Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
You know my position on the "peaceful disarming" of Iraq. That Biden may have been a believer in that fools errand, is irrelevant to me.

If Biden believed in what you call a fool’s errand then W believed in the exact same fools errand but with disastrous results according to the smartest man in the world - Trump.

That’s because W Actually sent the US military in to start a war that killed half a million Iraqis on a fools errand to find the WMD that he says SH was hiding.

And you still support killing half a million Iraqis knowing they died because W sent 150,000 Americans in uniform on a fools errand.
You know my position on the "peaceful disarming" of Iraq. That Biden may have been a believer in that fools errand, is irrelevant to me.

If Biden believed in what you call a fool’s errand then W believed in the exact same fools errand ....

That in no way follows. Biden believing something in no way supports the idea that President Bush believed it.

Explain your reasoning with making that claim or admit that you are just talking shit and nothing you say has any credibility and that you should be ashamed.
That in no way follows. Biden believing something in no way supports the idea that President Bush believed it.

Biden and Bush both believed SH had to be disarmed of WMD and verified by UN inspectors or SH must be removed from power.

Is that true or false?
My opinion is that if one or both sides are committing acts or war against each other a cease fire is obviously NOT in effect.

Why did W get AUMF from CONGRESS in October 2002 in case the use of military force against Iraq might be necessary if as you claim the 1991 war was ongoing?

It makes absolutely no sense what you are saying.
Makes all the sense in the world. Some clueless people like yourself thought the war ended with the cease fire.
Much more importantly Congress holds the purse strings and the preparation and execution of an action that large is very expensive. It also takes time to mass the forces necessary. Since there was time to do so it would have been foolish to NOT to be sure of Congress's support.

Are you seriously trying to claim this was not warfare?

1998 - Operation Desert Fox

In response to Saddam Hussein's continued refusal to cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors, the United States Government planned Operation DESERT FOX in the fall of 1998. The primary mission of DESERT FOX was to strike military targets in Iraq that contributed to its ability to produce, store, maintain, and deliver weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The U.S. government expected to achieve several goals with the operation. First, it would degrade Iraq's ability to create and employ WMD. Second, the attacks would diminish Iraq's capability to wage war against its neighbors. Third, the operation would impress upon Saddam Hussein the consequences of violating international agreements, including allowing United Nations inspectors unfettered access to Iraqi sites. The United States and Great Britain launched Operation DESERT FOX on December 16, 1998, after U.N. Chief Inspector Richard Butler notified the U.N. that Iraq had failed to provide full cooperation during inspections.

With nearly 200 U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy carrier-based aircraft, as well as one dozen British aircraft, planners identified nearly 100 targets in seven categories: air defense systems, command and control, WMD security, WMD industry and production, Republican Guard units, airfields, and "economic" targets. The initial strikes consisted of approximately 250 Tomahawk cruise missiles as well as 40 sorties launched from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. On the second night, Air Force B-52s stationed on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean employed air launched cruise missiles (ALCMs), while the B-1 bomber made its combat debut by striking at Republican Guard targets. Also on December 17, USAF aircraft based in Kuwait participated, as did British Tornado aircraft. The British contribution totaled 15 percent of the sorties flown in DESERT FOX.

By December 19, U.S. and British aircraft had struck 97 targets, and Secretary of Defense William Cohen claimed the operation was a success. Supported by Secretary Cohen, as well as United States Central Command commander General Anthony C. Zinni and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Henry H. Shelton, President Bill Clinton declared "victory" in Operation DESERT FOX. In total, the 70-hour campaign saw U.S. forces strike 85 percent of their targets, 75 percent of which were considered "highly effective" strikes. More than 600 sorties were flown by more than 300 combat and support aircraft, and 600 air dropped munitions were employed, including 90 air launched cruise missiles and 325 Tomahawk land attack missiles (TLAM). Operation DESERT FOX inflicted serious damage to Iraq's missile development program
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
Iraq was by no means crippled although the coalition failing to do so in the first invasion had proved to be a serious mistake. As was allowing Saddam to remain in power.
the two 'sides' are like peas in a pod.

All leaders From Nancy Pelosi to Joe Biden there are no Democratic peas in the same fucking warmongering pod with Cheney Rumsfeld and Richard B Land.

Most rank and file Democrats were in the same pod as the Pope and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - opposed to W’s DUMB war policy of invading Iraq to find WMD that were not there.
The primary reason for the 2nd invasion was to remove Saddam from power and finally end the war. Saddam had well and truly proven to be an insane homicidal manic determined to be a threat to peaceful nations as long as possible. It was well past time to end the threat he posed. So we did and the world became a better place.
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
Iraq was by no means crippled although the coalition failing to do so in the first invasion had proved to be a serious mistake. As was allowing Saddam to remain in power.

They most certainly were crippled.. Even their oil reserves were ruined from lack of reserve mgmt.

See Clean Break Strategy.

