Did Trump just cost himself a Nobel Prize?

Shitforhair leaving the agreement only weakens the rest of the countries ability in the agreement to keep a foot on Irans neck.

he's a f'n dumbshit.

end of story
we will see what happens but if the TRUMP signs a deal with the 'norks' and unfreezes assets he will just be doing what 'mrobama' did . 'mrobama' set the precedent G5000 .
And I expect all the same outrage which was also a precedent.
------------------------------------------------------------- somewhat perhaps . the main difference is that i recognize Trump as an American that is doing the best that he can do for me , my kids and other Americans so he will do as he thinks best and we Deplorables will just watch and see and probably applaud and cheer . 'mrobama' though , well , i don't even recognize him as being an American so he was just working his job to hurt the USA , me , my kids and other Americans so he could kiss foreign and shiite muslim azz G5000 . ------------- IMO !!
I recognize a lot of the words in your post, but I detect no coherence.
he's a dick. worse than the worst of the pro-Hillary Trump haters.
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
I agree North Korea will probably never give up its nukes.

What will have to be achieved is what is achieved with any nuclear power. A non-proliferation agreement, and a nuclear arms limitation agreement.

What will North Korea ask from the US in return?
A sociopath and a narcissist. Fear with I shake. LOL

Kim wants an ENFOCEABLE promise of the US never again wiping out 10% of his population. Especially over some novice US president divviying up the World based on arbitrary lines of latitude. LOL I suspect he'd agree to iaea inspections.

Possibly an agreement to pay some amount of SK's economic aid and construction. That'd be tough for Trump.
we will see what happens but if the TRUMP signs a deal with the 'norks' and unfreezes assets he will just be doing what 'mrobama' did . 'mrobama' set the precedent G5000 .
And I expect all the same outrage which was also a precedent.
------------------------------------------------------------- somewhat perhaps . the main difference is that i recognize Trump as an American that is doing the best that he can do for me , my kids and other Americans so he will do as he thinks best and we Deplorables will just watch and see and probably applaud and cheer . 'mrobama' though , well , i don't even recognize him as being an American so he was just working his job to hurt the USA , me , my kids and other Americans so he could kiss foreign and shiite muslim azz G5000 . ------------- IMO !!
I recognize a lot of the words in your post, but I detect no coherence.
he's a dick. worse than the worst of the pro-Hillary Trump haters.
--------------------------------------------- Trump is a good guy . He is an all American thinker and doer similar to the generation that raised me. TRUMP is similar to the Greatest Generation that fought ww2 and is similar to the generations before them that built the USA after the USA / America was discovered and settled and built by people like President Trump Ben .
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
I agree North Korea will probably never give up its nukes.

What will have to be achieved is what is achieved with any nuclear power. A non-proliferation agreement, and a nuclear arms limitation agreement.

What will North Korea ask from the US in return?

Maybe Trump can offer an NBA team
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
I agree North Korea will probably never give up its nukes.

What will have to be achieved is what is achieved with any nuclear power. A non-proliferation agreement, and a nuclear arms limitation agreement.

What will North Korea ask from the US in return?

Maybe Trump can offer an NBA team

No way. the NBA hates his giant fat orange ass. LOL
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
I agree North Korea will probably never give up its nukes.

What will have to be achieved is what is achieved with any nuclear power. A non-proliferation agreement, and a nuclear arms limitation agreement.

What will North Korea ask from the US in return?
A sociopath and a narcissist. Fear with I shake. LOL

Kim wants an ENFOCEABLE promise of the US never again wiping out 10% of his population. Especially over some novice US president divviying up the World based on arbitrary lines of latitude. LOL I suspect he'd agree to iaea inspections.

Possibly an agreement to pay some amount of SK's economic aid and construction. That'd be tough for Trump.

Trump cannot offer to pull our military forces
Anything else would be an empty promise
Say, remember all that outrage when Obama unfroze some Iranian assets and gave them their money back as part of the JCPOA?

Remember all that outrage when Obama signed an agreement and didn't get Senate approval?

I think it will be fun to watch those same outraged pseudocons explain why it is okay for Trump to give North Korea back their frozen assets in the US as part of an agreement, and why he doesn't need Senate approval. Don't you? :lol:
I doubt if Kim Jong Un will give up his existing nukes
Probably agree to reduce missile tests
He has a nuke, and SK agrees to no regime change. And he can move to economic development.

North Korea no longer needs nuclear tests, Kim Jong Un says - CNN

Did Trump's sabre rattling effect anything? Maybe Kim moved a little faster, but he's marching to his own tune.

South Korea Hands Kim Jong-un a Path to Prosperity on a USB Drive

Kim's said his goal is economic development. We Americans view things through our experiences, but in the Korean War we killed something like 10% of their population. What we see as unthinkable, they lived. It's logically possible that having nuclear weapons assures that that will never happen again, and SK's offer of economic prosperity is in Kim's self-interest - he wants his regime to continue.
I agree North Korea will probably never give up its nukes.

