Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
I have, repeatedly.

Where did you do that?

Correll wrote: The case for war was not solely based on wmds. you are now lying. Again. POST#1519

I’m not seeing Correll backing up his nasty lie about me.

Correll wrote: You are ignoring the formal authorization for war, to focus on informal off the cuff comments. POST#1554

NFBW wrote: Every stated reason was not a case for war according to W’s determination as he was expected to do as laid out in the authorization. POST#1555

NFBW wrote: Bush determined there was ONLY one case for war and he publically declared his determination on March 06 that there was no need for war if SH is disarmed peacefully. POST#1555

Jim Angle. Q Thank you, Mr. President. Sir, if you haven't already made the choice to go to war, can you tell us what you are waiting to hear or see before you do make that decision?

President George Bush Discusses Iraq in National Press Conference

I'm hopeful that he does disarm. But, in the name of peace and the security of our people, if he won't do so voluntarily, we will disarm him.

NFBW wrote: What was W “waiting to hear” before determining that war would be necessary other than WMD POST#1555

Second, we have arrived at an important moment in confronting the threat posed to our nation and to peace by Saddam Hussein and his weapons of terror.

President George Bush Discusses Iraq in National Press Conference

Iraqi operatives continue to hide biological and chemical agents to avoid detection by inspectors. In some cases, these materials have been moved to different locations every 12 to 24 hours, or placed in vehicles that are in residential neighborhoods.

the broken record kicks in*!
Correll wrote: A politicians public words do not trump formal policy positions laid out in formal government authorizations. POST #1556

NFBW wrote: I’m not ignoring it. The AUMF was designed around the idea that it would force Iraq to let inspectors in and it worked. POST #1557

NFBW wrote: The AUMF authorized W to make a determination in the future. POST #1557

NFBW wrote: W revealed his determination that ONLY real WMD would justify war. No other reason rose to the level of necessity for war. And that makes sense. POST #1557

the broken record kicks in*!
Correll wrote: His personal, informal statement does not trump the formal carefully crafted full justification for the war, laid out in the Authorization. POST#1558

NFBW wrote: The AUMF didn’t set a policy to start a war for any of those reasons listed. when it was voted on it did not authorize disarming IRAQ of his WMDs Unless W determined that it was necessary in the future. POST #1559

NFBW wrote: THAT is exactly the policy that W was discussing at the news conference on March 6. He was making his determination known to the world that he still preferred to disarm Iraq peacefully. POST #1559

NFBW wrote: Did W have the authority granted to him within the authorization to use force if he determined that an invasion of Iraq was not necessary? POST#1561

the broken record kicks in*!
Correll wrote: You found an off the cuff remark that you think support your position and you are ignoring all other evidence or information. POST#1565

NFBW wrote: on March 6, 2003 W made a public determination that the liberation of Iraq was not necessary if IRAQ WAS disarmed. The only case that would justify war in W’s determination was the case for continued possession of WMD. POST #1566

Correll wrote: Don't know, don't care, at this point. POST#1568

NFBW wrote: Its not an off the cuff remark. W waiting to hear if Iraq was disarmed and and if he was in fact disarmed there would be no invasion. That’s a fact you cannot remove from reality. POST#1569

NFBW wrote: The overall point is W had no intention of invading Iraq other than on the basis that SH was hiding WMD from the 1441 inspectors. POST#1572

NFBW wrote: W did not invade Iraq to liberate it. The March 6 press conference makes that clear. W invaded Iraq because HE suspected WMD was being hidden there. POST#1572
I say 9 pounds is exactly 9 pounds heavier than 1 pound.
You are a liar. . You are a liar a filthy liar.

You said that without that ONE pound, the scale cannot move. Thus that ONE pound is what it is all about.

You stand by that logic, by continuing to pretend that all the discussions and debate and ideas I heard in the debate on the war, sort of doesn't count, because of stuff that President Bush said later. As though Bush is the leader of a HIVE mind of which all his supporters were members.
NFBW wrote: What was W “waiting to hear” before determining that war would be necessary other than WMD POST#1555

Correll Do you have an answer yet. Or are you still thinking about it. You’ve had three months.
2. If you put nine one pound weights on a scale and nothing happens, and then you put a TENTH one pound weight on the scale and it suddenly moves, t

You said that without that ONE pound, the scale cannot move. Thus that ONE pound is what it is all about.

You are the one that says that the 9 pounds did not make the scale move – nothing happened. 9 pounds drives no need for a war. the 1 pound. the WMD pound does drive the need for war. You are about as stupid as they make them.