Have you ever been to Iraq? There were over 50 Christian churches in Badghad before Bush's invasion.
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
Iraq was by no means crippled although the coalition failing to do so in the first invasion had proved to be a serious mistake. As was allowing Saddam to remain in power.

They most certainly were crippled.. Even their oil reserves were ruined from lack of reserve mgmt.

See Clean Break Strategy.

Have you ever been to Iraq? There were over 50 Christian churches in Badghad before Bush's invasion.
If they were crippled how did they manage to defeat all comers in the civil wars that followed our withdrawal? Why would I care about religion in Bagdad or want to go to Iraq?
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
Iraq was by no means crippled although the coalition failing to do so in the first invasion had proved to be a serious mistake. As was allowing Saddam to remain in power.

They most certainly were crippled.. Even their oil reserves were ruined from lack of reserve mgmt.

See Clean Break Strategy.

Have you ever been to Iraq? There were over 50 Christian churches in Badghad before Bush's invasion.
If they were crippled how did they manage to defeat all comers in the civil wars that followed our withdrawal? Why would I care about religion in Bagdad or want to go to Iraq?

Bush destroyed Iraq's police force and military.

You obviously know nothing about Iraq, the ME or the oil business. Yet you are an "expert". Have you read Clean Break Strategy?
the two 'sides' are like peas in a pod.

All leaders From Nancy Pelosi to Joe Biden there are no Democratic peas in the same fucking warmongering pod with Cheney Rumsfeld and Richard B Land.

Most rank and file Democrats were in the same pod as the Pope and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - opposed to W’s DUMB war policy of invading Iraq to find WMD that were not there.
The primary reason for the 2nd invasion was to remove Saddam from power and finally end the war. Saddam had well and truly proven to be an insane homicidal manic determined to be a threat to peaceful nations as long as possible. It was well past time to end the threat he posed. So we did and the world became a better place.
mmm...ok...sounds legit.


And Saddam was going to bomb the US mainland while Osama Bin Laden entered along the coast with a crack team of jihadi sappers to blow up the Statue of Liberty.
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
Iraq was by no means crippled although the coalition failing to do so in the first invasion had proved to be a serious mistake. As was allowing Saddam to remain in power.

They most certainly were crippled.. Even their oil reserves were ruined from lack of reserve mgmt.

See Clean Break Strategy.

Have you ever been to Iraq? There were over 50 Christian churches in Badghad before Bush's invasion.
If they were crippled how did they manage to defeat all comers in the civil wars that followed our withdrawal? Why would I care about religion in Bagdad or want to go to Iraq?

Bush destroyed Iraq's police force and military.

You obviously know nothing about Iraq, the ME or the oil business. Yet you are an "expert". Have you read Clean Break Strategy?
The destruction of Iraq's military was necessary and well deserved.

Clean Break Strategy? Link?
the two 'sides' are like peas in a pod.

All leaders From Nancy Pelosi to Joe Biden there are no Democratic peas in the same fucking warmongering pod with Cheney Rumsfeld and Richard B Land.

Most rank and file Democrats were in the same pod as the Pope and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - opposed to W’s DUMB war policy of invading Iraq to find WMD that were not there.
The primary reason for the 2nd invasion was to remove Saddam from power and finally end the war. Saddam had well and truly proven to be an insane homicidal manic determined to be a threat to peaceful nations as long as possible. It was well past time to end the threat he posed. So we did and the world became a better place.
mmm...ok...sounds legit.

View attachment 513499

And Saddam was going to bomb the US mainland while Osama Bin Laden entered along the coast with a crack team of jihadi sappers to blow up the Statue of Liberty.
Cute. But stupid.
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
Iraq was by no means crippled although the coalition failing to do so in the first invasion had proved to be a serious mistake. As was allowing Saddam to remain in power.

They most certainly were crippled.. Even their oil reserves were ruined from lack of reserve mgmt.

See Clean Break Strategy.

Have you ever been to Iraq? There were over 50 Christian churches in Badghad before Bush's invasion.
If they were crippled how did they manage to defeat all comers in the civil wars that followed our withdrawal? Why would I care about religion in Bagdad or want to go to Iraq?

Bush destroyed Iraq's police force and military.

You obviously know nothing about Iraq, the ME or the oil business. Yet you are an "expert". Have you read Clean Break Strategy?
The destruction of Iraq's military was necessary and well deserved.

Clean Break Strategy? Link?

It was a profoundly stupid blunder and opposed by Oilmen, Arabs, historians, ex-pats, diplomats , military brass and Dubya's father.

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
Work closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back some of itsmost dangerous threats. This implies clean break from the slogan, "comprehensive peace"to a traditional concept of strategy based on balance of power.
the two 'sides' are like peas in a pod.

All leaders From Nancy Pelosi to Joe Biden there are no Democratic peas in the same fucking warmongering pod with Cheney Rumsfeld and Richard B Land.