What will have to be achieved is what is achieved with any nuclear power. A non-proliferation agreement, and a nuclear arms limitation agreement.

What will North Korea ask from the US in return?
A sociopath and a narcissist. Fear with I shake. LOL

Kim wants an ENFOCEABLE promise of the US never again wiping out 10% of his population. Especially over some novice US president divviying up the World based on arbitrary lines of latitude. LOL I suspect he'd agree to iaea inspections.

Possibly an agreement to pay some amount of SK's economic aid and construction. That'd be tough for Trump.

Trump cannot offer to pull our military forces
Anything else would be an empty promise

I suspect both Koreas want us to go home. Germany is the only place that really makes us comfy.
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
Wrong. Nothing to stop them now.
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
------------------------------------------- i think that Rocko has it correct . Afterall , the iranians are dealing with President Trump the all American male rather than dealing with 'mrobama' the 'shiite muslim' hugging' Mouse G5000 .
Lol, what's so "all american" about trump?
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
Wrong. Nothing to stop them now.

It’s actually the opposite. Obozo’s agreement paved the way for a nuclear Iran. Now all options are on the table.
Trump had the opportunity by brokering a peace between North and South Korea. Regardless of how much progress is made, any progress may have been considered Nobel Prize worthy

But by intentionally mucking up a multinational deal to denuclearize Iran, Trump has shown he is not worthy

Obama should hand Trump his Noble Prize
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
Wrong. Nothing to stop them now.

It’s actually the opposite. Obozo’s agreement paved the way for a nuclear Iran. Now all options are on the table.
How did and agreement not to pursue a nuclear bomb "pave the way" to the bomb? How is removing the oversight that prevented them from building a bomb going to stop them?

Please explain this tortured reasoning to me.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
Wrong. Nothing to stop them now.

It’s actually the opposite. Obozo’s agreement paved the way for a nuclear Iran. Now all options are on the table.
How did and agreement not to pursue a nuclear bomb "pave the way" to the bomb? How is removing the oversight that prevented them from building a bomb going to stop them?

Please explain this tortured reasoning to me.

Let me just say your premise is flawed. In less than a decade Iran is free to enrich as much uranium as they please if they follow obozo’s deal. Why do you think the Arabs and Jews hated the deal?
Why in the world would the re-negotiation of the Iran nuclear deal which was nothing but an international extortion scam (a billion dollars to terrorist organizations) have an impact on a Korean treaty? It should be noted that the (liberal) Nobel people awarded the Peace Prize to Al Gore for inventing the theory of Global Warming and awarded the Peace Prize to Barry Hussein for doing nothing but getting elected.
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
------------------------------------------- i think that Rocko has it correct . Afterall , the iranians are dealing with President Trump the all American male rather than dealing with 'mrobama' the 'shiite muslim' hugging' Mouse G5000 .
Lol, what's so "all american" about trump?
------------------------------------------- its simply his attitude , USA equals MAGA Crep ,
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
Wrong. Nothing to stop them now.

It’s actually the opposite. Obozo’s agreement paved the way for a nuclear Iran. Now all options are on the table.
How did and agreement not to pursue a nuclear bomb "pave the way" to the bomb? How is removing the oversight that prevented them from building a bomb going to stop them?

Please explain this tortured reasoning to me.

Let me just say your premise is flawed. In less than a decade Iran is free to enrich as much uranium as they please if they follow obozo’s deal. Why do you think the Arabs and Jews hated the deal?
In less than a decade?

Now they don't even have to wait a week!
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
------------------------------------------- i think that Rocko has it correct . Afterall , the iranians are dealing with President Trump the all American male rather than dealing with 'mrobama' the 'shiite muslim' hugging' Mouse G5000 .
Lol, what's so "all american" about trump?
------------------------------------------- its simply his attitude , USA equals MAGA Crep ,
His attitude? It's basically "I hate everyone who isn't actively fellating me at any given moment".

You find this to be an attitude that attracts you to him?
What "renegotiation"?
Trump has blown his chance for renegotiation

He really doesn’t have any cards to play

You don’t get it. There is no negotiating. Iran won’t get nukes. Period
Wrong. Nothing to stop them now.

It’s actually the opposite. Obozo’s agreement paved the way for a nuclear Iran. Now all options are on the table.
How did and agreement not to pursue a nuclear bomb "pave the way" to the bomb? How is removing the oversight that prevented them from building a bomb going to stop them?

Please explain this tortured reasoning to me.
-------------------------------------------- whose oversight would the USA be trusting . Besides that i think that it would be 'un' or 'euro' type inspectors , I don't trust them , they will do anything for money and its always got to be America trusting it self rather than trusting others Crep ,
The OP's logic is completely acceptable by the Nobel committee.

Trump does not stand a chance.

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