Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Does March come before April?

View attachment 512795

FACT for Correll : The Ceasefire agreement was dated April 3 - April 6

As noted Iraq and the US continued to engage each other at intervals continually during NFZ enforcement.

Protecting Kurds and Shiites by enforcement of two NFZ’s was not carried out because SH was in material breach of the UNSC Resolution 687 (Passed on April 3 1991)

Starting in MARCH These were unilateral operations at first set up by the US UK and France.

Iraqi no-fly zones
Date 1 March 1991 – 20 March 2003 (12 years, 2 weeks and 5 days) Location Iraq Result Inconclusive Ended with the beginning of the Iraq War
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.
Does March come before April?

View attachment 512795

FACT for Correll : The Ceasefire agreement was dated April 3 - April 6

As noted Iraq and the US continued to engage each other at intervals continually during NFZ enforcement.

Protecting Kurds and Shiites by enforcement of two NFZ’s was not carried out because SH was in material breach of the UNSC Resolution 687 (Passed on April 3 1991)

Starting in MARCH These were unilateral operations at first set up by the US UK and France.

Iraqi no-fly zones
Date 1 March 1991 – 20 March 2003 (12 years, 2 weeks and 5 days) Location Iraq Result Inconclusive Ended with the beginning of the Iraq War
Protecting Kurds and Shiites by enforcement of two NFZ’s was not carried out because SH was in material breach of the UNSC Resolution 687 (Passed on April 3 1991)
That is most certainly (your) opinion rather than fact. You actually have no way of knowing why the NFZs were instituted or whether SH was in violation of any given applicable
cease fire (UN or otherwise) or not. That he stood in violation of the cease fire is historical fact.
That he stood in violation of the cease fire is historical fact.

That is a fact. You found one fact. Congratulations! I do not dispute that fact - Never did. Facts are funny things. There can be more than one and they can be related or not related and they have to be assembled in an honest way if one is truly interested in knowing the truth about something.

It is also a fact that the US Military began a military operation in Iraq’s northern airspace to protect the Kurds in March of 1991

It is also a fact that the ceasefire agreement went into effect in April 1991.

When you account first those facts it is wrong to conclude that the NFZs were set up because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

The US military was going to protect the Kurds and have a humanitarian excuse to have a presence and control over Iraq’s air space forever if need be.
That he stood in violation of the cease fire is historical fact.

That is a fact. You found one fact. Congratulations! I do not dispute that fact - Never did. Facts are funny things. There can be more than one and they can be related or not related and they have to be assembled in an honest way if one is truly interested in knowing the truth about something.

It is also a fact that the US Military began a military operation in Iraq’s northern airspace to protect the Kurds in March of 1991

It is also a fact that the ceasefire agreement went into effect in April 1991.

When you account first those facts it is wrong to conclude that the NFZs were set up because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

The US military was going to protect the Kurds and have a humanitarian excuse to have a presence and control over Iraq’s air space forever if need be.
It is also a fact that the US Military began a military operation in Iraq’s northern airspace to protect the Kurds in March of 1991.
That was a stated reason for the start of the Northern No-fly Zone. Whether that was the actual reason or whether it was the reason it continued basically until Saddam was captured following the second invasion is a matter of opinion. It was also very much about the policy of containment (IMO).
From March to December 2002 the number of bombs dropped increased by 300%.[9] This was recognised as "a clear indication that the no-fly zone is being used to destroy the country's air defence systems in anticipation of an all-out attack".[9] Whitehall officials privately admitted to the Guardian that the no-fly zones were being used to weaken Iraq's air defence systems instead of the stated aim of defending the Marsh Arabs and the Shia population of Iraq.[9] Iraqi no-fly zones conflict - Wikipedia

When you account first those facts it is wrong to conclude that the NFZs were set up because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.
That may be your opinion and you are welcome to it. It is also apparently your opinion that that is somehow important and I disagree with that also. My opinion is that if one or both sides are committing acts or war against each other a cease fire is obviously NOT in effect. A cease fire requires that, well, you cease fire.
A funny phenomena is occurring in the GOP right now, these lying jackasses are all trying to act like they were against the War in Iraq, when we all remember that every single one of them across the board supported it 150%. They loved the war in Iraq. War in Iraq was their favorite thing ever.

