Did We Betray The Kurds For Trump Towers?

Are you people this dumb? It's like you've just decided to pay attention to this part of the world 8 minutes ago. Where was your concern for the Kurds, oh I don't know, forever? The Turks have been savaging the Kurds forever. And yes, even under the messiah Obama. Now we're going to pull out 50 people and you are suddenly concerned?

Ukraine? Why are you concerned, the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired a long time ago.

Those of us who follow geopolitics understood the Kurd's situation, that they are our allies and the Commander-in-Chief tossed them under the bus without consulting anyone.

Trump is inept, incompetent and a dunce when it comes to foreign policy (and everything a Commander-in Chief & a President of the United States should know). That and the fact that he won't listen to anyone who does not tell him what he wants to hear, and we get what you elected, chaos.

Trump has put two million Kurdish Families in harms way, and he doesn't give a damn about their future.
You apparently have not followed geopolitics for long. The travails of the Kurds very much predates Trump. They also predate Obama, who was no help to them. If you wish to truly side with the Kurds I'd suggest you listen to them at some point. I can assure you, Trump withdrawing 50 people will be quite low on the multi-decade complaint list they have. One of the first will probably be facing brand new US weapons, even from ISIS, for at least the last decade. Their true enemy are the Turks. the US siding with the Turks over the Kurds is hardly a Trump thing. Educate yourself on the subject.

Your spin is noted, and it did not turn. Turkey is allied with the US in NATO. The Fact is, as I am writing this, the Kurds' villages on the border of Syria and Turkey are being bombarded by the Turkey Military, and being murdered by Kurdish Militias.

The clear, probative reason for Turkey's ethnic cleansing of the Kurds' was Trump's callous and stupid telephone call with the Turkish President, giving him a green light to engage in this slaughter of Kurdish Families.

Quite frankly, you're an idiot. The Turks have been waging all out war on the Kurds for as long as anyone can remember. If you think this started with Trump, you're an idiot. Having said that, fuck Turkey.

Quite frankly, anyone who opens a post or calls another an idiot is a fool. Trump's phone was all the Turkish President needed to make a long term conflict into a full out war, and the Turkish President's action to annihilate their homeland. The Kurds' are one of the indigenous peoples of the Mesopotamian plains and the highlands in what are now south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Syria, northern Iraq, north-western Iran and south-western Armenia.
Agreed, but if you think this all has to do with Trump, sorry you're an idiot.
Those of us who follow geopolitics understood the Kurd's situation, that they are our allies and the Commander-in-Chief tossed them under the bus without consulting anyone.

Trump is inept, incompetent and a dunce when it comes to foreign policy (and everything a Commander-in Chief & a President of the United States should know). That and the fact that he won't listen to anyone who does not tell him what he wants to hear, and we get what you elected, chaos.

Trump has put two million Kurdish Families in harms way, and he doesn't give a damn about their future.

You apparently have not followed geopolitics for long. The travails of the Kurds very much predates Trump. They also predate Obama, who was no help to them. If you wish to truly side with the Kurds I'd suggest you listen to them at some point. I can assure you, Trump withdrawing 50 people will be quite low on the multi-decade complaint list they have. One of the first will probably be facing brand new US weapons, even from ISIS, for at least the last decade. Their true enemy are the Turks. the US siding with the Turks over the Kurds is hardly a Trump thing. Educate yourself on the subject.

Your spin is noted, and it did not turn. Turkey is allied with the US in NATO. The Fact is, as I am writing this, the Kurds' villages on the border of Syria and Turkey are being bombarded by the Turkey Military, and being murdered by Kurdish Militias.

The clear, probative reason for Turkey's ethnic cleansing of the Kurds' was Trump's callous and stupid telephone call with the Turkish President, giving him a green light to engage in this slaughter of Kurdish Families.

Quite frankly, you're an idiot. The Turks have been waging all out war on the Kurds for as long as anyone can remember. If you think this started with Trump, you're an idiot. Having said that, fuck Turkey.

Quite frankly, anyone who opens a post or calls another an idiot is a fool. Trump's phone was all the Turkish President needed to make a long term conflict into a full out war, and the Turkish President's action to annihilate their homeland. The Kurds' are one of the indigenous peoples of the Mesopotamian plains and the highlands in what are now south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Syria, northern Iraq, north-western Iran and south-western Armenia.

Agreed, but if you think this all has to do with Trump, sorry you're an idiot.

It was not all about Trump until he gave the President of Turkey a green light to wage an open war with the Kurds.

Don't apologize for calling me an Idiot, I'm used to RW Trolls whose education is so limited they cannot offer an expository response to my opinions; thus they call me names and slander my intelligence. That is what they have in common with Trump, a childish temperament and a lack of decorum.
It was not all about Trump until he gave the President of Turkey a green light to wage an open war with the Kurds.
Don't apologize for calling me an Idiot, I'm used to RW Trolls whose education is so limited they cannot offer an expository response to my opinions; thus they call me names and slander my intelligence. That is what they have in common with Trump, a childish temperament and a lack of decorum.
You libs are amusing. After 9/11 you want us to partner with Muslims.
It was not all about Trump until he gave the President of Turkey a green light to wage an open war with the Kurds.
Don't apologize for calling me an Idiot, I'm used to RW Trolls whose education is so limited they cannot offer an expository response to my opinions; thus they call me names and slander my intelligence. That is what they have in common with Trump, a childish temperament and a lack of decorum.

You libs are amusing. After 9/11 you want us to partner with Muslims.

You cons know nothing, and yet pretend you do. And in most cases, you believe everything uttered by Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter and other RW agitators.

Are you dumb, or are you just playing?

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