Did you see McCain on Fox? Topic was "Game Change"

She is Katie Couric for gods sake. If you can't get through a Katie Couric interview without looking like a fool you are not presidential material

Can you name one other person who was blown away by a Katie Couric interview?

What newspapers do you like to read? What do you want her to ask Sarah.......What is your favorite color?

Answer......All of them

Could you imagine what Tim Russert would have done to her? Mudwhistle is beginning to be a waste of time.

Russert interviewed people live most of the time on Meet the Depressed.

No chance for editing.

She would have been alright.

You slip just a little further every day. Have your doc up your meds. Soon.
That dude went on and on about how liberals, Hollywood, the media and the Universe itself made up te Whole Movie to make him and Palin look bad. Then Wallace showed him comments from the guy who ran the campaign who said it was accurate. McCain took a deep breath to respond and forcefully said.

"I regret that he made those remarks" said with his chin planted firmly on his chest.

What a retort huh? Ahahahaha

Did you know that Steve Schmidt, the guy who ran the campaign, was also in the movie? Of course he's going to say it's accurate.

Man you libs get dumber every day. It's sad really.
Yeah they teach that in school that the Milk question destroyed his re-election bid. *ba-dum-bum tiss*

And I always thought "Its the economy stupid"

"It's the milk stupid" :rofl: What a stupid excuse for losing an election :lol:

This thread has legitimately made me chuckle. So...we are to believe that in the waters of the media, Katie Couric is a black tipped shark looking for her next victim? I'd be shocked if Katie Couric would step on an ant. My goodness, the lengths people will go to to try to shore up their own is shocking; is it not?

Tim Russert would have made Sarah Palin weep and look not only stupid but weak. Hence her scrambling away from all media except for Fox.
She thought Saddam attacked us on 9/11 :lol: That Repub brainwashing talking points work dont they?

I thought the worst thing she said was that Queen Elizabeth ran the English government and not the Prime Minister. That was really surprising. Who did she think Tony Blair was, I wonder??
So much fail. Steve Schmitt the guy who picked her said the movie was accurate and STILL the right complains about Hollywood bias and other oldie but goodies :lol:

Steve Schmitt is a liar. It was his job to vett Palin. He says Palin was fucked up and it's not his fault that got by him. Sounds like he's ether trying to cover his own ass or he never wanted McCain to win in the first place.

I think he liked McCain and wanted him to win. But I also think he wanted so badly to give the campaign a big boost, that he did not really see to it that SP was properly vetted. He admitted that it was his fault there were so many problems with her because he was the one that chose her. So he was pretty honest, I think. Especially when confronted by Nicolle Wallace.

Course that's not what McCain says. I guess there is no proof of all of this. All I know is there is video evidence of him saying he thought she was the best choice they could have made, that she energized the McCain campaign, she did really well in the debate against Biden.

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She thought Saddam attacked us on 9/11 :lol: That Repub brainwashing talking points work dont they?

I thought the worst thing she said was that Queen Elizabeth ran the English government and not the Prime Minister. That was really surprising. Who did she think Tony Blair was, I wonder??

Are you quoting the movie, or what she actually said?

If you're using a direct quote provide a link.
When McCain was told what Schmitt said about it being accurate McCain said he "regrets those remarks". If he thought it was false wouldnt he say so? Wouldn't he refute the comments with his version?

He didn't. He sat there and had no liberal to blame. *crickets*
When McCain was told what Schmitt said about it being accurate McCain said he "regrets those remarks". If he thought it was false wouldnt he say so? Wouldn't he refute the comments with his version?

He didn't. He sat there and had no liberal to blame. *crickets*
Any normal person would say it's false, if it was.
I thought it was very biased and full of lies.
Then when the woman in the audience who was at one of the campaign rallies said that Obama was an Arab?
She called him a Muslim. What she really said was , "Once a Muslim always a Muslim".
They could not even be honest in that yet alone anything else in the movie.