Most rank and file Democrats were in the same pod as the Pope and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - opposed to W’s DUMB war policy of invading Iraq to find WMD that were not there.
The primary reason for the 2nd invasion was to remove Saddam from power and finally end the war. Saddam had well and truly proven to be an insane homicidal manic determined to be a threat to peaceful nations as long as possible. It was well past time to end the threat he posed. So we did and the world became a better place.
mmm...ok...sounds legit.

View attachment 513499

And Saddam was going to bomb the US mainland while Osama Bin Laden entered along the coast with a crack team of jihadi sappers to blow up the Statue of Liberty.
Cute. But stupid.
I am not the one parroting 20 year old, proven false, government propaganda...but I'm stupid? K bud. Truth doesn't tarnish medal G.I. Joe., you're safe.
And Saddam was going to bomb the US mainland while Osama Bin Laden entered along the coast with a crack team of jihadi sappers to blow up the Statue of Liberty.

Its obvious that 9thIDdoc was living in traumatic fear of the Saddam Hussein boogeyman until half a million Iraqis and SH and his evil sons were killed and the US taxpayers spent seven trillion dollars (according to DJT) to make the fear go away.,

Would it not have been wiser and less costly to let the inspectors disarm Iraq in 2003 and build living quarters and beds inside the US nuclear silos burrowed deep in the granite of the Rocky Mountains to let the scared Americans like 9thIDdoc hide there and be treated for the irrational fear that Dick Cheney inflicted upon him?
And Saddam was going to bomb the US mainland while Osama Bin Laden entered along the coast with a crack team of jihadi sappers to blow up the Statue of Liberty.

Its obvious that 9thIDdoc was living in traumatic fear of the Saddam Hussein boogeyman until half a million Iraqis and SH and his evil sons were killed and the US taxpayers spent seven trillion dollars (according to DJT) to make the fear go away.,

Would it not have been wiser and less costly to let the inspectors disarm Iraq in 2003 and build living quarters and beds inside the US nuclear silos burrowed deep in the granite of the Rocky Mountains to let the scared Americans like 9thIDdoc hide there and be treated for the irrational fear that Dick Cheney inflicted upon him?
It's amazing after ALL these years. After all that has transpired. All of the lies, wasted lives, and treasure, that people still try to pass off the same lines.
It's incredible. People just never learn. They would completely support us attacking any one for any reason, with out question.
The primary reason for the 2nd invasion was to remove Saddam from power and finally end the war.

There was no ongoing war to end in March 2003. A new war was officially started in March 2003 because W decided on March 8 that Iraq could not be disarmed of WMD by the ongoing peaceful means of inspections followed by long term monitoring.

When it was discovered by the invading army that there were no WMD to be found in IRAQ the original deluded supporters of the March 8 justification for a war of aggression and invasion of Iraq fell back to the post-invasion delusion that SH was a threat that had to be removed because we already invaded. In others words the invasion justified the invasion and they started shouting back when W said bring em on. So Americans always back our boys when they are getting shot at and blown to bits because they patrolled the streets in Humvees with shields sandbags and plywood.

That support should not be confused with supporting the lies that led to the Blitzkrieg Shock and Awe on March 19 2003 in the first place.
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
Iraq was by no means crippled although the coalition failing to do so in the first invasion had proved to be a serious mistake. As was allowing Saddam to remain in power.

They most certainly were crippled.. Even their oil reserves were ruined from lack of reserve mgmt.

See Clean Break Strategy.

Have you ever been to Iraq? There were over 50 Christian churches in Badghad before Bush's invasion.
If they were crippled how did they manage to defeat all comers in the civil wars that followed our withdrawal? Why would I care about religion in Bagdad or want to go to Iraq?

Bush destroyed Iraq's police force and military.

You obviously know nothing about Iraq, the ME or the oil business. Yet you are an "expert". Have you read Clean Break Strategy?
The destruction of Iraq's military was necessary and well deserved.

Clean Break Strategy? Link?

It was a profoundly stupid blunder and opposed by Oilmen, Arabs, historians, ex-pats, diplomats , military brass and Dubya's father.

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm
Work closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back some of itsmost dangerous threats. This implies clean break from the slogan, "comprehensive peace"to a traditional concept of strategy based on balance of power.
So I read enough to know that it concerns old Israeli political conjecture, is off topic and holds no interest to me.
It's amazing after ALL these years. After all that has transpired. All of the lies, wasted lives, and treasure, that people still try to pass off the same lines.
It's incredible. People just never learn. They would completely support us attacking any one for any reason, with out question.

I consider Correll and 9thIDdoc to be like those WWII Japanese soldiers who never got word about Hiroshima and the end of war.

They have built their own little desolate island of reality. Correll says SH was ‘poking the bear’ during the 1441 inspections not cooperating so he had to be taken out. 9thID came up with the 1991 invasion of Kuwait never ended as if SH was invading Kuwait again in 2003.
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