Did you know that only 49 Republicans voted FOR Sandy "relief"?

The Smithsonian got a new roof out of Sandy relief. Salmon fisheries in Alaska got a bundle too. The only people that didn't get anything are the victims of Sandy!

Was the roof damaged in the hurricane?
Why did REPUBLICANS put in pork for Alaskan salmon fisheries and then use it as an excuse not to vote for it?

I live on the Jersey Shore....hundreds of thousands of people are getting Sandy relief and rebuilding is going on

Why do you lie?

The Smithsonian is not in New Jersey, it is in Washington DC and DC was not hit by the STORM. Sandy wasn't a hurricane. It started out as a CAT 1, and got downgraded from there.

Why do you lie? We all know that democrats lie, but you are pretty blatant about it. Just because there is rebuilding going on, doesn't mean that the money is coming from the government, there are plenty of private organizations that contributed to Sandy relief.

FEMA leaves many Sandy victims languishing - U.S. News

Sandy started in the Carribean and worked its way up the East Coast. Do you have information that the winds did not affect the roof of the Smithsonian?

You made the statement that none of the victims of Sandy have received aid.......your link did not prove that
Hooray for republicans with balls. It's an old trick that the democrat party uses (never let a crisis go to waste) when they pad legitimate spending with pork. Anybody know what was in the Sandy bill? The left wing media sure won't let you know. How about 150 Million for Alaska fisheries, 13 Billion for "mitigation" projects which are federal slush funds, 17 Billion for block grants which are used to dole out federal dollars to poverty pimps in exchange for votes and 10 Billion for "future" transportation projects which is another way of saying federal slush funds. Oh yea and a paltry 8 Mil to HLS for cars and equipment. Another hundred or so amendments to the bill are only around a million and not worth mentioning.
Hooray for republicans with balls. It's an old trick that the democrat party uses (never let a crisis go to waste) when they pad legitimate spending with pork. Anybody know what was in the Sandy bill? The left wing media sure won't let you know. How about 150 Million for Alaska fisheries, 13 Billion for "mitigation" projects which are federal slush funds, 17 Billion for block grants which are used to dole out federal dollars to poverty pimps in exchange for votes and 10 Billion for "future" transportation projects which is another way of saying federal slush funds. Oh yea and a paltry 8 Mil to HLS for cars and equipment. Another hundred or so amendments to the bill are only around a million and not worth mentioning.

What is the pork?

Alaskan fisheries which is Republican?

Mitigating future hurricane damage is pork? In whose book?
Hooray for republicans with balls. It's an old trick that the democrat party uses (never let a crisis go to waste) when they pad legitimate spending with pork. Anybody know what was in the Sandy bill? The left wing media sure won't let you know. How about 150 Million for Alaska fisheries, 13 Billion for "mitigation" projects which are federal slush funds, 17 Billion for block grants which are used to dole out federal dollars to poverty pimps in exchange for votes and 10 Billion for "future" transportation projects which is another way of saying federal slush funds. Oh yea and a paltry 8 Mil to HLS for cars and equipment. Another hundred or so amendments to the bill are only around a million and not worth mentioning.

What is the pork?

Alaskan fisheries which is Republican?

Mitigating future hurricane damage is pork? In whose book?

150 million to Alaska fisheries in a disaster relief bill for New Jersey is fine because lefties assume that Alaska fisheries are republican? This isn't logic, it's nuts. LBJ set the precedent when he made it official that the federal government could steal every dime out of social security. Do you really think "mitigating" funds will be used for their stated purpose? The word is intended to be ambiguous.
Hooray for republicans with balls. It's an old trick that the democrat party uses (never let a crisis go to waste) when they pad legitimate spending with pork. Anybody know what was in the Sandy bill? The left wing media sure won't let you know. How about 150 Million for Alaska fisheries, 13 Billion for "mitigation" projects which are federal slush funds, 17 Billion for block grants which are used to dole out federal dollars to poverty pimps in exchange for votes and 10 Billion for "future" transportation projects which is another way of saying federal slush funds. Oh yea and a paltry 8 Mil to HLS for cars and equipment. Another hundred or so amendments to the bill are only around a million and not worth mentioning.

What is the pork?

Alaskan fisheries which is Republican?

