Did Trump just cost himself a Nobel Prize?

Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

You're not that dumb....so why troll with this?
No troll

Trump had an opportunity handed to him
He blew it

Denuclearization of Iran?
Are you actually interested in a nuke free Iran, or just saying so?
Don't be a parrot.
Neither one of us, or any American of either side wants a nuke filled Iran.
Backing out of the horrible deal is not going to do anything to make Iran have or don't have nukes.
The deal however, set out a clear plan for them to have them. As well as the money to buy high-end STA systems to protect them once they had them.
WHat were you guys all going to say in another 10 years when they had them and the deal was still in play?
My guess..."Trump should have backed out of the deal...it's his fault".
Barack Obama’s well deserved Nobel Prize is not the issue

The issue is that Trump has ruined his chance at the Prize

Barack Obama’s well deserved Nobel Prize is not the issue

What did he accomplish?

(and being black doesn't answer the question)
A black man being elected President in an historically racist nation is quite an accomplishment

Well worthy of a Nobel Prize


it is not
Barack Obama’s well deserved Nobel Prize is not the issue

The issue is that Trump has ruined his chance at the Prize

Barack Obama’s well deserved Nobel Prize is not the issue

What did he accomplish?

(and being black doesn't answer the question)
A black man being elected President in an historically racist nation is quite an accomplishment

Well worthy of a Nobel Prize


it is not
if nobel awards a prize for liars Thump is the clear winner.
Barack Obama’s well deserved Nobel Prize is not the issue

The issue is that Trump has ruined his chance at the Prize

Barack Obama’s well deserved Nobel Prize is not the issue

What did he accomplish?

(and being black doesn't answer the question)
A black man being elected President in an historically racist nation is quite an accomplishment

Well worthy of a Nobel Prize


it is not

I thought it was pretty ironic how many of the same people were calling for Trump to win a prize they said lost all meaning when Obama won it.
it did
what did Obama get it for?
we just want to see those leftwing fucks have to give it to him

it reminds me of the ending of ironman 2
Obama was the first black president of the US

An historic accomplishment

wait this is something huh ing I would say in a joking matter, yet you really believe this....see I know my lefties very well.
It is true

The election of Obama was an historic event in a country that has struggled with racism since its inception

Nobel Prize worthy

then shouldn't the people who voted for him get it?

you guys make no sense
the dick sucking with Obama continues
it did
what did Obama get it for?
we just want to see those leftwing fucks have to give it to him

it reminds me of the ending of ironman 2
Obama was the first black president of the US

An historic accomplishment

He got the Nobel for being the first Black President?
You got it skippy

I seriously doubt that was the reason he got the prize.
Believe what you want

The election of a black US President was an historic event

Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Desmond Tutu
Barack Obama

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize
look we all know the award is shit, terrorists get it. it's all politics, nothing for accomplishment....kinda like everything the left does
He got the Nobel for being the first Black President?
You got it skippy

I seriously doubt that was the reason he got the prize.
Believe what you want

The election of a black US President was an historic event

Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Desmond Tutu
Barack Obama

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize

WTF, do you just make this crap up or do you actually spend time researching?
No, I actually looked it up

Barack Obama was the first black elected President of the United States

hey smartass it was Clinton

but I think he was talking about the reason for his award...do I have to spell out everything?
He got the Nobel for being the first Black President?
You got it skippy

I seriously doubt that was the reason he got the prize.
Believe what you want

The election of a black US President was an historic event

Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Desmond Tutu
Barack Obama

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize

then the people that voted for him should have gotten the prize.

all he did for racial discrimination and civil rights was smile and make promises, and let idiots elect him
If it was only that easy....

We would have elected a black president 150 years ago

except the Democrats killed people who tried to help them vote......
He got the Nobel for being the first Black President?
You got it skippy

I seriously doubt that was the reason he got the prize.
Believe what you want

The election of a black US President was an historic event

Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Desmond Tutu
Barack Obama

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize

then the people that voted for him should have gotten the prize.

all he did for racial discrimination and civil rights was smile and make promises, and let idiots elect him
If it was only that easy....

We would have elected a black president 150 years ago

except the Democrats killed people who tried to help them vote......
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy
For a year you Leftards claimed Trump was going to start s nuclear war yet here we are today with a 70 year old war over.

You lefties are always wrong and bask in your failures.
Patting yourself on the back because Trump hasn’t nuked anyone yet?

no mocking you towards for trying to scare people........learn logic and reason then well talk.
if nobel awards a prize for liars Thump is the clear winner.

Wait... if the Nobel awards a prize for liars Trump is the winner.
.................................................... ok.......................... :eusa_doh:

You realize they already gave out that award to someone who let the Russians take Crimea, attack the Ukraine and allowed Assad to use Chemical weapons against civilians, and in that same time bombed a half dozen countries, and turned Libya into a failed state run by terrorist organizations.

Of course that was Obama.

Did you really just say that on here, and not realize the irony?

Regardless of the amusement I got at your expense.....

The Nobel Prize, is utter crap. There have been a number of people who were awarded the Nobel prize, who were trash, and Obama's peace prize when he created no peace, is proof the award has zero meaning or value.

To be honest, most people could prove themselves better than Obama, by simply not being awarded the prize. That's how little it really has anymore.
I thought it was pretty ironic how many of the same people were calling for Trump to win a prize they said lost all meaning when Obama won it.
it did
what did Obama get it for?
we just want to see those leftwing fucks have to give it to him

it reminds me of the ending of ironman 2
Obama was the first black president of the US

An historic accomplishment

wait this is something huh ing I would say in a joking matter, yet you really believe this....see I know my lefties very well.
It is true

The election of Obama was an historic event in a country that has struggled with racism since its inception

Nobel Prize worthy

then shouldn't the people who voted for him get it?

you guys make no sense
the dick sucking with Obama continues
You think getting elected is that easy?
You got it skippy

I seriously doubt that was the reason he got the prize.
Believe what you want

The election of a black US President was an historic event

Martin Luther King
Nelson Mandela
Desmond Tutu
Barack Obama

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize

The Nobel committee considers racial discrimination and civil rights worthy of a Peace Prize

then the people that voted for him should have gotten the prize.

all he did for racial discrimination and civil rights was smile and make promises, and let idiots elect him
If it was only that easy....

We would have elected a black president 150 years ago

except the Democrats killed people who tried to help them vote......
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy
For a year you Leftards claimed Trump was going to start s nuclear war yet here we are today with a 70 year old war over.

You lefties are always wrong and bask in your failures.
Patting yourself on the back because Trump hasn’t nuked anyone yet?

no mocking you towards for trying to scare people........learn logic and reason then well talk.
WTF aware you babbling about?
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy
Damn fool. You don't deal with terrorists. Thank God for Trump.
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

Uh the deal wasn’t to denuclearize Iran, it was only a postponement of it

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Trump doesn't merit a Nobel Prize regardless.

Neither did Obable but hey, at least trump got NK to come to the table, without pallets of cash!

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NK was forced to the table when NK tested a thermos nuclear or Hydrogen in their 6th nuclear bomb test and it destroyed their testing facility and made further test at that site impossible. Trump is simply playing off NK's blunder and misfortune.
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy
Damn fool. You don't deal with terrorists. Thank God for Trump.

Then why is Trump meeting with Kim Jong Un
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

Uh the deal wasn’t to denuclearize Iran, it was only a postponement of it

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It was a denuclearization

All stock of enriched uranium and all means to enrich uranium were destroyed

So, how does cancelling the deal prevent them from starting up again?

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