That's not what was portrayed in the movie because that's not what happened. As for honesty, Steve Schmidt and Nicolle Wallace have verified that the content of the movie is accurate.

You mean a couple of hacks who ran probably one of the worst campaigns in modern history are out there screaming "not my fault".

When Romney loses, I wonder how much of this finger-pointing we are going to see.
How funny the left is eating up the words of the very people who tried to defeat Obama..I guess as long as it's about putting down Palin, they don't care.
When McCain was told what Schmitt said about it being accurate McCain said he "regrets those remarks". If he thought it was false wouldnt he say so? Wouldn't he refute the comments with his version?

He didn't. He sat there and had no liberal to blame. *crickets*

McCain didn't want to call him a liar.

I think McCain needs to say what's on his mind rather than be nice to his enemies.
Yeah they teach that in school that the Milk question destroyed his re-election bid. *ba-dum-bum tiss*

And I always thought "Its the economy stupid"

"It's the milk stupid" :rofl: What a stupid excuse for losing an election :lol:

Some clarity on this issue.

First, Sarah Palin was a really bad pick. She's a nice enough lady, but she really didn't merit being on a national ticket. She hadn't even been governor for two years at that point of one of the smallest states of the union. But McCain was trying to throw a hail mary pass. Couldn't take Romney as a running mate without ticking off the Christian Right and couldn't pick Huckabee without ticking off Wall Street. She had a thin resume and was a woman. A man with that thin a resume never would have been picked.

Second, it's disingenuous to blame Palin for McCain's loss. McCain got the nomination because the other picks were so bad. (Although compared to the current bunch of jokers, he's taking on a new luster.) But I'm still not understanding what his rationale was for getting elected. "More of the Same". People were sick of war and recession. If the wars had been resolved and the economy was solid, he probably would have won.

Third, the Republicans have bigger problems beyond McCain and Palin. Demographics are not their friend. If the racial proportion in the vote were the same as they were in 1976, they'd have won. In 1976, whites made up 90% of the electorate, and McCain won 55% of the white vote. But he only got 4% of the black vote, 31% of the Hispanic vote, and 44% of the Asian vote. The GOP has dug itself into a big hole by playing on the fears of angry white males, and in 2008, it caught up with them.
The GOP has dug itself into a big hole by playing on the fears of angry white males, and in 2008, it caught up with them.

Even more, even worse, they are making absolutely no discernible effort to extricate themselves from that very hole. Inexplicable.


Naw, they're digging themselves in deeper.

"Let's nominate the guy who belongs to a cult that didn't allow black folks to join until 1978 and faux bible calls dark skin a curse from God!"

"Hey, didn't he use the term "Tar Baby" once?"

"Yup. He did. Brilliant!"
The GOP has dug itself into a big hole by playing on the fears of angry white males, and in 2008, it caught up with them.

Even more, even worse, they are making absolutely no discernible effort to extricate themselves from that very hole. Inexplicable.


As a matter of fact they are making an effort. They are trotting out black candidates and saying.........See, we have blacks too

They are also reminding Americans that it was Republican Lincoln who freed the slaves
When McCain was told what Schmitt said about it being accurate McCain said he "regrets those remarks". If he thought it was false wouldnt he say so? Wouldn't he refute the comments with his version?

He didn't. He sat there and had no liberal to blame. *crickets*

McCain didn't want to call him a liar.

I think McCain needs to say what's on his mind rather than be nice to his enemies.

See? No matter what McCain or anyone SAYS you'll just say you THINK they really meant something completely different than their words. I don't know mccains wants (didn't want to call him a liar) but McCain didn't call him a liar. If McCain could've he would've. Why wouldn't he correct the record? Being nice is more important than his reputation?
@ Joe

They aren't saying not my fault. They are taking blame as well. But blaming them is only part of it. Blame yourself for getting dupped by an actress that was fed lines to rehearse.

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