I don't remember any republican at all what so ever, standing with me against the War in Iraq. I remember these idiot Trumpers calling my a traitor and unpatriotic because I was against the war.

Even a few years ago these people wouldn't admit that the war was a huge failure.

Now these pathetic liars try to act like they were against the war all along, that is how pathetic Trumpers are. These people don't even know what they support or oppose, they wait for Foxnews to tell them what to think, and then just go with it...

Not just the GOP...BOTH parties were pushing for the war...funding the war...and vehemently opposed to anyone who spoke against it.

There is no two party system...on the IMPORTANT things.

War, destruction, and murder is very important to our criminals in charge.
Not just the GOP...BOTH parties were pushing for the war.

That’s simply not true.

(A) Through September 2002 the BushCheney WARMONGERS alone (NOT DEMOCRATS) pushed for war - no UN inspections - just war based on the 1991 UN ceasefire agreement and 2001 AUMF for the war on terror..

(B) In September 2002 Warmonger Blair in the UK was blocked from helping W and DC secure Iraq’s oil reserves by getting rid of SH by air and ground invasion because UK Parliament says that’s a war crime and the only way to justify enforcing a UN ceasefire is to go through the UN.

(C) W did not want to start a war by invasion unless he had TB (his Poodle BLAIR) in on the action.

(D) November 2002 W & TB get Resolution 1441 passed at the UN demanding SH cooperate with new round of inspections or face consequences.

(E) DECEMBER 2002 1441 inspections begin - Colin Powell says Iraq is cooperating and if cooperation continues war is not inevitable..

SECRETARY POWELL: “They have been cooperating with the inspectors and we'll see if that cooperation continues. “

(F) Inspectors don’t find WMD through MARCH 2003, but informed UNSC that verification that IRAQ was disarmed could take another three months.

Therefore the whole truth is that Democrats, including the current sitting President, were not Pushing for war. Biden’s position was to give the inspectors the three months they needed.

Senator Joe Biden *3: “ I am going to front-end guess it. I come down on the side of suggesting that another several months is not something that in any way appreciably increases any risk.” U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, FEBRUARY 2003 on Iraq.

6 out of ten Americans polled in February 2003 wanted W to give the inspectors more time. Just about all in favor of UN participation are Democrats.

W pushed for war in MARCH 2003 abd started it because if inspectors had three more months all the lies about WMD W was saying would have been exposed.

W Pushed the war - he was the

Democrats wanted SH disarmed peacefully through the UN - exhausting all peaceful means before resorting to war.

Clinton and Kerry pushed for UN resolution and avoiding war if possible.

HUGE Difference and it should not be disregarded.
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My opinion is that if one or both sides are committing acts or war against each other a cease fire is obviously NOT in effect.

Why did W get AUMF from CONGRESS in October 2002 in case the use of military force against Iraq might be necessary if as you claim the 1991 war was ongoing?

It makes absolutely no sense what you are saying.
Not just the GOP...BOTH parties were pushing for the war.

That’s simply not true.

(A) Through September 2002 the BushCheney WARMONGERS alone (NOT DEMOCRATS) pushed for war - no UN inspections - just war based on the 1991 UN ceasefire agreement and 2001 AUMF for the war on terror..

(B) In September 2002 Warmonger Blair in the UK was blocked from helping W and DC secure Iraq’s oil reserves by getting rid of SH by air and ground invasion because UK Parliament says that’s a war crime and the only way to justify enforcing a UN ceasefire is to go through the UN.

(C) W did not want to start a war by invasion unless he had TB (his Poodle BLAIR) in on the action.

(D) November 2002 W & TB get Resolution 1441 passed at the UN demanding SH cooperate with new round of inspections or face consequences.

