Did they dope up tRump to keep

Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him

This idea Obama decimated the military is sort of stupid. More money was spent on the military under Obama than under any other admin in history.

Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
He had a cold, stupid. He sounds better than me when I have asthma, and I do not drink and have never taken an illicit drug in my entire life. He sounds like he has a slight case of asthma or has a common cold.

God you're grabbing at a straw to make President Trump look bad. How can you stand to be in the same room with yourself?
When you have a cold you forget how to pronounce words?

In Trump's defense, pronouncing words has never been one of his strong points.
It's happened before, true.

But almost always in this zombified state where he appears brainwashed or drugged.
You were in a zombified state when you saw a man with a cold give a speech?

Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
He had a cold, stupid. He sounds better than me when I have asthma, and I do not drink and have never taken an illicit drug in my entire life. He sounds like he has a slight case of asthma or has a common cold.

God you're grabbing at a straw to make President Trump look bad. How can you stand to be in the same room with yourself?
When you have a cold you forget how to pronounce words?

In Trump's defense, pronouncing words has never been one of his strong points.
It's happened before, true.

But almost always in this zombified state where he appears brainwashed or drugged.
You were in a zombified state when you saw a man with a cold give a speech?

Sooooo.... Not real strong on the whole reading comprehension thing then?

Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
He had a cold, stupid. He sounds better than me when I have asthma, and I do not drink and have never taken an illicit drug in my entire life. He sounds like he has a slight case of asthma or has a common cold.

God you're grabbing at a straw to make President Trump look bad. How can you stand to be in the same room with yourself?
When you have a cold you forget how to pronounce words?

In Trump's defense, pronouncing words has never been one of his strong points.
Oh, yeah, and that's why he's sitting in the oval office. :rolleyes:

It's pretty moronic when someone interprets obvious cold symptoms as "slurred, snorted, and breathed heavily," as if he were high on a controlled substance. but hey, if you Demonrats want to out yourself as losers, be my guest.
He's squatting in the oval office because Putin wanted him there.
Creepitus sez: "He's squatting in the oval office because Putin wanted him there."
Are we speaking of Vladamir Putin who was rebuked by President Trump? Because I don't know anyone else whose last name is Putin you'd think of, since he obviously influenced Obama to give him 6 islands of Alaska that had a fortune of oil beneath them for Russian enjoyment. Russia that has more oil under their badlands than all of Arabia combined? Oh, that Putin of Russia that Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ceded 20% of all Wyoming's uranium wealth to Putin of Russia for free to fart in Dick Cheney's face?

The Democrats gave all that free money of our taxpayer good will to Putin in order to gain his good feelings, not to mention punnishing two Republican states that did not put Obama or Clinton into power. A trillion dollar price tag for good will, depletion of energy resources of the State of Alaska and the State of Wyoming and a $2 million donation to the Clinton Library Foundation to help with Hillary's presidential candidacy. hmmm. Oh, that Putin. What was I thinking that on a slim chance it might be somebody else.

A Trillion dollars: $1,000,000,000,000.00
Two Million dollars: $2,000,000.00​
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He had a cold, stupid. He sounds better than me when I have asthma, and I do not drink and have never taken an illicit drug in my entire life. He sounds like he has a slight case of asthma or has a common cold.

God you're grabbing at a straw to make President Trump look bad. How can you stand to be in the same room with yourself?
When you have a cold you forget how to pronounce words?

In Trump's defense, pronouncing words has never been one of his strong points.
Oh, yeah, and that's why he's sitting in the oval office. :rolleyes:

It's pretty moronic when someone interprets obvious cold symptoms as "slurred, snorted, and breathed heavily," as if he were high on a controlled substance. but hey, if you Demonrats want to out yourself as losers, be my guest.
He's squatting in the oval office because Putin wanted him there.
Are we speaking of Vladamir Putin who was rebuked by President Trump? Because I don't know anyone else whose last name is Putin you'd think of, since he obviously influenced Obama to give him 6 islands of Alaska that had a fortune of oil beneath them for Russian enjoyment. Russia that has more oil under their badlands than all of Arabia combined? Oh, that Putin of Russia that Obama and Secretary of State ceded 20% of all Wyoming's uranium wealth to Russia to fart in Dick Cheney's face?

