Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?

What right does a corporation have to charge taxes? Because that is what your beloved "gubermint" is....it's a for profit entity that is currently owned by the International Monetary Fund that is owned by international bankers to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services and they do it for a profit. You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to us. I doubt you could even wrap your mind around it. They skim money off the top, invest it in Wall Street and foreign markets and roll it over and re-invest it. Now composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....doesn't that sound like a complete conflict of interest to you????

Texas gets lots of federal aid, and also have more state government w
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?

What right does a corporation have to charge taxes? Because that is what your beloved "gubermint" is....it's a for profit entity that is currently owned by the International Monetary Fund that is owned by international bankers to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services and they do it for a profit. You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to us. I doubt you could even wrap your mind around it. They skim money off the top, invest it in Wall Street and foreign markets and roll it over and re-invest it. Now composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....doesn't that sound like a complete conflict of interest to you????

Texas has lots of state workers doesn't it, and also receives lots of Fed aid. Also I'd hate to get hurt while working on the job in Texas, no workers comp, unreal.

We can do without Texans, since you hate the Fed gov. so much, give up all Fed Aid. Maybe Mexico can take better care of you Texans.

You have really shitty reading comprehension skills. The State of Texas is also a CORPORATION and a subsidiary of USA.INC. You can find them on Dun and Bradstreet. All cities, countries and towns are INCORPORATED and according the the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, this corporate entity is sitting on a TRILLION dollars in assets that the IMF actually owns. What is so bad about your "gubermint" being incorporated? Because it no longer follows the organic constitution but a business constitution that is their corporate charter that has to be renewed every 20 years. We are not under Common Law, we are under the UCC (Universal Commercial Code) and admiralty law subject to their acts, statutes and codes because corporations can't pass laws. What is even worse is that this corporate entity was taken into receivership by the IMF in 1950 when USA.INC went bankrupt yet again. Wake up and stop being such a spineless sheeple. Things are not what you think they are.....not even close.
poverty stricken? Did you happen to read everything on the pic?
Ok braiwashed american.

300 a week with four kids? thats the rent paid, now what about everythingelse?

Ill say it one last time: 300 a week to support five people? Even if it was just her it would be miserable.

Not my fault. I didn't fuck her.
What do want for this woman, to live on the street?
She doesn't even want to help HERSELF
With minimum wage so low a fulltime job would only give her about the same. Where will her kids be while she wastes her time with that?

Of course shes a bad person, seeing how sexually violent she is, but their isnt anything else to do about it.

Again, not my problem.

Life is serious business.

I've accepted that responsibility and taken care of myself. When I made the choice to get married my wife and I accepted the responsibility to take care of ourselves and then our children.

Those that don't accept the responsibility deserve the consequences.
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?
View attachment 73846
300 a week? Htf can she suport 4 kids and herself on 300 a week?

im suprised you begrudge this poverty striken person such a piddlin amount of money to subsist on.
poverty stricken? Did you happen to read everything on the pic?
Ok braiwashed american.

300 a week with four kids? thats the rent paid, now what about everythingelse?

Ill say it one last time: 300 a week to support five people? Even if it was just her it would be miserable.
My step granddaughter has made a career out of gaming the system. She has five kids from five unknown fathers. We figured it out. With cash and benefits she rakes in just about $7000. a month.

No one is reporting the totality of this woman's benefit income, or she's just stupid.

I am very against that. In a situation like that , cut those tubes. I'm sorry but she needs to be living on child support, and those dead beat daddies should be paying. I thought they had to name the father now.
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?
View attachment 73846
300 a week? Htf can she suport 4 kids and herself on 300 a week?

im suprised you begrudge this poverty striken person such a piddlin amount of money to subsist on.
poverty stricken? Did you happen to read everything on the pic?
Ok braiwashed american.

300 a week with four kids? thats the rent paid, now what about everythingelse?

