Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
Iā€™m just providing the documents.
Yeah but you failed to read them as you applied your fake headline about what finding rusty, leaky artillery shells from the 1980s in Iraq truly means.

I had to present you with the truth.

You are a liar and Correll respects your ability to lie for the cult.

Not, do you believe that all differences of opinion means that someone is lying?
IMO, the WMDs, ie large stockpiles of chemical weapons and/or nuclear weapons materials, were NOT found in anything like the manner or scale that we expected.

Thus, me and struth have different opinions on the matter. I respect his position and his right to have it, I do not think less of him because of our disagreement

You have been able to ascertain the following fact: (in your own words)
ā€œthe WMDs, ie large stockpiles of chemical weapons and/or nuclear weapons materials, were NOT found in anything like the manner or scale that we expected.ā€ ..​
That statement is a verified, certified accurate and historically accepted fact. IT IS NOT an OPINION.

No one verified or certified my statement. That is crazy talk. It is hyperbole, you are spewing to justify attacking people who disagree with you.
Saddam insanely destroyed the wmds, without documenting it.

Thus, the inspectors were on a fool's errand that they could NOT be successful at.
Would you not have preferred, as Biden suggested prior to the decision to invade, for the inspectors to have been on a foolā€™s errand instead of the US military being sent on one. At least with the inspectors being the fools half a million Iraqis didnā€™t have to die as the did when Bush43 decided to turn the US Military into an invasion army of fools.

A very, very hypothetical question, as that is not how the policy question was framed at the time, because we did not know what we know now.

Hypothetical questions can be useful, in exploring details or possibilities of policies or situations,

BUT, it is a practice that is very easy to abuse, in order to mis-characterize or confuse an issue.

It requires a certain level of trust and/or credibility between the people having the discussion.

You been so very dishonest though out this thread.
IMO, the motive of the UN inspectors was PEACE AT ANY COST, which made their statements not credible.
Why your objection to a motive of peace by the inspectors ā€œat any costā€ when you concurrently were not concerned about the threat of SH actually having the WMD that he was suspected of having?
I found the WMD argument to be unconvincing at the time.
What do you mean ā€œat any costā€

I think that they would have been fine with lying to President Bush, if they thought the right lie would prevent war.

IF, Saddam had been able to provide evidence that his wmds had been destroyed and support for the invasion collapsed and the decision was made to NOT invade Iraq, I would have been fine with that.

I realized at the time, that invasion was a costly gamble. NOT doing it would have been fine with me too.

There should be no ā€œcostā€ when your ā€˜nation buildingā€ project, was canceled because the inspectors peacenik motives caused Iraq to be declared in compliance with its disarmament obligations.,

What were the costs in your head at the time if the inspectors found Iraq to be in compliance? Why were you fine with that if there were serious costs?

I said that the invasion was a costly gamble.

I said nothing about "compliance" being a "costly gamble".

Your question makes no sense. It seems to indicate that you completely failed to understand my clear and concise post.
That bit where you whine about the expense of the war?

That is demagoguery, of the type that you lefties like to whine about if Trump does it. Just fyi.

I am not saying anything Trump has not said about the waste of money on the horrible mistake President George W. Bush made when he decided on March 17, 2003 to start a Christian culture war in the Islamic nation of Iraq. The mistake you supported Being the cultural Christian warmonger that you are.

My point was that you are employing demagoguery in support of your position.

Nothing in your post addressed that. EVERYTHING, in your post was some form of deflection or distraction, with strong elements of anti-Christian bigotry.

Also, you being an asshole.

My point stands. YOu are a hypocritical demagogue and a bigot.
I think that they would have been fine with lying to President Bush, if they thought the right lie would prevent war.
Donā€™t give a shit what you think. Thatā€™s not what you were asked.

IMO, the motive of the UN inspectors was PEACE AT ANY COST, which made their statements not credible.

What ā€œcostā€ was in your head if the inspectors managed before March 2003 to stop the impending war??

What do you mean ā€œat any costā€

yes what did you mean by that expression?
there has been inspections for years
You are a liar. the inspectors had not been in Iraq since 1998 when they left because SH restricted access to sites the inspectors were required to visit..

Its sad that there are so many stupid people like you who have no idea or knowledge of what happened in 2003 that caused so much needless death and destruction in the world because of the decision of one American president who lied with a straight face so he could start a Christian cultural war in Iraq in order to please the same white evangelical Christian GOP base that later will become Trumpā€™s anti-war base.

Getting inspectors back in was what the AUMF references here;

SECTION. 2. SUPPORT FOR UNITED STATES DIPLOMATIC EFFORTS. The Congress of the United States supports the efforts by the President to --​
(1) strictly enforce through the United Nations Security Council all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq and encourages him in those efforts; and​
(2) obtain prompt and decisive action by the Security Council to ensure that Iraq abandons its strategy of delay, evasion and noncompliance and promptly and strictly complies with all relevant Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.​
He is not stupid as he pretends to be,he knows everything you say is true,he is a sockpuppet shill from Langley that has penetrated this site sent here to post lies and propaganda by his boss.
Iraq was never our friend. Any source that would say it was, is an anti-American shit rag.

They didnā€™t say SH was our friend. They reported a historical fact: ā€œThey come from the time when the US sent Donald Rumsfeld to shake Saddamā€™s hand and to grease the skids for Iraq to get chemical weapons to use in their war against Iranā€¦@

So you are a liar.

Why did we supply the regime with Chem warheads If SH was never our friend.