(E) DECEMBER 2002 1441 inspections begin - Colin Powell says Iraq is cooperating and if cooperation continues war is not inevitable..

SECRETARY POWELL: “They have been cooperating with the inspectors and we'll see if that cooperation continues. “

(F) Inspectors don’t find WMD through MARCH 2003, but informed UNSC that verification that IRAQ was disarmed could take another three months.

Therefore the whole truth is that Democrats, including the current sitting President, were not Pushing for war. Biden’s position was to give the inspectors the three months they needed.

Senator Joe Biden *3: “ I am going to front-end guess it. I come down on the side of suggesting that another several months is not something that in any way appreciably increases any risk.” U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, FEBRUARY 2003 on Iraq.

6 out of ten Americans polled in February 2003 wanted W to give the inspectors more time. Just about all in favor of UN participation are Democrats.

W pushed for war in MARCH 2003 abd started it because if inspectors had three more months all the lies about WMD W was saying would have been exposed.

W Pushed the war - he was the

Democrats wanted SH disarmed peacefully through the UN - exhausting all peaceful means before resorting to war.

Clinton and Kerry pushed for UN resolution and avoiding war if possible.

HUGE Difference and it should not be disregarded.
Who voted for the war? Who voted to fund that war? Who voted for the Patriot Act? Look at the voting record....you bias fucking ****.

Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea
Not just the GOP...BOTH parties were pushing for the war.

That’s simply not true.

(A) Through September 2002 the BushCheney WARMONGERS alone (NOT DEMOCRATS) pushed for war - no UN inspections - just war based on the 1991 UN ceasefire agreement and 2001 AUMF for the war on terror..

(B) In September 2002 Warmonger Blair in the UK was blocked from helping W and DC secure Iraq’s oil reserves by getting rid of SH by air and ground invasion because UK Parliament says that’s a war crime and the only way to justify enforcing a UN ceasefire is to go through the UN.

(C) W did not want to start a war by invasion unless he had TB (his Poodle BLAIR) in on the action.

(D) November 2002 W & TB get Resolution 1441 passed at the UN demanding SH cooperate with new round of inspections or face consequences.

(E) DECEMBER 2002 1441 inspections begin - Colin Powell says Iraq is cooperating and if cooperation continues war is not inevitable..

SECRETARY POWELL: “They have been cooperating with the inspectors and we'll see if that cooperation continues. “

(F) Inspectors don’t find WMD through MARCH 2003, but informed UNSC that verification that IRAQ was disarmed could take another three months.

Therefore the whole truth is that Democrats, including the current sitting President, were not Pushing for war. Biden’s position was to give the inspectors the three months they needed.

Senator Joe Biden *3: “ I am going to front-end guess it. I come down on the side of suggesting that another several months is not something that in any way appreciably increases any risk.” U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, FEBRUARY 2003 on Iraq.

6 out of ten Americans polled in February 2003 wanted W to give the inspectors more time. Just about all in favor of UN participation are Democrats.

W pushed for war in MARCH 2003 abd started it because if inspectors had three more months all the lies about WMD W was saying would have been exposed.

W Pushed the war - he was the

Democrats wanted SH disarmed peacefully through the UN - exhausting all peaceful means before resorting to war.

Clinton and Kerry pushed for UN resolution and avoiding war if possible.

HUGE Difference and it should not be disregarded.
Who voted for the war? Who voted to fund that war? Who voted for the Patriot Act? Look at the voting record....you bias fucking ****.

Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea

Thank you for bothering to dig up data. Now Not will demonstrate for you, why it was a waste of time, by ignoring it.
Not just the GOP...BOTH parties were pushing for the war.

That’s simply not true.

(A) Through September 2002 the BushCheney WARMONGERS alone (NOT DEMOCRATS) pushed for war - no UN inspections - just war based on the 1991 UN ceasefire agreement and 2001 AUMF for the war on terror..

(B) In September 2002 Warmonger Blair in the UK was blocked from helping W and DC secure Iraq’s oil reserves by getting rid of SH by air and ground invasion because UK Parliament says that’s a war crime and the only way to justify enforcing a UN ceasefire is to go through the UN.

