Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Did 9thdoc list a bunch of other reasons and provocations from Saddam Hussien's Iraq,


You have time for format bitching but no time to click on that ‘arrow in a circle’ to check the facts about something immediately and firsthand.

Here are 9thIDdoc’s first few quotes;

Iraq invaded Kuwait. Killed pillaged and raped. Then refused to give back what it stole. It fully deserved the retribution it received.

There was nothing "peaceful" about Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait and it's violation of the cease fire agreement continued that war. If Iraq didn't want war it shouldn't have started and then continued one. It may have been a mistake to allow Iraq to continue as a nation. Maybe we should have made it a part of Kuwait.

You are the liar. Iraq failed to abide by the cease fire agreement although given chance after chance to do so over a ten year period and then ignored a UN ultimatum. So the war continued. A cease fire is a provisional pause in hostilities; not a peace treaty. History is quite clear. In the end Saddam was the one responsible for the Iraqi deaths like so many others. Iraq started the war and continued it. It has no one to blame but itself.

When Saddam refused to leave, U.S. and allied forces launched an attack on Iraq on March 20 and thus began what became known as the Iraq War.

I count TWELVE other reasons listed in your excerpts. YOu are a dishonest and deluded hack.
A state of war existing and a period of war being named something, is not a contraction.

Was the military mission in the 2003 Iraq war to liberate Kuwait?

The state of war to liberate Kuwait ended in 1991 when all parties agreed to the ceasefire. That is a FACT.

You can call The NFZ enforcements a state of war all you want, But the 1991 war came to an end and the 2003 war started all on its own when Iraq was at peace with the world and no state of war existed at that precise moment in history during the non-violent peaceful inspections.
I count TWELVE other reasons listed in your excerpts.

I was responding at that time to the first post by 2ndID. How many do you count in that one? liar.

What are the other nine that you count? So I can respond to your lies.
Did you post this 9thIDdoc ? Could you please explain what your definition of “began” might be?

I accept this definition ‘begin’ as follows: “start; perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).”

When Saddam refused to leave, U.S. and allied forces launched an attack on Iraq on March 20 and thus began what became known as the Iraq War.

In the very same post dud you claim the ceasefire did not end the war.

The cease fire obviously did not end the war.

So you are on record here saying the war that W started on March 20 2003 was the same war to liberate of Kuwait that his father along with United Nations ended with a ceasefire in 1991.

FACT: The stated mission of the 2003 war was to disarm Iraq of WMD.

FACT: The stated mission of the 1991 war was to liberate Kuwait.

So, in observing those two facts why do you claim that the 1991 cease fire did not end the war to liberate Kuwait?

And why did you simultaneously post the fact that the war to disarm Iraq of WMD actually started on March 20 2003 which means and proves there was no war with Iraq prior to MARCH 20 2003 as the UN with proactive cooperation from Iraq was in FACT disarming Iraq peacefully for several months.

You contradict yourself but you tell me I’m wrong about the FACTS.

Meaningless semantics. A state of war existing and a period of war being named something, is not a contraction.

You are just playing retarded games.

The Saudis paid the US a million dollars a day for air cover for the Kurds... for years. Saddam never hit a single US aircraft.
I count TWELVE other reasons listed in your excerpts.

I was responding at that time to the first post by 2ndID. How many do you count in that one? liar.

What are the other nine that you count? So I can respond to your lies.

Read them yourself. Oh, you can't see things that you don't agree with.

That is a real problem. You should be working on that.
Did you post this 9thIDdoc ? Could you please explain what your definition of “began” might be?

I accept this definition ‘begin’ as follows: “start; perform or undergo the first part of (an action or activity).”

When Saddam refused to leave, U.S. and allied forces launched an attack on Iraq on March 20 and thus began what became known as the Iraq War.

In the very same post dud you claim the ceasefire did not end the war.

The cease fire obviously did not end the war.

So you are on record here saying the war that W started on March 20 2003 was the same war to liberate of Kuwait that his father along with United Nations ended with a ceasefire in 1991.

FACT: The stated mission of the 2003 war was to disarm Iraq of WMD.

FACT: The stated mission of the 1991 war was to liberate Kuwait.