From your post.

"from the time Saddam was our friend."

This is you misrepresenting a fact, or getting it wrong.

By your own standards, you are now a "LIAR".

My point stands.

Any source that would claim he was, is an anti-American shit rag.
I think that they would have been fine with lying to President Bush, if they thought the right lie would prevent war.
Donā€™t give a shit what you think. Thatā€™s not what you were asked.

IMO, the motive of the UN inspectors was PEACE AT ANY COST, which made their statements not credible.

What ā€œcostā€ was in your head if the inspectors managed before March 2003 to stop the impending war??

What do you mean ā€œat any costā€

yes what did you mean by that expression?

1. So, what are you asking?

2. I was not thinking of any cost associated with stopping the war. My discussion of cost was in the context of the war. You seem to be hinting at some point, without actually making it. GET TO THE FUCKING POINT.

3. It is a common phase. I dismiss your pretense that you do not understand it. If you have a point to make, just fucking make it. Stop with the stupid ass games.
No one verified or certified my statement.
I didnā€™t say anyone did. Why the distraction from the fact that Iraq was not hiding WMD from inspectors in MARCH and none were found by invading Christian culture forces. struth lied.

Did he? YOUR link stated that the WMDs WERE found, they were just not the ones that Bush wanted to find so they covered it up.

See, you are trying to oversimply the issue, so that you can say "FACT" and then demonize and thus marginalize your current enemies.

BUT, these are complex historical issues. Struth is technically right, WMDs, were found. His OPINION on the matter, is valid and is justified. It is not a "lie" or "faith" or any of the dismissive slurs that you have been throwing around like crazy.

You are the one that is emotionally invested in this issue. You are the one with the confused and incoherent position on the issue.

It is interesting to me that you have not asked the most obvious and important question of the Iraq War.
BUT, these are complex historical issues. Struth is technically right, WMDs, were found. His OPINION on the matter, is valid and is justified. It is not a "lie" or "faith" or any of the dismissive slurs that you have been throwing around like crazy.

when youā€™re forced to say he was ā€œtechnically rightā€œ I know that you know heā€™s a liar. It makes you an accessory after-the-fact. Youā€™re a liar. Thereā€™s no other way to describe you.

struth is a liar because he directly said that the old rusty corroded unusable chemical warheads where the WMD that was used to justify the war. Heā€™s a liar because he posted a link that referred to that fact and whereas no one accepts that those were the WMD that were used to justify the war.
BUT, these are complex historical issues. Struth is technically right, WMDs, were found. His OPINION on the matter, is valid and is justified. It is not a "lie" or "faith" or any of the dismissive slurs that you have been throwing around like crazy.

when youā€™re forced to say he was ā€œtechnically rightā€œ I know that you know heā€™s a liar. It makes you an accessory after-the-fact. Youā€™re a liar. Thereā€™s no other way to describe you.

struth is a liar because he directly said that the old rusty corroded unusable chemical warheads where the WMD that was used to justify the war. Heā€™s a liar because he posted a link that referred to that fact and whereas no one accepts that those were the WMD that were used to justify the war.
i never said they were the ā€œWMD that was used to justify the warā€ - you are a liar

geez baghdad bob...are things this hard up after your murderous boss was hung that you have to go around on message boards tossing out your propaganda? You couldnā€™t of found a job for another horrible leader? oh wait...you did, Xiden!
That is not a fact. SH was not hiding WMD from UN inspectors after 1441.

Xiden's liberating military found them U.S. Intelligence Documents on Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report"

Xiden's liberating military found them U.S. Intelligence Documents on Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report"

i never said they were the ā€œWMD that was used to justify the warā€ - you are a liar

W said this to justify the war that he decided to start on March 17, 2003.

ā€œIntelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.ā€ DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.​

Your direct response to my post where I said SH was not hiding WMD from the 1441 inspectors was:

ā€œXiden's liberating military found themā€.

YOU are a liar. And now youā€™re lying that you never said it.

YOU lied, youā€™re a liar because you said the US military found ā€œthemā€œ which was a direct reference and is directly linked to my statement where the ā€œthemā€œ was a referral to the WMD that W said what the reason it was necessary to start that war on March 17, 2003. That would be known as what W used to justify starting his war.

You lied because in our ongoing discussion your reference to ā€œthemā€ as WMD used to ā€œjustify warā€ was not about old leaky rusty corroded artillery warheads from the 1980s.
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That is not a fact. SH was not hiding WMD from UN inspectors after 1441.

Xiden's liberating military found them U.S. Intelligence Documents on Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report"

Xiden's liberating military found them U.S. Intelligence Documents on Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report"

i never said they were the ā€œWMD that was used to justify the warā€ - you are a liar

W said this to justify the war that he decided to start on March 17, 2003.

ā€œIntelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.ā€ DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.​

Your direct response to my post where I said SH was not hiding WMD from the 1441 inspectors was:

ā€œXiden's liberating military found themā€.

YOU are a liar. And now youā€™re lying that you never said it.

YOU lied, youā€™re a liar because you said the US military found ā€œthemā€œ which was a direct reference and is directly linked to my statement where the ā€œthemā€œ was a referral to the WMD that W said what the reason it was necessary to start that war on March 17, 2003. That would be known as what W used to justify starting his war.

You lied because in our ongoing discussion your reference to ā€œthemā€ as WMD used to ā€œjustify warā€ was not about old leaky rusty corroded artillery warheads from the 1980s.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

stop lying

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