Mitigating future hurricane damage is pork? In whose book?

150 million to Alaska fisheries in a disaster relief bill for New Jersey is fine because lefties assume that Alaska fisheries are republican? This isn't logic, it's nuts. LBJ set the precedent when he made it official that the federal government could steal every dime out of social security. Do you really think "mitigating" funds will be used for their stated purpose? The word is intended to be ambiguous.

Who put the pork in for Alaska fisheries...a RED State
Hooray for republicans with balls. It's an old trick that the democrat party uses (never let a crisis go to waste) when they pad legitimate spending with pork. Anybody know what was in the Sandy bill? The left wing media sure won't let you know. How about 150 Million for Alaska fisheries, 13 Billion for "mitigation" projects which are federal slush funds, 17 Billion for block grants which are used to dole out federal dollars to poverty pimps in exchange for votes and 10 Billion for "future" transportation projects which is another way of saying federal slush funds. Oh yea and a paltry 8 Mil to HLS for cars and equipment. Another hundred or so amendments to the bill are only around a million and not worth mentioning.

There is no left wing media. If there were, it would have been headlines that americans for prosperity and karl rove's crossroad gps got tax exemptions 501c4. Both are vehement anti american republican organizations that put money in election propaganda. The americans for prosperity is run by the criminal oil thieving koch bros. The "left wing" media would also be reporting on the upcoming trans pacific partnership agreement, worse than nafta by the way, that obama will sign for sure.
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House Republicans tried every trick in the book to either kill or severely cut the bill to funding for super storm Sandy victims. At the end of the night 192 Democrats were joined by just 49 Republicans to pass the $50 billion dollar aid bill—two months after the storm.

It is interesting to note that Eric Cantor’s state of Virginia and Mulvaney’s South Carolina both regularly get federal aid for hurricanes and tornados. Apparently the sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander to quote Mitt Romney.


179 Republicans vote to kill Sandy relief - National economic policy

And Republicans on the USMB insist that "let him die" Republicans are only a "tiny minority of radicals".
Just trolling here. do you even know what was in the bill? heck with the Democrats type they could write a bill saying "Relief for world hunger" and after 20,000 pages it also says Nancy and Harry get free rub downs in Hawaii for life... But you would over look that part if Republicans voted against it...
I guess it proves after all Republicans read bills before they pass them. Kind of like that health care bill.
Hooray for republicans with balls. It's an old trick that the democrat party uses (never let a crisis go to waste) when they pad legitimate spending with pork. Anybody know what was in the Sandy bill? The left wing media sure won't let you know. How about 150 Million for Alaska fisheries, 13 Billion for "mitigation" projects which are federal slush funds, 17 Billion for block grants which are used to dole out federal dollars to poverty pimps in exchange for votes and 10 Billion for "future" transportation projects which is another way of saying federal slush funds. Oh yea and a paltry 8 Mil to HLS for cars and equipment. Another hundred or so amendments to the bill are only around a million and not worth mentioning.

There is no left wing media. If there were, it would have been headlines that americans for prosperity and karl rove's crossroad gps got tax exemptions 501c4. Both are vehement anti american republican organizations that put money in election propaganda. The americans for prosperity is run by the criminal oil thieving koch bros. The "left wing" media would also be reporting on the upcoming trans pacific partnership agreement, worse than nafta by the way, that obama will sign for sure.

Karl Rove? Media Matters is a 501C and it's stated mission is to monitor ONLY conservative speech. The spin-off "news hounds" is a 501C and it's stated mission is to monitor ONLY Fox network. The left wing media has bigger fish to fry than 501c's and they clearly ain't interested in the pork in the Sandy bill.
House Republicans tried every trick in the book to either kill or severely cut the bill to funding for super storm Sandy victims. At the end of the night 192 Democrats were joined by just 49 Republicans to pass the $50 billion dollar aid bill—two months after the storm.

It is interesting to note that Eric Cantor’s state of Virginia and Mulvaney’s South Carolina both regularly get federal aid for hurricanes and tornados. Apparently the sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander to quote Mitt Romney.


179 Republicans vote to kill Sandy relief - National economic policy

And Republicans on the USMB insist that "let him die" Republicans are only a "tiny minority of radicals".

I wonder if it has something to do with the over $16 trillion in debt we now have?

