Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force
sure that was certainly a justification..
So where are the rusty old 1980’s WMD artillery shells in the authorization? You lied. Are you saying you agree that the Bush warmongers admitted they did not find the WMD they said was being hidden and were the justification for the war?
sure that was certainly a justification..
So where are the rusty old 1980’s WMD artillery shells in the authorization? You lied. Are you saying you agree that the Bush warmongers admitted they did not find the WMD they said was being hidden and were the justification for the war?
they didn’t know they existed...saddam was hidding them, how would they have known to spell them out specifically? geez
they didn’t know they existed...saddam was hidding them,
That’s why Bush was lying. W accused SH of hiding usable combat ready WMD stockpiles that W didn’t know exactly where they were located. He didn’t disclose suspected sites to the 1441 inspectors.

SH was not hiding the old shells - most of them were on a scrap pile at the Muthanna State Establishment compound, the center of Iraqi chemical agent production in the 1980s. The inspectors knew they were there - so how do you know W’s warmonger team did not know there were old rusty corroded artillery shells left over from Iraq’s war with Iran two decades prior to the 2003 invasion? How do you know? You must be lying again.

In any case those were not the “most lethal weapons ever devised” being hidden that W claimed made war a necessity.

W is a liar just like you.

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.
BUT, these are complex historical issues. Struth is technically right, WMDs, were found. His OPINION on the matter, is valid and is justified. It is not a "lie" or "faith" or any of the dismissive slurs that you have been throwing around like crazy.

when you’re forced to say he was “technically right“ I know that you know he’s a liar. It makes you an accessory after-the-fact. You’re a liar. There’s no other way to describe you.

struth is a liar because he directly said that the old rusty corroded unusable chemical warheads where the WMD that was used to justify the war. He’s a liar because he posted a link that referred to that fact and whereas no one accepts that those were the WMD that were used to justify the war.

You are trying to over simply a complex issue. Because all you really want to do, is smear your enemies, like a monkey throwing poo.
Biden voted for the war, Chuck and nancy too
TRUMP supported it until the end but they are still there.
Remember it was a Republican who sent the troops.
trump was critical of the iraq war.

and bush couldn’t of sent troops without the authorization of xiden and company

also we were already there...Clinton was bombing iraq and signed law passed by xiden and company to overthrow saddam

Yeah sure. Silly me. I thought Bush was protecting the oil reserves but there are fools who believed he was dispensing freedom.

Corell. Is that the best you've got?
You were conned also. You're not real quick at this game.
BUT, these are complex historical issues. Struth is technically right, WMDs, were found. His OPINION on the matter, is valid and is justified. It is not a "lie" or "faith" or any of the dismissive slurs that you have been throwing around like crazy.

when you’re forced to say he was “technically right“ I know that you know he’s a liar. It makes you an accessory after-the-fact. You’re a liar. There’s no other way to describe you.

struth is a liar because he directly said that the old rusty corroded unusable chemical warheads where the WMD that was used to justify the war. He’s a liar because he posted a link that referred to that fact and whereas no one accepts that those were the WMD that were used to justify the war.
i never said they were the “WMD that was used to justify the war” - you are a liar

geez baghdad bob...are things this hard up after your murderous boss was hung that you have to go around on message boards tossing out your propaganda? You couldn’t of found a job for another horrible leader? oh wait...you did, Xiden!

he does shit like that all the time, where he makes an assumption, and then judges you based on the shit he made up, and then attacks you based on the voices in his head.
where he makes an assumption,
I have made no assumptions. struth is a liar and the best you could do was say he was “technically” correct.

struth adds more lies saying SH was hiding the old shells too. He is a liar:

This was public knowledges prior to the stupid invasion that was based on a lie.

