Did Trump just cost himself a Nobel Prize?

Listen to all the traitors rooting for the biggest terrorist nation ever.
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

He was never worthy of the prize, and he was never going to be shortlisted.
I do not believe that Trumps cares if he get a Noble prize or not.
That is not is motivation
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

What if he get a better deal with Iran?

Would you consider him worthy for that pompous ass award?

Also I expect him to win it as soon as George W. Bush, which is never!!!
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy
--------------------------------------------- [chuckle] feck that silly peace prize doled out by 'euro elites' . As evidence of how silly it is , see 'mrobama' as he received one . Anyway , i'd be annoyed if the TRUMP acknowledged that silly prize by accepting it RWinger .
Noble prizes are for people like Arafat and Obozo

And Trump would love one.
Trump has already started whining that he won’t be acknowledged for all he did
------------------------------------- TRUMPS probably talking about USA Media not reporting all the good that he , TRUMP is doing RWinger .
The US media does not award the Nobel
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRUMP is talking about the USA Media not reporting on All the good that HE , the TRUMP is doing . 'euro' elites dole out the worthless peace prize RWinger .
heck , it was 'euro' elites that gave the 'peace prize; to 'mrobama' which shows how worthless the 'peace prize' is RWinger .
Who cares? Trump absolutely just saved Israel from a second Holocaust.....I say he gets one for both moves.

BTW, Alfred Nobel (along with Al Gore and Jake Starkey) invented dynamite so the prize is pretty much a farce in the first place.

How do you figure? tRump just gave Iran the bomb.
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
just a comment but with The TRUMP we may be getting back to practical times where so called 'diplomacy' means little . -------------- just a comment .
It will be Jinping and Moon Jae-In (South Korean president). Possibly they may award it to the two nations North Korea and South Korea if a deal to end the war officially is struck and detente takes firm hold. I don't see how they can include Kim Jong Un but they may.

Trump now qualifies for the Beelzebub Perpetual War Prize that all Republicans seem to covet. The US has now violated the Iran Agreement unilaterally and appears to be trying to coerce it's allies to support this illegal move. Our allies already told Trump go fuck yourself, you're a Mussolini wannabe that will never be.

Alledged brain of conservative republican

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I thought it was pretty ironic how many of the same people were calling for Trump to win a prize they said lost all meaning when Obama won it.
Even Obama considered it to be humorous when he was awarded the Nobel peace prize. You cannot deny that you would be tickled pink and wouldn't be able to avoid snickering if the leftist Swedish government groveled at your feet and kissed your anus with a such a generous amount of tongue.
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
It's like Trump seeking do-over on TPP.

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