Did Trump just cost himself a Nobel Prize?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy
I thought it was pretty ironic how many of the same people were calling for Trump to win a prize they said lost all meaning when Obama won it.
Noble prizes are for people like Arafat and Obozo
Who cares? Trump absolutely just saved Israel from a second Holocaust.....I say he gets one for both moves.

BTW, Alfred Nobel (along with Al Gore and Jake Starkey) invented dynamite so the prize is pretty much a farce in the first place.

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Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

He was never going to get one in the first place.
Because the Commies on the No Balls Piece Prize Komittee were going to give Trump anything other than the Middle Finger.
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

He was never going to get one in the first place.

Trump had an opportunity in his hands

Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Instead he wasted it away
Who wants the worthless prize? They hand it out like candy on Halloween...they even gave one to that fraud Obama....if he can get one what good are they?
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

He was never going to get one in the first place.

Trump had an opportunity in his hands

Peace on the Korean Peninsula

Instead he wasted it away

Looks like peace is about to occur much to the chagrin of china.
Sure, like the same institution which gave Obama a Nobel for zilch would ever give the prize to Trump.
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
I thought it was pretty ironic how many of the same people were calling for Trump to win a prize they said lost all meaning when Obama won it.
Oh, so you consider it as having been successful, even as they laughed in our face and admitted they had stopped nothing?

Jan, 2017

Press TV- The head of Iran's JCPOA follow-up committee says his country has never stopped the enrichment of uranium even for a single day.
Stated by Abbas Araqchi, Iranian Foreign Minister

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