(C) W did not want to start a war by invasion unless he had TB (his Poodle BLAIR) in on the action.

(D) November 2002 W & TB get Resolution 1441 passed at the UN demanding SH cooperate with new round of inspections or face consequences.

(E) DECEMBER 2002 1441 inspections begin - Colin Powell says Iraq is cooperating and if cooperation continues war is not inevitable..

SECRETARY POWELL: “They have been cooperating with the inspectors and we'll see if that cooperation continues. “

(F) Inspectors don’t find WMD through MARCH 2003, but informed UNSC that verification that IRAQ was disarmed could take another three months.

Therefore the whole truth is that Democrats, including the current sitting President, were not Pushing for war. Biden’s position was to give the inspectors the three months they needed.

Senator Joe Biden *3: “ I am going to front-end guess it. I come down on the side of suggesting that another several months is not something that in any way appreciably increases any risk.” U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, FEBRUARY 2003 on Iraq.

6 out of ten Americans polled in February 2003 wanted W to give the inspectors more time. Just about all in favor of UN participation are Democrats.

W pushed for war in MARCH 2003 abd started it because if inspectors had three more months all the lies about WMD W was saying would have been exposed.

W Pushed the war - he was the

Democrats wanted SH disarmed peacefully through the UN - exhausting all peaceful means before resorting to war.

Clinton and Kerry pushed for UN resolution and avoiding war if possible.

HUGE Difference and it should not be disregarded.
Who voted for the war? Who voted to fund that war? Who voted for the Patriot Act? Look at the voting record....you bias fucking ****.

Baucus (D-MT), Yea
Bayh (D-IN), Yea
Biden (D-DE), Yea
Breaux (D-LA), Yea
Cantwell (D-WA), Yea
Carnahan (D-MO), Yea
Carper (D-DE), Yea
Cleland (D-GA), Yea
Clinton (D-NY), Yea
Daschle (D-SD), Yea
Dodd (D-CT), Yea
Dorgan (D-ND), Yea
Edwards (D-NC), Yea
Feinstein (D-CA), Yea
Harkin (D-IA), Yea
Hollings (D-SC), Yea
Johnson (D-SD), Yea
Kerry (D-MA), Yea
Kohl (D-WI), Yea
Landrieu (D-LA), Yea
Lieberman (D-CT), Yea
Lincoln (D-AR), Yea
Miller (D-GA), Yea
Nelson (D-FL), Yea
Nelson (D-NE), Yea
Reid (D-NV), Yea
Rockefeller (D-WV), Yea
Schumer (D-NY), Yea
Torricelli (D-NJ), Yea

Thank you for bothering to dig up data. Now Not will demonstrate for you, why it was a waste of time, by ignoring it.
I don't care. People think time erases the truth. Though Google is trying very mightily to make that true, I still remember the truth. On the IMPORTANT issues, war, and the funding of war, the two 'sides' are like peas in a pod.
I don't care.

That is what enables you to deny the truth and believe only what you want to believe.

I remember too, but I refuse to trust my memory. I challenge my memory for purposes of seeking and knowing the absolute truth about things.

Knowing truth has gone totally out of fashion these days.

I THINK Trumpism and truth denial had its seeds planted with the Iraq invasion. That is the time when warmongering W and warmongering Republicans, backed by a warmongering contingent of about 40% of all voters ( which included just about all of America’s white evangelical Christian Republicans) threw truth out the window.

I presented multiple verifiable facts including what Biden said on the floor of the Senate before the start of war. He pushed W to get UN backing by giving the peaceful means to disarm Iraq more time. The three months the inspectors wanted to finish disarming Iraq peacefully.

That in itself shows Biden would accept the necessity of war only if the rest of the world went along with it.

But you don’t care - you need to spew the propaganda of the electorate that deem themselves “Independent” or the far far antiwar left who would not back a war if some other military dropped a bomb on their grandma!s House.
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I don't care.