Ill say it one last time: 300 a week to support five people? Even if it was just her it would be miserable.

Section 8 housing.
Not my fault. I didn't fuck her.
What do want for this woman, to live on the street?
She doesn't even want to help HERSELF
With minimum wage so low a fulltime job would only give her about the same. Where will her kids be while she wastes her time with that?

Of course shes a bad person, seeing how sexually violent she is, but their isnt anything else to do about it.
Sorry, its just hard for me to feel sorry for someone that doesn't want to fix themselves.
How can she?
lol ok
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?

What right does a corporation have to charge taxes? Because that is what your beloved "gubermint" is....it's a for profit entity that is currently owned by the International Monetary Fund that is owned by international bankers to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services and they do it for a profit. You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to us. I doubt you could even wrap your mind around it. They skim money off the top, invest it in Wall Street and foreign markets and roll it over and re-invest it. Now composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....doesn't that sound like a complete conflict of interest to you????

Certainty not Texas, no state income tax but gladly takes Fed Aid. You low lifers. My state pays over 4% state tax, and every employer needs workers comp and liab. We have also expanded Medicaid. We have a Rep. Gov as well. People are falling through the cracks in Texas and Florida due to non expansion of Medicaid, anything to make the ACA fail. Not too proud to take Fed aid for other things though are you?
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Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?
View attachment 73846
300 a week? Htf can she suport 4 kids and herself on 300 a week?

im suprised you begrudge this poverty striken person such a piddlin amount of money to subsist on.
poverty stricken? Did you happen to read everything on the pic?
Ok braiwashed american.

300 a week with four kids? thats the rent paid, now what about everythingelse?

Ill say it one last time: 300 a week to support five people? Even if it was just her it would be miserable.

Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?
tell me, do you know what redundancy is?

Yes Texans bitching.
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?
View attachment 73846
300 a week? Htf can she suport 4 kids and herself on 300 a week?

im suprised you begrudge this poverty striken person such a piddlin amount of money to subsist on.
poverty stricken? Did you happen to read everything on the pic?
Ok braiwashed american.

300 a week with four kids? thats the rent paid, now what about everythingelse?

Ill say it one last time: 300 a week to support five people? Even if it was just her it would be miserable.

Section 8 housing.
Well thank heavens. Shes still super poor.
Better to send 3.2 billion to Israel every year , isn't it?? Now I don't want to do that either, but I have no choice, I have to.

Makes me sick. So maybe I'll quit paying taxes as well. then I'd loose my home, and be out on the street, or I guess I could live in my car for a while, or maybe I'd come down to Texas where its hot, , better to be homeless in the South the saying goes.
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?

What right does a corporation have to charge taxes? Because that is what your beloved "gubermint" is....it's a for profit entity that is currently owned by the International Monetary Fund that is owned by international bankers to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services and they do it for a profit. You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to us. I doubt you could even wrap your mind around it. They skim money off the top, invest it in Wall Street and foreign markets and roll it over and re-invest it. Now composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....doesn't that sound like a complete conflict of interest to you????

Texas gets lots of federal aid, and also have more state government w
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?

What right does a corporation have to charge taxes? Because that is what your beloved "gubermint" is....it's a for profit entity that is currently owned by the International Monetary Fund that is owned by international bankers to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services and they do it for a profit. You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to us. I doubt you could even wrap your mind around it. They skim money off the top, invest it in Wall Street and foreign markets and roll it over and re-invest it. Now composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....doesn't that sound like a complete conflict of interest to you????

Texas has lots of state workers doesn't it, and also receives lots of Fed aid. Also I'd hate to get hurt while working on the job in Texas, no workers comp, unreal.

We can do without Texans, since you hate the Fed gov. so much, give up all Fed Aid. Maybe Mexico can take better care of you Texans.