The Democrats gave all that free money of our taxpayer good will to Putin in order to gain his good feelings. A trillion dollar price tag for good will and $2 million donation to the Clinton Library Foundation to help with Hillary's presidential candidacy. hmmm. Oh, that Putin. What was I thinking that on a slim chance it might be somebody else.
Lol @ "rebuked by tRump".

Is that some new slang for blowjobs?
He had a cold, stupid. He sounds better than me when I have asthma, and I do not drink and have never taken an illicit drug in my entire life. He sounds like he has a slight case of asthma or has a common cold.

God you're grabbing at a straw to make President Trump look bad. How can you stand to be in the same room with yourself?
When you have a cold you forget how to pronounce words?

In Trump's defense, pronouncing words has never been one of his strong points.
Oh, yeah, and that's why he's sitting in the oval office. :rolleyes:

It's pretty moronic when someone interprets obvious cold symptoms as "slurred, snorted, and breathed heavily," as if he were high on a controlled substance. but hey, if you Demonrats want to out yourself as losers, be my guest.
He's squatting in the oval office because Putin wanted him there.
Creepitus sez: "He's squatting in the oval office because Putin wanted him there."
Are we speaking of Vladamir Putin who was rebuked by President Trump? Because I don't know anyone else whose last name is Putin you'd think of, since he obviously influenced Obama to give him 6 islands of Alaska that had a fortune of oil beneath them for Russian enjoyment. Russia that has more oil under their badlands than all of Arabia combined? Oh, that Putin of Russia that Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ceded 20% of all Wyoming's uranium wealth to Putin of Russia for free to fart in Dick Cheney's face?

The Democrats gave all that free money of our taxpayer good will to Putin in order to gain his good feelings, not to mention punnishing two Republican states that did not put Obama or Clinton into power. A trillion dollar price tag for good will, depletion of energy resources of the State of Alaska and the State of Wyoming and a $2 million donation to the Clinton Library Foundation to help with Hillary's presidential candidacy. hmmm. Oh, that Putin. What was I thinking that on a slim chance it might be somebody else.

Alaskan Island Giveaway?
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him

This idea Obama decimated the military is sort of stupid. More money was spent on the military under Obama than under any other admin in history.

YES very stupid but you keep hearing that moron in our WH {and I'm being kind} keep saying what a miserable job Obama did with our military Seems trump hates Obama a little less than I hate trump
When you have a cold you forget how to pronounce words?

In Trump's defense, pronouncing words has never been one of his strong points.
Oh, yeah, and that's why he's sitting in the oval office. :rolleyes:

It's pretty moronic when someone interprets obvious cold symptoms as "slurred, snorted, and breathed heavily," as if he were high on a controlled substance. but hey, if you Demonrats want to out yourself as losers, be my guest.
He's squatting in the oval office because Putin wanted him there.
Creepitus sez: "He's squatting in the oval office because Putin wanted him there."
Are we speaking of Vladamir Putin who was rebuked by President Trump? Because I don't know anyone else whose last name is Putin you'd think of, since he obviously influenced Obama to give him 6 islands of Alaska that had a fortune of oil beneath them for Russian enjoyment. Russia that has more oil under their badlands than all of Arabia combined? Oh, that Putin of Russia that Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ceded 20% of all Wyoming's uranium wealth to Putin of Russia for free to fart in Dick Cheney's face?

The Democrats gave all that free money of our taxpayer good will to Putin in order to gain his good feelings, not to mention punnishing two Republican states that did not put Obama or Clinton into power. A trillion dollar price tag for good will, depletion of energy resources of the State of Alaska and the State of Wyoming and a $2 million donation to the Clinton Library Foundation to help with Hillary's presidential candidacy. hmmm. Oh, that Putin. What was I thinking that on a slim chance it might be somebody else.

Alaskan Island Giveaway?
Conservative media lied?

Say it ain't so!
GRU playbook...

Oh, okay. Thanks for informing me ---and can you tell me which chapter of that playbook contains the play where a pre-2016 USA foreign policy in Ukraine, to expose corruption, can be used to impeach a President for doing his job exposing corruption in Ukraine?? Which play says, if the President's political opponent is the corrupt force re: Ukraine ---then the President must be impeached, if the President tries to expose said corrupt political opponent. Which page of the playbook???


