Did We Betray The Kurds For Trump Towers?

....Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?


Did you miss the entire campaign, where he ran on a platform of bring the troops home?

The only question is, why it took so long.

Are the troops home? No. They were pulled back from the North.

Good point. I will email the White HOuse tonight, demanding they come all the fucking way home.

You asked why it took so long, dope.
They haven't left.

I want an end to these pointless wars. Moving away from the front, is moving in the right direction. But yes, I want them all the way home.

This is not an issue with much nuance to me. YOur desire here is to find something to smear the President and/or his supporters with.

Mine is Peace.
the claim made was that Trump OWNS the hotel in Turkey.
Yes, I know. The germane point, of course, is that Trump personally profits from them. And you knew that, but being the buttsucking little cultist you are, you didn't want to talk about that.

Blow it out your rear champ, you want to move the goalpost...idiot.
No, I said what I said earlier in the thread. Trump personally profits from them. Even the orange turd called it a conflict of interest. So go whine to him, crybaby.

"I said what I said", Christ sake don't tell me you're one of the intelligent libs.

Damned right "you said what you said".

Own it, pussy.

For Christ sake, if you can't pay attention to a conversation, STFU.
Yes, I know. The germane point, of course, is that Trump personally profits from them. And you knew that, but being the buttsucking little cultist you are, you didn't want to talk about that.

Blow it out your rear champ, you want to move the goalpost...idiot.
No, I said what I said earlier in the thread. Trump personally profits from them. Even the orange turd called it a conflict of interest. So go whine to him, crybaby.

"I said what I said", Christ sake don't tell me you're one of the intelligent libs.

Damned right "you said what you said".

Own it, pussy.

For Christ sake, if you can't pay attention to a conversation, STFU.

You're the one with the problem.
Blow it out your rear champ, you want to move the goalpost...idiot.
No, I said what I said earlier in the thread. Trump personally profits from them. Even the orange turd called it a conflict of interest. So go whine to him, crybaby.

"I said what I said", Christ sake don't tell me you're one of the intelligent libs.

Damned right "you said what you said".

Own it, pussy.

For Christ sake, if you can't pay attention to a conversation, STFU.

You're the one with the problem.

....Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?


Did you miss the entire campaign, where he ran on a platform of bring the troops home?

The only question is, why it took so long.

Are the troops home? No. They were pulled back from the North.

Good point. I will email the White HOuse tonight, demanding they come all the fucking way home.

You asked why it took so long, dope.
They haven't left.

I want an end to these pointless wars. Moving away from the front, is moving in the right direction. But yes, I want them all the way home.

This is not an issue with much nuance to me. YOur desire here is to find something to smear the President and/or his supporters with.

Mine is Peace.
And we are sending troops to Saudi.
What the hell does the left really want? They hate military incursions and they celebrated when Barry Hussein announced that he would quit Afghanistan (although he never did). They practically blew up the Country during the Vietnam War (when Nixon was elected) and now they hate the thought of removing Troops from Syria. WTF?

But you applaud trump's ordering thousands of troops to saudi today.
What the hell does the left really want? They hate military incursions and they celebrated when Barry Hussein announced that he would quit Afghanistan (although he never did). They practically blew up the Country during the Vietnam War (when Nixon was elected) and now they hate the thought of removing Troops from Syria. WTF?

But you applaud trump's ordering thousands of troops to saudi today.

ms. downer------do you disapprove of USA troops in Saudi Arabia? ----if so,
please state your reasons
What the hell does the left really want? They hate military incursions and they celebrated when Barry Hussein announced that he would quit Afghanistan (although he never did). They practically blew up the Country during the Vietnam War (when Nixon was elected) and now they hate the thought of removing Troops from Syria. WTF?

But you applaud trump's ordering thousands of troops to saudi today.

ms. downer------do you disapprove of USA troops in Saudi Arabia? ----if so,
please state your reasons

Just making a point for all that says we should pull all troops out of ME but instead adding them.
What the hell does the left really want? They hate military incursions and they celebrated when Barry Hussein announced that he would quit Afghanistan (although he never did). They practically blew up the Country during the Vietnam War (when Nixon was elected) and now they hate the thought of removing Troops from Syria. WTF?

But you applaud trump's ordering thousands of troops to saudi today.

ms. downer------do you disapprove of USA troops in Saudi Arabia? ----if so,
please state your reasons

Just making a point for all that says we should pull all troops out of ME but instead adding them.

we have interests in the ME. In fact, we have interesting thruout the world.
Our troops in Saudi Arabia are not under fire at all and are getting a
CULTURAL EXPERIENCE----very important for our boys and girls, many of
whom are VERY VERY naïve. Imagine what it is like for a southern Baptist
kid from texas to live for awhile in Saudi Arabia-----WIDENS his horizons

good news----none of our boys was injured. HOWEVER---the fact is that the Turks
fired on non-combatants which is why they are there

So special forces are non-combatants, did you read the article that said they had considered returning fire?

yes. SO? When Turkey commenced firing upon them they were non-combatants------just a bunch of military personnel STATIONED there. Turkey
committed an aggression
The Kurds are being massacred, and Trump sits idly by and watches.

He is obeying Erdogan's orders.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
The Kurds had their own bone to pick with ISIS and so we worked together while ISIS was our target, as well. Now ISIS holds no territory; Trump says they're history. Turkey keeps getting hit by Kurdish terrorists; they want a "buffer" zone to keep the Kurds off their borders.

I can see both sides of this and I also want us to get the hell out of the Middle East. Every single one of our military personnel that goes there risks their life for what? What has our intervention over there ever achieved in the long run? ISIS keeps reappearing like a highly resistant germ, of course, because you can't bomb an ideology.

There are two sides. I agree with your argument, too, that the Kurds were our allies and we should stand by them. But do we have a treaty to that effect, or were we just allies in time of war because the enemy of my enemy is my friend? What do you propose we do, continue to protect the Kurds indefinitely? (You know those Middle Easterners never stop fighting each other, right?) You can call me an asshole if you want, but it seems to me that both sides of this situation have good reasons.
Muslims will be Muslims, if they aren’t fighting and killing each other and everyone else they disagree with they certainly are a not happy
This is making America look like morons.

Of course, most of Trump's worshipers are morons, so they support it.
If Obama was doing the same thing every progressive would be in agreement... me too. Lol
....Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?


Did you miss the entire campaign, where he ran on a platform of bring the troops home?

The only question is, why it took so long.

Except he not bringing them home. He’s sending them to Saudi Arabia to protect THEM from the Iranians.

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