You have really shitty reading comprehension skills. The State of Texas is also a CORPORATION and a subsidiary of USA.INC. You can find them on Dun and Bradstreet. All cities, countries and towns are INCORPORATED and according the the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, this corporate entity is sitting on a TRILLION dollars in assets that the IMF actually owns. What is so bad about your "gubermint" being incorporated? Because it no longer follows the organic constitution but a business constitution that is their corporate charter that has to be renewed every 20 years. We are not under Common Law, we are under the UCC (Universal Commercial Code) and admiralty law subject to their acts, statutes and codes because corporations can't pass laws. What is even worse is that this corporate entity was taken into receivership by the IMF in 1950 when USA.INC went bankrupt yet again. Wake up and stop being such a spineless sheeple. Things are not what you think they are.....not even close.
You have all this great knowledge and the courage to aknowledge reality, but then you draw the mos bizare and obtuse conclusions.
300 a week? Htf can she suport 4 kids and herself on 300 a week?

im suprised you begrudge this poverty striken person such a piddlin amount of money to subsist on.
poverty stricken? Did you happen to read everything on the pic?
Ok braiwashed american.

300 a week with four kids? thats the rent paid, now what about everythingelse?

Ill say it one last time: 300 a week to support five people? Even if it was just her it would be miserable.

Section 8 housing.
Well thank heavens. Shes still super poor.

Who cares?
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?
View attachment 73846
300 a week? Htf can she suport 4 kids and herself on 300 a week?

im suprised you begrudge this poverty striken person such a piddlin amount of money to subsist on.
I don't begrudge her, the liberals have put in that pea brain of hers that she cant make it in the world, that the color of her skin prevents her from making it in the world. You liberals are the cancer in society that keeps enslaving people and keeping them from achieving their greatness. Oh yeah, you are a sorry sack of excrement who cant make it in the world so no one else can, unless you are a liberal elite. See liberal elites below who didn't sit on their asses feeling sorry for themselves. Why arent you guys out there complaining how wealthy they are? You guys are f cking morons.

Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?
View attachment 73846
300 a week? Htf can she suport 4 kids and herself on 300 a week?

im suprised you begrudge this poverty striken person such a piddlin amount of money to subsist on.
I don't begrudge her, the liberals have put in that pea brain of hers that she cant make it in the world, that the color of her skin prevents her from making it in the world. You liberals are the cancer in society that keeps enslaving people and keeping them from achieving their greatness. Oh yeah, you are a sorry sack of excrement who cant make it in the world so no one else can, unless you are a liberal elite. See liberal elites below who didn't sit on their asses feeling sorry for themselves. Why arent you guys out there complaining how wealthy they are? You guys are f cking morons.

View attachment 73848
Lmao! What's with all the asumptions?
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican on who gets lots of federal aid?

What right does a corporation have to charge taxes? Because that is what your beloved "gubermint" is....it's a for profit entity that is currently owned by the International Monetary Fund that is owned by international bankers to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services and they do it for a profit. You don't have the slightest clue as to what has been done to us. I doubt you could even wrap your mind around it. They skim money off the top, invest it in Wall Street and foreign markets and roll it over and re-invest it. Now composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholder in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries....doesn't that sound like a complete conflict of interest to you????

Certainty not Texas, no state income tax but gladly takes Fed Aid. You low lifers. My state pays over 4% state tax, and every employers needs workers comp and liab. We have also expanded Medicaid. We have a Rep. Gov as well. People are falling through the cracks in Texas and Florida due to non expansion of Medicaid, anything to make the ACA fail. Not too proud to take Fed aid for other things though are you?

We have a 8.5 percent sales tax and what does that have to do with the fact that your beloved "gubermint" is actually a corporation? You have a bitch about how money is being spent, go talk to your governor and have him reveal the CAFR for the year 2015. State Of Florida Incorporated is easily half a trillion in the black. You obviously cannot even wrap your mind around what I am telling you. You are either utterly stupid or you can't grasp the idea of what has been done to you...it's not easy but the real truth rarely is. One other thing, I don't want a fucking thing from the federal "gubermint". I pledge no loyalty whatosver to this corporate entity whose corporate headquarters are in Washington D.C. Read both of my prior posts again...get a fucking dictionary if the multi-syllable words are confusing you.
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican one who gets lots of federal aid?

exactly... these jokers never let facts get in the way of their parroted talking points.