That is what enables you to deny the truth and believe only what you want to believe.

I remember too, but I refuse to trust my memory. I challenge my memory for purposes of seeking and knowing the absolute truth about things.

Knowing truth has gone totally out of fashion these days.

I THINK Trumpism and truth denial had its seeds planted with the Iraq invasion. That is the time when warmongering W and warmongering Republicans, backed by a warmongering contingent of about 40% of all voters ( which included just about all of America’s white evangelical Christian Republicans) threw truth out the window.

I presented multiple verifiable facts including what Biden said on the floor of the Senate before the start of war. He pushed W to get UN backing by giving the peaceful means to disarm Iraq more time. The three months the inspectors wanted to finish disarming Iraq peacefully.

That in itself shows Biden would accept the necessity of war only if the rest of the world went along with it.

But you don’t care - you need to spew the propaganda of the electorate that deem themselves “Independent” or the far far antiwar left who would not back a war if some other military dropped a bomb on their grandma!s House.
And your selective editing tells me a lot of about your cognitive dissonance. TLDR.
I presented multiple verifiable facts including what Biden said on the floor of the Senate before the start of war. He pushed W to get UN backing by giving the peaceful means to disarm Iraq more time. The three months the inspectors wanted to finish disarming Iraq peacefully.

That in itself shows Biden would accept the necessity of war only if the rest of the world went along with it.

Correll do you disagree the the above specifically? Do you believe Biden pushed for war to start in MARCH 2003.
And your selective editing tells me a lot of about your cognitive dissonance.

What selective editing. Do you know you can click on that little arrow in a circle and you can see the entire post. POOF just like that. Infill context.

So you lied if that is what you are referring to as selective editing.

You said “I don’t care” .. does that have some peculiar meaning in your head.
People think time erases the truth.

Actually time enhances truth for the intellectually curious sort of mind.

personal memories can get fuzzy and biased toward error over time.

I’ll bet you didn’t hear what Biden said in February 2003 when you formed your false impression that Democrats pushed for war just like Republicans.

Nancy Pelosi strongly rejected a policy of invading Iraq in March 2003 - She voted against the AUMF five months prior. She was never attacked by fellow Democrats that I recall for pushing against Republican warmongering as strongly as she did. She has been third in line for the presidency more time than anybody since the Iraq disaster began.
Thank you for finally admitting reality. Nobody cares about your or the UN opinion on the matter.

That post was not an opinion on the matter.

The NFZ Enforcement began a month before the Ceasefire agreement. That fact means you are a liar every time you claim that the NFZ enforcement was a continuation of the 1991 war because SH violated the ceasefire agreement.

It was sold as a separate humanitarian military operation to protect the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South.

It was by no means a continuation of the 1991 War that ended in April 1991 by every rational and informed human being’s account.

Iraq was at peace with the world in March 2003 when W started a war and disturbed the peace to the tune of killing half a million Iraqis fight no reason.

Yes they were. Iraq was also crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. All Bush's invasion did was give power to Iran and birth to ISIS. One of the dumbest foreign policy blunders EVER.
the two 'sides' are like peas in a pod.

All leaders From Nancy Pelosi to Joe Biden there are no Democratic peas in the same fucking warmongering pod with Cheney Rumsfeld and Richard B Land.

Most rank and file Democrats were in the same pod as the Pope and BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - opposed to W’s DUMB war policy of invading Iraq to find WMD that were not there.
I presented multiple verifiable facts including what Biden said on the floor of the Senate before the start of war. He pushed W to get UN backing by giving the peaceful means to disarm Iraq more time. The three months the inspectors wanted to finish disarming Iraq peacefully.

That in itself shows Biden would accept the necessity of war only if the rest of the world went along with it.

Correll do you disagree the the above specifically? Do you believe Biden pushed for war to start in MARCH 2003.

You know my position on the "peaceful disarming" of Iraq. That Biden may have been a believer in that fools errand, is irrelevant to me.

I have no opinion on what Biden was or was not doing in March 2003.

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