Did We Betray The Kurds For Trump Towers?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
Turkey launches military assault in Syria as Kurdish fighters say warplanes are bombing region

A planned Turkish military operation in northern Syria has now begun, the country's president announced Wednesday, as Kurdish fighters say warplanes are already bombing civilian areas in the region.


The Kurds -- who have been longtime U.S. allies in the fight against ISIS in Syria -- requested air support from American forces in response to the strikes. But U.S. military officials tell Fox News that President Trump has ordered them to not get involved.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?

I know this is labeled as an "opinion piece" but for crying out loud.. .

No sources cited
Littered with quotes taken out of context
Littered with thinly veiled contempt for President Twitter

Who wrote this article one of the grade school children of the staff writers that work for NJ.com ? The "star-ledger editorial board" needs a good smack in the mouth for publishing this shoddy piece of trash that only a moron would take seriously.
Donald Trump Makes Up To $1 Million Per Year From Trump Towers Istanbul, Documents Reveal

In 2012, Donald Trump opened a twin tower structure in Turkey under the brand name Trump Towers Istanbul. The buildings were constructed and remain owned by a Turkish company, but Trump licensed his name to the project and continues to derive significant revenue from fees for the use if his name. In fact, according to Trump’s most recent financial disclosure filings, Trump earns somewhere between $100,001 and $1 million in licensing fees from Trump Towers Istanbul.
Is this one of those threads where the OP only wants to hammer Trump, not realizing that Obama did the same damn thing?
Donald Trump Makes Up To $1 Million Per Year From Trump Towers Istanbul, Documents Reveal

In 2012, Donald Trump opened a twin tower structure in Turkey under the brand name Trump Towers Istanbul. The buildings were constructed and remain owned by a Turkish company, but Trump licensed his name to the project and continues to derive significant revenue from fees for the use if his name. In fact, according to Trump’s most recent financial disclosure filings, Trump earns somewhere between $100,001 and $1 million in licensing fees from Trump Towers Istanbul.
Jealous. ?
Our national interests do not lie in helping Kurds cut swaths of land out of multiple sovereign nations for the purpose of establishing their own country. The Kurds are considered terrorists/ rebels on both sides of the border. And rightly so...
Even long time Trump lickspittle Lindsey Graham is opposed:

Editorial: Trump's betrayal of the Kurds was the president at his malignant and incompetent worst

Amid concerns that Trump had given Erdogan a green light to attack the Kurds in Syria, the president returned to Twitter later on Monday to declare that “if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey.” He also has sought to rebut accusations that he is betraying the Kurds, saying on Tuesday that “in no way have we abandoned the Kurds, who are special people and wonderful fighters.”
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
Let those fuckers kill each other over there, that’s all they enjoy doing anyway
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
The Kurds had their own bone to pick with ISIS and so we worked together while ISIS was our target, as well. Now ISIS holds no territory; Trump says they're history. Turkey keeps getting hit by Kurdish terrorists; they want a "buffer" zone to keep the Kurds off their borders.

I can see both sides of this and I also want us to get the hell out of the Middle East. Every single one of our military personnel that goes there risks their life for what? What has our intervention over there ever achieved in the long run? ISIS keeps reappearing like a highly resistant germ, of course, because you can't bomb an ideology.

There are two sides. I agree with your argument, too, that the Kurds were our allies and we should stand by them. But do we have a treaty to that effect, or were we just allies in time of war because the enemy of my enemy is my friend? What do you propose we do, continue to protect the Kurds indefinitely? (You know those Middle Easterners never stop fighting each other, right?) You can call me an asshole if you want, but it seems to me that both sides of this situation have good reasons.
What the hell does the left really want? They hate military incursions and they celebrated when Barry Hussein announced that he would quit Afghanistan (although he never did). They practically blew up the Country during the Vietnam War (when Nixon was elected) and now they hate the thought of removing Troops from Syria. WTF?
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
You betrayed your country for Hillary Rotten Clinton. That is all I know.

Now go back to your secret man crush with secret courts, secret accusers, secret accusations, secret transcripts, secret hearings, secret fake impeachment inquiries, secret affidavits, secret FISA courts, secret warrants, secret indictments, and you secret love of hairy man butt.

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