The extent to which the average American’s tax burden varies based on his or her state of residence represents a significant point of differentiation between state economies. But it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

What if, for example, a particular state can afford not to tax its residents at high rates because it receives disproportionately more funding from the federal government than states with apparently oppressive tax codes? That would change the narrative significantly, revealing federal dependence where bold, efficient stewardship was once thought to preside.

The idea of the American freeloader burst into the public consciousness when #47percent started trending on Twitter in 2012. And though the notion is senselessly insulting to millions of hardworking Americans, it is true that some states receive a far higher return on their federal income-tax contributions than others.

Just how pronounced is this disparity, and to what extent does it alter our perception of state and local tax rates around the country? WalletHub sought to answer those questions by comparing the 50 states in terms of three key metrics.

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States
ASHEVILLE, NC (FOX Carolina) -

A local tow truck driver said he refused to tow a woman’s car after he saw Bernie Sanders stickers on the vehicle.
When he saw “a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff” he said he told the woman, “very politely,” that he couldn't tow her car because she was “obviously a socialist” and advised her to “call the government” for a tow.

that idiot is probably going to lose his business license...

as long as he was "polite" then i guess public accommodation laws don't matter. :cuckoo:
Man I get so tired of you anti government people who don't want to pay taxes. What state do you live in? A republican one who gets lots of federal aid?

exactly... these jokers never let facts get in the way of their parroted talking points.


The extent to which the average American’s tax burden varies based on his or her state of residence represents a significant point of differentiation between state economies. But it’s only one piece of the puzzle.

What if, for example, a particular state can afford not to tax its residents at high rates because it receives disproportionately more funding from the federal government than states with apparently oppressive tax codes? That would change the narrative significantly, revealing federal dependence where bold, efficient stewardship was once thought to preside.

The idea of the American freeloader burst into the public consciousness when #47percent started trending on Twitter in 2012. And though the notion is senselessly insulting to millions of hardworking Americans, it is true that some states receive a far higher return on their federal income-tax contributions than others.

Just how pronounced is this disparity, and to what extent does it alter our perception of state and local tax rates around the country? WalletHub sought to answer those questions by comparing the 50 states in terms of three key metrics.

2016’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

This composite corporate "gubermint" takes in more in dividend revenue on one year than the entire private sector GDP. and they take in 4 times more money than they need to provide the 19 essential "gubermint" services. We are their personal credit card which is why they always run a deficit because they just pass the debt off on us. Wake up, things are not what you think. Do a little research about what a CAFR is. Every "gubermint" on the state, county, city and state is incorporated and a subsidiary of USA.INC and you can find them on Dun and Bradstreet.
After 7 1/2 years of Obamanomics, how is it that the most US citizens are now in poverty ever, 1 in 5(was 1 in 6) children go hungry, FORCED people to buy unaffordable healthcare,
ASHEVILLE, NC (FOX Carolina) -

A local tow truck driver said he refused to tow a woman’s car after he saw Bernie Sanders stickers on the vehicle.
When he saw “a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff” he said he told the woman, “very politely,” that he couldn't tow her car because she was “obviously a socialist” and advised her to “call the government” for a tow.

that idiot is probably going to lose his business license...

as long as he was polite then i guess public accommodation laws don't matter. :cuckoo:
What he did was a choice, just like when a woman walks into an abortion clinic and Chooses to Abort a baby. Equal rights baby, don't like it Cuba is open.
it's all about emotion for rethuglicans... they FEEL they are paying more.

and they FEEL like not towing cars for their fellow citizens in distress.

what a marooooooon

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