Or the fact that more debt had been added under 4 years of Obama than in the 8 years under Bush?
Pork in bills are a way of life with our type of government, that's the way America works and has worked since Hamilton suggested to George Washington that the government help America's industries. In fact, most politicians we elect go to Washington knowing that their job is to get a little something for the home folks and thereby insuring their reelection. I thought most Americans knew that basic fact of our government. True, politicians don't generally talk about the pork they bring home using the word pork but rather put it in some kind of patriotic community talk.
House Republicans tried every trick in the book to either kill or severely cut the bill to funding for super storm Sandy victims. At the end of the night 192 Democrats were joined by just 49 Republicans to pass the $50 billion dollar aid bill—two months after the storm.

It is interesting to note that Eric Cantor’s state of Virginia and Mulvaney’s South Carolina both regularly get federal aid for hurricanes and tornados. Apparently the sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander to quote Mitt Romney.


179 Republicans vote to kill Sandy relief - National economic policy

And Republicans on the USMB insist that "let him die" Republicans are only a "tiny minority of radicals".

I wonder if it has something to do with the over $16 trillion in debt we now have?

Or the fact that more debt had been added under 4 years of Obama than in the 8 years under Bush?

You going to balance that debt on the suffering of Americans?

Pork in bills are as American as apple pie; it's the way Washington works. For a politician to be sent to Washington by the home folks and not get some pork is reason for him not being reelected. Of course, they don't call it pork but have some high sounding community phrase for the deed. Pork only comes to light when they build bridges to nowhere.
For a politician to claim pork is a reason he didn't vote for a bill is really saying, "I couldn't get my pork in the bill."
Was the roof damaged in the hurricane?
Why did REPUBLICANS put in pork for Alaskan salmon fisheries and then use it as an excuse not to vote for it?

I live on the Jersey Shore....hundreds of thousands of people are getting Sandy relief and rebuilding is going on

Why do you lie?

Why did Obama sign the bill, dumbass?

Because unlike partisan Republican assholes he cares about Americans in need

Now that I know where you live, I understand everything about why you are the brainless dolt you prove to be with every lousy post........ New Jersey.....what an arm pit.
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It's fun to watch people talk about shit that they clearly haven't the slightest clue about.

Here is some info about FEMA Disaster Assistance

DR 4086

New Jersey Hurricane Sandy (DR-4086) | FEMA.gov

9500 series for Public Assistance

9500 Series Policy Publications | FEMA.gov

44 cfr

Emergency Management and Assistance

IA, Individual Assistance

What is Disaster Assistance? | FEMA.gov

Republicans don't care what FEMA does. Remember "Let him die" from the Presidential Debates? It wasn't a "slogan". They meant it.
House Republicans tried every trick in the book to either kill or severely cut the bill to funding for super storm Sandy victims. At the end of the night 192 Democrats were joined by just 49 Republicans to pass the $50 billion dollar aid bill—two months after the storm.

It is interesting to note that Eric Cantor’s state of Virginia and Mulvaney’s South Carolina both regularly get federal aid for hurricanes and tornados. Apparently the sauce for the goose is not sauce for the gander to quote Mitt Romney.


179 Republicans vote to kill Sandy relief - National economic policy

And Republicans on the USMB insist that "let him die" Republicans are only a "tiny minority of radicals".

I wonder if it has something to do with the over $16 trillion in debt we now have?

Or the fact that more debt had been added under 4 years of Obama than in the 8 years under Bush?

And let's look at how that deficit was "created".

Two unpaid for wars.

Two tax cuts during a time of war, both passed using reconciliation (meaning Democrats were powerless).

A drugs for votes bill costing trillions also passed using reconciliation.

Millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008.

Tens of thousands of factories closed from 2001 to 2008.

Nearly 50,000 young Americans maimed for life costing trillions over the next 40 years.

Rebuilding Iraq, no cost estimate.

A deregulated economy that crashed and burned losing trillions.

Wasted carcinogenic FEMA trailers after Katrina costing an unknown amount..

And that's just off the top of my head and BEFORE Obama became president. This is the mess he was handed. And Republicans, after doing all this to the country, blocked him at every turn calling him every name imaginable. And the honest ones admit it's because he's black.

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