You probably have that dazed look on your face that coach Jim Harbaugh has every year when the buckeyes beat his pansy wolverines.
You stand by that logic, by continuing to pretend that all the discussions and debate and ideas I heard in the debate on the war, sort of doesn't count, because of stuff that President Bush said later.

That is nowhere close to what you were calling my logic. You are retarded if you think that’s what this is.

Everything counts you fool. The dish ran away with the spoon counts, Biden’s objection, Dr Blix opinions, the AUMF, 1441. The pope, stupid you, yes Everything you fucking heard counts, Cheney war mongering. It all counts.

But the most important thing that counts is the truth. And you cannot handle the truth.

Stop being such a whiny little bastard. What W said on March 6 proves that he was willing to forgo war if Iraq is disarmed peacefully. That means your argument that the war was decided in October 2002 with the passing of the AUMF is wrong. And that’s all it is. Now grow up, stop sniveling.
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NFBW wrote: What was W “waiting to hear” before determining that war would be necessary other than WMD POST#1555

Correll Do you have an answer yet. Or are you still thinking about it. You’ve had three months.

I've answered repeatedly. You are stuck on pretending that you don't understand the difference between an important reason and the SOLE reason.

That is you being either very dishonest, or completely warped by your hate.
You are the one that says that the 9 pounds did not make the scale move – nothing happened. 9 pounds drives no need for a war. the 1 pound. the WMD pound does drive the need for war. You are about as stupid as they make them.

You probably have that dazed look on your face that coach Jim Harbaugh has every year when the buckeyes beat his pansy wolverines.

Nope. Just amazed at how desperate you are being.
That is nowhere close to what you were calling my logic. You are retarded if you think that’s what this is.

Everything counts you fool. The dish ran away with the spoon counts, Biden’s objection, Dr Blix opinions, the AUMF, 1441. The pope, stupid you, yes Everything you fucking heard counts, Cheney war mongering. It all counts.

But the most important thing that counts is the truth. And you cannot handle the truth.

Stop being such a whiny little bastard. What W said on March 6 proves that he was willing to forgo war if Iraq is disarmed peacefully. That means your argument that the war was decided in October 2002 with the passing of the AUMF is wrong. And that’s all it is. Now grow up, stop sniveling.

I disgree. Barring him stepping down, or producing a sizable stock pile of WMDs, I don't see how he could have convinced people that he was in co-operating.

As long as the wmds were not accounted for, it would have been possible that he was just hiding them.

That has been my position for the longest time. YOU are the one whining about it. My position has not changed in this entire thread.

You desire to pretend that my position is somehow not valid so that you can assign motives and goals and paint me as a "blood thirsty warmonger" so that you can more effectively spread hate and division.

You should change your name to HATEMONGER.
Barring him stepping down, or producing a sizable stock pile of WMDs, I don't see how he could have convinced people that he was in co-operating.

Like you say that was how you saw it. There is no relationship to reality when you see it that way.

The entire world saw him cooperating including the Secretary of State of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA at the time who said this being the reason that war was not inevitable.

IRAQ was cooperating and we will see if that cooperation continues.

MR. STEPHANOPOULOS: And if it does, war is not inevitable?

SECRETARY POWELL: They have been cooperating with the inspectors and we'll see if that cooperation continues

SECRETARY POWELL: We've never said that war is inevitable. The President has always said that he is interested in a peaceful solution. resolution?

Interview on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos

But at the same time, if Iraq does not cooperate or if we find reason to believe that they do have weapons of mass destruction that they have not identified and turned over to the international community, then the President has all of his options available to him. And he has the option of also going back to the United Nations or acting unilaterally with likeminded nations.

You cant make reality go away when you don’t like it by pissing and moaning like a potbellied Trump supporter who cant find a girlfriend.
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Barring him stepping down, or producing a sizable stock pile of WMDs, I don't see how he could have convinced people that he was in co-operating.

W Had to cut short the inspections because the whole damn world could see SH was outwardly cooperating.

W could onlyvsay that Iraq was mysteriously hiding stuff and therefore was not really cooperating.

Thats the reality at the times
NFBW wrote: The case for the war was determined by W and it was solely on the basis of WMD. POST #1586

Correll wrote: 1. The President does not determine the case for war, by himself. POST#1602

It is very clear that Correll is wrong. W was given the authorization to solely determine the case for war in the AUMF that was passed in October 2002.

The AUMF is worded exactly that way;

The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to --

There is no ambiguity on this fact. Correll ‘s argument is absurd, and detached from reality.