So, in observing those two facts why do you claim that the 1991 cease fire did not end the war to liberate Kuwait?

And why did you simultaneously post the fact that the war to disarm Iraq of WMD actually started on March 20 2003 which means and proves there was no war with Iraq prior to MARCH 20 2003 as the UN with proactive cooperation from Iraq was in FACT disarming Iraq peacefully for several months.

You contradict yourself but you tell me I’m wrong about the FACTS.

Meaningless semantics. A state of war existing and a period of war being named something, is not a contraction.

You are just playing retarded games.

The Saudis paid the US a million dollars a day for air cover for the Kurds... for years. Saddam never hit a single US aircraft.

So, he only TRIED to kill American military personnel, while they were conducting patrols. Since he failed, that means in your mind, it did not happen?

Do you understand that other people might not agree?
Most of what you claimed as "fact" was entirely untrue as I have pointed out.

Is the START DATE shown below true?

Is the definition of START shown below universally excepted to be true?

View attachment 512619

View attachment 512617

Was it peaceful in Iraq during the four months that preceded the START date of the Iraq War that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis?
#2344 The allied coalition’s military offensive against Iraq began on January 16–17, 1991,...
I neither know nor care how many Iraqi were killed. If Iraq wanted to keep it's citizens safe it wouldn't have started a war of aggression.
You have posted no link for your other attempt at smoke and mirrors. Not that the definition of "start" is being contested anyway.
A state of war existing and a period of war being named something, is not a contraction.

Was the military mission in the 2003 Iraq war to liberate Kuwait?

The allied coalition’s military offensive against Iraq began on January 16–17, 1991,...

You can call The NFZ enforcements a state of war all you want, But the 1991 war came to an end and the 2003 war started all on its own when Iraq was at peace with the world and no state of war existed at that precise moment in history during the non-violent peaceful inspections.
A cease fire is not an armistice or peace treaty. When a cease fire is violated the war continues as it did in Iraq. Korea Vietnam and elsewhere. A cease fire is basically a statement that "If you don't shoot at me I won't shoot at you until or unless..." If either or both sides resume shooting, the cease fire obviously no longer exists. As noted Iraq and the US continued to engage each other at intervals continually during NFZ enforcement. So neither side was abiding by any cease fire. History.
The Res 1441 Inspections were peaceful. Do you accept that FACT?

I see you do not agree Correll.

Then you must have evidence or testimony from active participants that the four month inspection period was not characterized by peace; was not free from war, strife, commotion, and/or violence.

Where is it?
The Res 1441 Inspections were peaceful. Do you accept that FACT?

I see you do not agree Correll.

Then you must have evidence or testimony from active participants that the four month inspection period was not characterized by peace; was not free from war, strife, commotion, and/or violence.

Where is it?

I've repeatedly explained my views on the inspections. You have never addressed them before, so I don't see any reason to think you would now.
Does March come before April?


FACT for Correll : The Ceasefire agreement was dated April 3 - April 6

As noted Iraq and the US continued to engage each other at intervals continually during NFZ enforcement.

Protecting Kurds and Shiites by enforcement of two NFZ’s was not carried out because SH was in material breach of the UNSC Resolution 687 (Passed on April 3 1991)

Starting in MARCH These were unilateral operations at first set up by the US UK and France.

Iraqi no-fly zones
Date 1 March 1991 – 20 March 2003 (12 years, 2 weeks and 5 days) Location Iraq Result Inconclusive Ended with the beginning of the Iraq War
I've repeatedly explained my views on the inspections.

I’m not asking for your opinion and lies regarding the inspectors motives and other bullshit like that. I’m asking for your basis in fact or a case to support your observations that the four month period of inspections preceding the start of the Iraq War (2003 through 2011) was violent and chaotic and in the midst of actual military conflict. And therefore not peaceful.
I've repeatedly explained my views on the inspections.

I’m not asking for your opinion and lies regarding the inspectors motives and other bullshit like that. I’m asking for your basis in fact or a case to support your observations that the four month period of inspections preceding the start of the Iraq War (2003 through 2011) was violent and chaotic and in the midst of actual military conflict. And therefore not peaceful.

Is that really what I said, or are you playing silly games again? Or should I say, "still"?

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