Did you hear the new ACA numbers?


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
I'd give you a link but I don't want to bust your bubble. Obabble continues to lie.
From the article:

Combining all of this data: of the 8 million sign-ups on the exchange, we can only be confident that around 1.7 million are previously uninsured and enrolled. We can add another 865,000 or so for those purchasing coverage off the exchange, for a total of 2.6 million previously uninsured individual-market enrollees.

Fuck. You. obama and dems.
I'd give you a link but I don't want to bust your bubble. Obabble continues to lie.

They spent $2,000 per previously uninsured person JUST SETTING UP THE FAILED ACA WEBSITES!!!!!
Can't wait to see how the moonbats spin this.

Actually I'll probably continue to ignore most of them. Stupidity that intense is painful to look at.
They spent $2,000 per previously uninsured person JUST SETTING UP THE FAILED ACA WEBSITES!!!!!

It's amazing how some dipshit bed wetting college student came up with Facebook, but no bed wetter seems to be able to make a government website that works.

It still has yet to occur to these dipshits that the private sector could have unfucked the whole thing if you got government out of the way.
This blogger is totally bought off and FOS. Try again lol. And yes it's amazing how many policies were a scam under the old Pub scam/'system'....
They spent $2,000 per previously uninsured person JUST SETTING UP THE FAILED ACA WEBSITES!!!!!

It's amazing how some dipshit bed wetting college student came up with Facebook, but no bed wetter seems to be able to make a government website that works.

It still has yet to occur to these dipshits that the private sector could have unfucked the whole thing if you got government out of the way.

It was a private corporation that screwed it up, moron. Same deal under Booosh with a much smaller Medicare program.:cuckoo:
They spent $2,000 per previously uninsured person JUST SETTING UP THE FAILED ACA WEBSITES!!!!!

It's amazing how some dipshit bed wetting college student came up with Facebook, but no bed wetter seems to be able to make a government website that works.

It still has yet to occur to these dipshits that the private sector could have unfucked the whole thing if you got government out of the way.

It was a private corporation that screwed it up, moron. Same deal under Booosh with a much smaller Medicare program.:cuckoo:

A private corporation in Canada wasnt it? Owned by one of michelles buddies?
I'd give you a link but I don't want to bust your bubble. Obabble continues to lie.

Yes, we read about the McKinsey piss yesterday. I guess ShootSpeeders got the daily rube mass email before you did.

Good old McKinsey & Company. Friends of Enron.

You know who was the head of that firm, right? Rajat Gupta.

McKinsey Clients Shrugged at Scandals, Ignored Greed

It is interesting the partisan hacks are basing their articles on something that rat infested company said rather than mainstream polling organizations.
The 8 million figure for ObamaCare sign-ups is for the federal web site. McKinsey is conflating those people with those who bought their insurance from private insurers not on the federal exchange.

Nice try, deltex.
This blogger is totally bought off and FOS. Try again lol. And yes it's amazing how many policies were a scam under the old Pub scam/'system'....
I yield to your expertise on the totally bought off and FOS front, filing it under the 'It takes one to know one' category.
This shit is all just your basic shifting of goal posts by the losers.

8 million people have enrolled? Oh yeah? Well how many have actually paid their first premium?

What's that? Over 80 percent have?


Well...then...uhhhhhh...how many were previously uninsured then? Huh? Huh?

Sorry, kids. ObamaCare is here to stay, and it is going to become more and more and more successful as time passes. The sooner you realize this and get ahead of it, instead of always being a day late and a dollar short, the better off you will be.

Forbes! :rofl::lmao:

http://www.gallup.com/poll/168821/u...ontent=morelink&utm_term=All Gallup Headlines

May 5, 2014
U.S. Uninsured Rate Drops to 13.4%
Uninsured rate down nearly four percentage points since late 2013
by Jenna Levy
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The uninsured rate for U.S. adults in April was 13.4%, down from 15.0% in March. This is the lowest monthly uninsured rate recorded since Gallup and Healthways began tracking it in January 2008, besting the previous low of 13.9% in September of that year.
I'd give you a link but I don't want to bust your bubble. Obabble continues to lie.

Yes, we read about the McKinsey piss yesterday. I guess ShootSpeeders got the daily rube mass email before you did.

Good old McKinsey & Company. Friends of Enron.

You know who was the head of that firm, right? Rajat Gupta.

McKinsey Clients Shrugged at Scandals, Ignored Greed

It is interesting the partisan hacks are basing their articles on something that rat infested company said rather than mainstream polling organizations.

So they can talmto low information people that doent understand the questions and manipulate the results?

the fact is not everyone is insured and they wont be, because some people dont want to pay for it.

if you want compliance, just let people who dont have insurance die....word gets out and people will get it, without govt coercian
So they can talmto low information people that doent understand the questions and manipulate the results?

Was that English? If so, I find this incoherent gibberish to be highly ironic in that you seem to be trying to emulate Rush with that whole "low information" thing.

the fact is not everyone is insured and they wont be, because some people dont want to pay for it.

Because some people can't afford it.

if you want compliance, just let people who dont have insurance die....word gets out and people will get it, without govt coercian


The 8 million figure for ObamaCare sign-ups is for the federal web site. McKinsey is conflating those people with those who bought their insurance from private insurers not on the federal exchange.

Nice try, deltex.

Right Sparky because Obama spent over $1billion developing the planets one and only website that can't tell you when someone bought your product

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