And then, Bush made the sole determination after March 6 to start a war in Iraq because he told us that SH was hiding WMD from the inspectors.
Correll wrote Jul 17, 2020: after 9-11 the case for war with Iraq was made and made fairly well and convincingly.

after 9-11 the case for war with Iraq was made and made fairly well and convincingly.

When exactly was the national debate and what was the year and the month that it ended with the warmongering side winning the entitlement to build a democracy in Iraq by way of killing half a million Iraqis to get them there.
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A funny phenomena is occurring in the GOP right now, these lying jackasses are all trying to act like they were against the War in Iraq, when we all remember that every single one of them across the board supported it 150%. They loved the war in Iraq. War in Iraq was their favorite thing ever.

I don't remember any republican at all what so ever, standing with me against the War in Iraq. I remember these idiot Trumpers calling my a traitor and unpatriotic because I was against the war.

Even a few years ago these people wouldn't admit that the war was a huge failure.

Now these pathetic liars try to act like they were against the war all along, that is how pathetic Trumpers are. These people don't even know what they support or oppose, they wait for Foxnews to tell them what to think, and then just go with it...

A funny phenomena is occurring in the GOP right now, these lying jackasses are all trying to act like they were against the War in Iraq, when we all remember that every single one of them across the board supported it 150%. They loved the war in Iraq. War in Iraq was their favorite thing ever. Fuck you're stupid. I really think you're too dumb to be lying. NOTE: I never supported the invasion. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, you dumb PROG.

I don't remember any republican at all what so ever, standing with me against the War in Iraq. I remember these idiot Trumpers calling my a traitor and unpatriotic because I was against the war. ILMAO standing with you. On a side, see the video below for your entertainment.

Even a few years ago these people wouldn't admit that the war was a huge failure. :auiqs.jpg:

Now these pathetic liars try to act like they were against the war all along, that is how pathetic Trumpers are. Link?

These people don't even know what they support or oppose Says the leftist who voted for Xiden

, they wait for Foxnews to tell them what to think, and then just go with it...Fuck I don't watch Fox news.

Check out what your guy Biden did.......This is EXACTLY who XIDEN is and the complete irony of it is your POTUS made a SPECTACLE of your OP, hilarious. If PROGS aint projecting they lyin' "Twice in the last five weeks, Joe Biden has claimed that despite voting to authorize military force against Iraq in 2002, he opposed the Iraq war from “the moment” it began. That’s not accurate, and Biden now says he misspoke.

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Correll wrote Jul 17, 2020: THe justifications and the goals were discussed and the nation came together behind it. POST#186.

after 9-11 the case for war with Iraq was made and made fairly well and convincingly. THe justifications and the goals were discussed and the nation came together behind it.

Correll wrote Jul 17, 2020: I was initially skeptical but the idea of creating a liberal democratic state in the middle of the Middle East as an Ideological Pushback against Radical Islam eventually convinced me. POST#186.

Tell us Correll did Darkwind lose the national debate since you said the nation builder side won the grand national. debate.

The problem is, the war was WON, but no one wanted to leave after that.

We did NOT support nation-building. War means you go in, break everything, then go home.

Darkwind wrote: No one on the right loved the war in Iraq. No one on the right loves war.

What they said then was that Iraq was a necessary war in order to get advantage in the war on terror.

The problem is, the war was WON, but no one wanted to leave after that.

We did NOT support nation-building. War means you go in, break everything, then go home. POST#11

I recall on the conservative side There were a lot of darkwinders out there wanting to Nuke the damn place and nation build it into a giant parking lot after things went south and we were not greeted as liberators
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Correll wrote Jul 17, 2020: THe justifications and the goals were discussed and the nation came together behind it. POST#186.


Correll wrote Jul 17, 2020: I was initially skeptical but the idea of creating a liberal democratic state in the middle of the Middle East as an Ideological Pushback against Radical Islam eventually convinced me. POST#186.

Tell us Correll did Darkwind lose the national debate since you said the nation builder side won the grand national. debate.

Darkwind wrote: No one on the right loved the war in Iraq. No one on the right loves war.

What they said then was that Iraq was a necessary war in order to get advantage in the war on terror.

The problem is, the war was WON, but no one wanted to leave after that.

We did NOT support nation-building. War means you go in, break everything, then go home. POST#11

I recall on the conservative side There were a lot of darkwinders out there wanting to Nuke the damn place and nation build it into a giant parking lot after things went south and we were not greeted as liberators
You recall incorrectly. There were a very small number of people who wanted to just nuke Iraq. The rest of us wanted the threat that the butcher of Bahgdad represented in the war on terror, eliminated. He was.

We should then have just left.

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