Debate Now Did Trump Really Violate The Law?

St Trumpy has no peers!
Peers has a legal meaning. In that very limited sense, it was a jury of his peers.

In no other sense could it be considered a jury of his actual peers.

It looks like this is only valid when a crime has taken place though. Using money for your own campaign that you earned (if that's indeed what happened that is) is not a crime.
White 6 and SweetSue92, I saw that you guys were talking about this in a different thread and just let me make myself clear about something,.. I like you both so none of this debate will be personal, but I am curious to get both of your sides on this and please White be nice to her as she doesn't need to be told that she has to be on Midol as I do believe that we can be civil about this.
White 6 and SweetSue92, I saw that you guys were talking about this in a different thread and just let me make myself clear about something,.. I like you both so none of this debate will be personal, but I am curious to get both of your sides on this and please White be nice to her as she doesn't need to be told that she has to be on Midol as I do believe that we can be civil about this.
Just doing whatever necessary to get her off my case. I make it a habit to be nice, until others are not nice. After that, all bets are off, and they get what they deserve and should stay on the kiddy playground if they can't take it. Not a mean person, by nature, but just not suited to personal attacks and will respond with whatever level necessary to make them break off attack and go hunt easier prey.

As for the Thread Topic you called me to, YES. Donald J Trump broke the law. He had a fair trial and was found guilty by a jury of his peers after charges put forth by a Grand Jury of his peers, trial conducted in front of a judge in good standing in the state in which defendant lived and did business at time of offenses, supposedly operating under the laws and regulations of that state. Both sides had competent legal representation, or representation they picked. The jury was question extensively to weed out prejudice against the defendant, and both sides allowed to question and exclude jurors (10 each) as well as ones the judge rejected for prejudice or self admitting, they could not be fair in the matter before the court, based solely on the evidence and presentation of the two sides. As one who supports jury trial, I have every reason to believe they looked at the trial closely and fairly, coming to their verdict. At this time, I have every reason to believe Donald Trump will be treated fairly in sentencing, though he certainly did himself no service accusations against the judge, the judges' family, or the trial itself. I am expecting the sentence to be probation and fines, as it is unusual for these particular felonies to get jail time on a first conviction, all related to the same event, with a convicted dependent with no prior criminal convictions.
White 6 Okay, so how would you answer my question of how using your own money for personal gain is a felony because that's where I'm at right now.
White 6 Okay, so how would you answer my question of how using your own money for personal gain is a felony because that's where I'm at right now.
While no expert, some would say if laundering the money using corporate accounts it might not be personal money. Some might say, if using the money to cover up having sex with porn stars, to keep it from effecting your election and not declaring it as supporting your campaign, it might be campaign finance law violation. Depending on how it was done on the corporate books, it could be tax law violations, state and or federal. It is true, by New York State laws, the other underlying crime or crimes do not even have to be charged or proven in court for the defendant to be found guilty on the charges before the court, and New York is where the triail was held, under New York state law.
While no expert, some would say if laundering the money using corporate accounts it might not be personal money. Some might say, if using the money to cover up having sex with porn stars, to keep it from effecting your election and not declaring it as supporting your campaign, it might be campaign finance law violation. Depending on how it was done on the corporate books, it could be tax law violations, state and or federal. It is true, by New York State laws, the other underlying crime or crimes do not even have to be charged or proven in court for the defendant to be found guilty on the charges before the court, and New York is where the triail was held, under New York state law.

I don't understand what you mean with your first idea but with your second one, I fail to see how having sex with a porn star affects the election.
I don't understand what you mean with your first idea but with your second one, I fail to see how having sex with a porn star affects the election.
It is not the fucking. It is the cover up. It is always the cover up, going back all the way to Nixon, er, uh, before your were born. The cover up is always where they get caught.
It is not the fucking. It is the cover up. It is always the cover up, going back all the way to Nixon, er, uh, before your were born. The cover up is always where they get caught.

Again how does the covering up affect the election?

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