U.N. destroying mustard gas shells Wednesday, February 12, 2003 Posted: 10:02 AM EST (1502 GMT)​
The U.N. inspectors stressed at the time that the ammunition was expected to be there and not a sign of an active chemical weapons program.
Previous inspection teams destroyed thousands of chemical weapons shells and agents at al-Muthanna, according to U.N. officials.​
Al-Muthanna, which was heavily bombed during the 1991 Gulf War, was once Iraq's chief production center for chemical and biological weapons, producing agents such as anthrax, mustard gas and the agent that causes botulism.​
he does shit like that all the time, where he makes an assumption, and then judges you based on the shit he made up, and then attacks you based on the voices in his head.
I notice you did not attempt to refute, challenge, or directly question anything I have said.
where he makes an assumption,
I have made no assumptions. struth is a liar and the best you could do was say he was “technically” correct.

struth adds more lies saying SH was hiding the old shells too. He is a liar:

This was public knowledges prior to the stupid invasion that was based on a lie.

U.N. destroying mustard gas shells Wednesday, February 12, 2003 Posted: 10:02 AM EST (1502 GMT)​
The U.N. inspectors stressed at the time that the ammunition was expected to be there and not a sign of an active chemical weapons program.
Previous inspection teams destroyed thousands of chemical weapons shells and agents at al-Muthanna, according to U.N. officials.​
Al-Muthanna, which was heavily bombed during the 1991 Gulf War, was once Iraq's chief production center for chemical and biological weapons, producing agents such as anthrax, mustard gas and the agent that causes botulism.​
if he wasn’t hiding them...why were they hidden?? haha
where he makes an assumption,
I have made no assumptions. struth is a liar and the best you could do was say he was “technically” correct.

struth adds more lies saying SH was hiding the old shells too. He is a liar:

This was public knowledges prior to the stupid invasion that was based on a lie.

U.N. destroying mustard gas shells Wednesday, February 12, 2003 Posted: 10:02 AM EST (1502 GMT)​
The U.N. inspectors stressed at the time that the ammunition was expected to be there and not a sign of an active chemical weapons program.
Previous inspection teams destroyed thousands of chemical weapons shells and agents at al-Muthanna, according to U.N. officials.​
Al-Muthanna, which was heavily bombed during the 1991 Gulf War, was once Iraq's chief production center for chemical and biological weapons, producing agents such as anthrax, mustard gas and the agent that causes botulism.​

You seem confused by my use of "technical".

"3a: based on or marked by a strict or legal interpretation"

"Technically true" seems to be the type of true that you would really like, based on your aspergers style of reasoning, when you aren't just... raving.

I'M that one that should have a problem with it. And I do, in that I don't agree with it, nor is it the type of analysis I am using, or generally use.

You seem to be pretending that "technical" means, "not really".

You are trying of oversimplify and I am not letting you do that.

Having a tantrum will not change that.
lol!! "Knocking down" my beliefs of then, e
That is not what I said was being knocked down. You are a liar.

Knocking down your lies about what happened back then.”

Your lies are a current problem.

Nope. You are the liar here. You have constantly been calling differences of opinion "lies" and then judging people AS THOUGH THEY AGREE WITH YOU ON THAT, and then building up fantasies about what that means, and then attacking people based on your fantasies.

AND considering your username, this is very important to you.

AND, you are a hypocrite about it, for when I did the same to you with regards to Lincoln, you rejected your logic and rules when applied to a different President, for reasons that you were not clear about.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam
where he makes an assumption,
I have made no assumptions. struth is a liar and the best you could do was say he was “technically” correct.

struth adds more lies saying SH was hiding the old shells too. He is a liar:

This was public knowledges prior to the stupid invasion that was based on a lie.

U.N. destroying mustard gas shells Wednesday, February 12, 2003 Posted: 10:02 AM EST (1502 GMT)​
The U.N. inspectors stressed at the time that the ammunition was expected to be there and not a sign of an active chemical weapons program.
Previous inspection teams destroyed thousands of chemical weapons shells and agents at al-Muthanna, according to U.N. officials.​
Al-Muthanna, which was heavily bombed during the 1991 Gulf War, was once Iraq's chief production center for chemical and biological weapons, producing agents such as anthrax, mustard gas and the agent that causes botulism.​
if he wasn’t hiding them...why were they hidden?? haha

Not, like most liberals, start out from the position that AMERICA IS WRONG, and then rationalizes and spins or makes up facts, until he can create a narrative that supports his conclusion.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

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