The Biden family was corrupt in Ukraine, while Joe was the USA VP too ... but hey I don't want to seem like I "posted hate and misinformation" here so ----shame on President Trump!! Yes, for mentioning the same thing as US Attys mentioned to Obama Admin in 2015 when Joe got that atty fired for focusing on the Bidens re: Ukraine :113: and thank God for that mean ol' factual GRU playbook, telling the truth about Dems' deceitful governing.
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/—-/ And yet, you couldn’t refute one thing he posted. Not one.

I don't have to refute a series of untruths...

“I don't have to refute a series of untruths.”

OK, fair enough. Everything you post is a bald face lie and unpatriotic. And don’t bother asking me to prove it. Just accept it and amend your evil ways.

This, is beautiful.
FACT: You points are right out of the GRU playbook. Well, comrade, you keep posting the hate and misinformation.
/—-/ And yet, you couldn’t refute one thing he posted. Not one.

I don't have to refute a series of untruths. No on can prove something that has been just made up like that. You've take (or your Kremlin buddies have) some facts and wrapped a bunch of fantasy around them to come up with this nonsense. There is nothing to prove over here. The only thing that gets proven is that it's right out of the 2014 GRU Kremlin playbook. You can stop this anytime now. Rump got the job even if he can't really do the job.
/——/ “I don't have to refute a series of untruths.”
OK, fair enough. Everything you post is a bald face lie and unpatriotic. And don’t bother asking me to prove it. Just accept it and amend your evil ways.

And what have YOU done to earn the right to say that I haven't earned the right to be an American? The last one that tried that turned out to be a Military Poser. I paid dues that you may or may not have but I serious doubt you have paid them. I carry the scars that I pray that you never have to bare. There a few in here that are my Brothers and Sisters. We earned you the right to make a damned fool of yourself. And my Sons and Daughters that carry that tradition on today are continuing to earn you that right. So keep making a damned fool of yourself, while you haven't earned that right, it's still your right.
/——/ I’m using your logic: “I don't have to refute a series of untruths.”

In this cas...don't you mean, his illogic???
It is sort of like a drunk driver trying really hard to not look like a drunk driver...
/——-/ Trump kicks lib’s ass and all you have are childish insults. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

/—-/ Chew on this libtard:
Record 158,803,000 Americans Employed; 1.85M Year-to-Year Increase

You are such an uninformed rube.

The total number of American employed sets a new record pretty much every month and has been doing so since 2015. It has nothing to do with the person sitting in the White House.

View attachment 299656
View attachment 299659
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Did you know that a few short years ago tRump said if he was to run for president he's run as a republican because they were the ones stupid enough to vote for him?
You do know Obama relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed?


Same reaction when you first found out. Stick up for him!
Him from going off the rails during his speech yesterday?

Slurred words, gasping for air, looking confused and barely able to stand....


Trump Sounded Drugged As He Slurred, Snorted, and Breathed Heavily During Iran Statement
Well he isn't Obama. He can't go to sleep when our great soldiers are in harms way.
The great soldiers he took billions away from to build his BS wall,,,the wall he said Mexico would pay for ,,,the wall Mexico told him to shove up his fat ass???
Trump has rebuilt the military Obama ignored. If Pelosi would give Trump the little bit Trump is asking for. Trump wouldn't have to take the funds to begin with. You do know, a few short years ago Pelosi said we needed a border wall?
Under Obama we didn't have the strongest military in the world ,a military that could destroy more than half the earth ,a military that was given twice the dollars as all other countries combined ??? Stop listening to this AH liar trump His main goal his to lie and besmirch Obama He hates him and will say and do anything to try and hurt him
Obama hates America and did everything he could to harm it.
barry hussein off the teleprompter was a stuttering fuckwit. "give him a breathalyzer" is still one of my all time favorites... "57 states", another beaut....

Even ON the teleprompter which was 95% of the time, they needed to use phonetics..... CORE-MAN not CORPSE-MAN, you fucking idiot...... lol

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