’s. There is something weird about a man who can’t stop snorting. The delivery of the speech would have been a C- in a high school public speaking class.
Lol, no comments about the actual content of the speech though...

Lindsey Graham said it was historic, matching Reagan's "Mr. Gorbachov, tear down this wall" speech.

Lindsey Graham is smoking some serious grass.

It was barely a speech and he did nothing but talk about how amazing he is and gave some vague comments about Iran and NATO.

You are correct. Nancy is mesmerizing.

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Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement

Just watch him at tonight's rally. You'll see the energizer bunny back in fine form.
Yep, Don Jr. scored a sack last night for his Daddy.

From Biden’s son.

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Wrong. Meth, not coke
I really hope our next president can repair the damage this disgraceful man has created.

Donald Trump's decision to assassinate Qassem Soleimani has triggered a major rupture between the US and its closest ally in the United Kingdom.

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The UK is abandoning its alliance with Trump as the United States 'withdraws from its leadership around the world'
Donald Trump's decision to assassinate Qassem Soleimani has triggered a major rupture between the US and its closest ally in the United Kingdom.
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
Look assfuck. Time Zones. Learn about them.

While the attack started after dark in Benghazi, it was afternoon in DC.
He looked well rested when he lied to us about bengazi then flew off to Vegas to golf and campaign.
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.

Yes, it was stupid of Obama to harm America like he did. See, look:

Removed the public option from the Obamacare final draft? Check.
Made me pay a $495 fine for not buying Obamacare? Check.
Sent weapons to Mexico, fast & furiously, as the weapons killed US Fed Agents and Mexican women/children? Check.
Opened up our borders to illegal, undocumented HISP? Check.
Imported tens of millions of anti-American, Arab, refugees into the USA? Check.
Refused to rehab crack addicts like Trump has rehab opioid addicts? Check.
Too spooked to start a trade war vs China ---but did ask Bush43 to start one in July'08? Check.
Forced anti-gay Americans to uplift our nation's LGBT brethren? Check.


Yes Obama was very anti American, and man0man did it hurt the USA.

The Congress removed the public option.

You wre so fucking stupid not to have health insurance? If you had a major problem you would depend on others to pay your bulls,. You cheapass jerk.

Obama had nothing to do with Fasdt & Furious, The government did not send guns into Mexico.

Our borders were not opened. Obama increased the border patrol & deports more than Bush

Ten of millions refugees were not resettled in the US.

Obama fought the drug problems. It included helping addicts.

Yes Obama did not start a trade war that cost US farmers their farms & is reducing US manufacturing.

Gay people are US citizens & deserve the same status as a bigoted piece of fucking shit like you.
Why you lie?
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has done great things for america.
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has done great things for america.
Losing all our allies , lying 15000 times in 3 years, pardoning murdering pos are 3 of those great things?
The dems have no room to criticize Trump's speech when Nancy Pelosi sounds like a drunken whore who is trying to keep her dentures from falling out.
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
That's just stupid.
No it's not, he campaigned on transforming America.
Trump is doing the transforming like he did when bankrupting 6 companies No bank in America would lend him a dime They know he's a crook but I guess since he's your crook and pervert it's ok?
Trump has done great things for america.
Losing all our allies , lying 15000 times in 3 years, pardoning murdering pos are 3 of those great things?
Obama couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it. Obama ran around the world apologizing for American greatness. He divided this country like no one ever has. When being the first black president. He could've United us. Obama was the worst president ever.
/——/ Nahh, Obozo said low employment was the new norm and manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back. Trump rocks.

/——-/ Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Obama Warns of 'New Normal' for Economy - Washington Wire - WSJ
Obama Warns of ‘New Normal’ for Economy
Nov 7, 2010 Obama Warns of 'New Normal' for Economy. On unemployment: "What is a danger is that we stay stuck in a new normal where unemployment rates stay high. People who have jobs see their incomes go up. Businesses make big profits, but they've learned to do more with less. And so they don't hire. And, as a consequence,...

You have reading comprehension issues. He did not say we were in the new normal, but that we were in danger of staying that way.
/—-/ A distinction without a difference.

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