Did Trump just cost himself a Nobel Prize?

Noble prizes are for people like Arafat and Obozo

And Trump would love one.
Trump has already started whining that he won’t be acknowledged for all he did
------------------------------------- TRUMPS probably talking about USA Media not reporting all the good that he , TRUMP is doing RWinger .
The US media does not award the Nobel
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP is talking about the USA Media not reporting on All the good that HE , the TRUMP is doing . 'euro' elites dole out the worthless peace prize RWinger .
Still waiting for the good
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play
--- who wants to renegotiate ??
I thought it was pretty ironic how many of the same people were calling for Trump to win a prize they said lost all meaning when Obama won it.
Obama won a pre-emptive Nobel before he did a single thing! He won a Nobel for what he MIGHT do!

So the bar has been lowered. And by that measure, Trump richly deserves a Nobel if the Norks give up their nukes and ICBMs.
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
Who cares? Trump absolutely just saved Israel from a second Holocaust....
All Trump has achieved thus far with Iran is he has given them an excuse to resume their nuclear weapons development program immediately.
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
we will see what happens but if the TRUMP signs a deal with the 'norks' and unfreezes assets he will just be doing what 'mrobama' did . 'mrobama' set the precedent G5000 .
Who cares? Trump absolutely just saved Israel from a second Holocaust....
All Trump has achieved thus far with Iran is he has given them an excuse to resume their nuclear weapons development program immediately.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD , Maybe things will now get interesting G5000 .
we will see what happens but if the TRUMP signs a deal with the 'norks' and unfreezes assets he will just be doing what 'mrobama' did . 'mrobama' set the precedent G5000 .
And I expect all the same outrage which was also a precedent.
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play
--- who wants to renegotiate ??

So you admit that Trump wants a nuclear Iran
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
------------------------------------------- i think that Rocko has it correct . Afterall , the iranians are dealing with President Trump the all American male rather than dealing with 'mrobama' the 'shiite muslim' hugging' Mouse G5000 .
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
------------------------------------------- i think that Rocko has it correct . Afterall , the iranians are dealing with President Trump the all American male rather than dealing with 'mrobama' the 'shiite muslim' hugging' Mouse G5000 .
And yet Obama was able to get Iran to stop developing nuclear weapons where no one else had.

Obama has also killed a lot more Muslims than Trump ever will.

All American male?

we will see what happens but if the TRUMP signs a deal with the 'norks' and unfreezes assets he will just be doing what 'mrobama' did . 'mrobama' set the precedent G5000 .
And I expect all the same outrage which was also a precedent.
------------------------- we will see , i have no idea what OUR :afro: President Trump will do or what Congress will do G5000 .
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
I agree North Korea will probably never give up its nukes.

What will have to be achieved is what is achieved with any nuclear power. A non-proliferation agreement, and a nuclear arms limitation agreement.

What will North Korea ask from the US in return?
we will see what happens but if the TRUMP signs a deal with the 'norks' and unfreezes assets he will just be doing what 'mrobama' did . 'mrobama' set the precedent G5000 .
And I expect all the same outrage which was also a precedent.
------------------------------------------------------------- somewhat perhaps . the main difference is that i recognize Trump as an American that is doing the best that he can do for me , my kids and other Americans so he will do as he thinks best and we Deplorables will just watch and see and probably applaud and cheer . 'mrobama' though , well , i don't even recognize him as being an American so he was just working his job to hurt the USA , me , my kids and other Americans so he could kiss foreign and shiite muslim azz G5000 . ------------- IMO !!
we will see what happens but if the TRUMP signs a deal with the 'norks' and unfreezes assets he will just be doing what 'mrobama' did . 'mrobama' set the precedent G5000 .
And I expect all the same outrage which was also a precedent.
------------------------------------------------------------- somewhat perhaps . the main difference is that i recognize Trump as an American that is doing the best that he can do for me , my kids and other Americans so he will do as he thinks best and we Deplorables will just watch and see and probably applaud and cheer . 'mrobama' though , well , i don't even recognize him as being an American so he was just working his job to hurt the USA , me , my kids and other Americans so he could kiss foreign and shiite muslim azz G5000 . ------------- IMO !!
I recognize a lot of the words in your post, but I detect no coherence.
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
I agree North Korea will probably never give up its nukes.

What will have to be achieved is what is achieved with any nuclear power. A non-proliferation agreement, and a nuclear arms limitation agreement.

What will North Korea ask from the US in return?
-------------------------------- we will see , i say , give the 'norks' nothing , no 'rice' and go after their nukes but we will see .

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