Did you Support War in Iraq??

Did you support the War in Iraq?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 32.5%
  • No

    Votes: 56 67.5%

  • Total voters
where he makes an assumption,
I have made no assumptions. struth is a liar and the best you could do was say he was “technically” correct.

struth adds more lies saying SH was hiding the old shells too. He is a liar:

This was public knowledges prior to the stupid invasion that was based on a lie.

U.N. destroying mustard gas shells Wednesday, February 12, 2003 Posted: 10:02 AM EST (1502 GMT)​
The U.N. inspectors stressed at the time that the ammunition was expected to be there and not a sign of an active chemical weapons program.
Previous inspection teams destroyed thousands of chemical weapons shells and agents at al-Muthanna, according to U.N. officials.​
Al-Muthanna, which was heavily bombed during the 1991 Gulf War, was once Iraq's chief production center for chemical and biological weapons, producing agents such as anthrax, mustard gas and the agent that causes botulism.​
if he wasn’t hiding them...why were they hidden?? haha

Not, like most liberals, start out from the position that AMERICA IS WRONG, and then rationalizes and spins or makes up facts, until he can create a narrative that supports his conclusion.

America was wrong.. Every American in the ME knew it.. Oilmen, diplomats, historians, Arabs, Europeans and weapons inspectors all KNEW America was wrong.. but Bibi demanded that Saddam be deposed and Syria be destabilized and isolated.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.

You seem to be implying that that means something, but you aren't actually making any points about it.

As your statements stand so far, your post are not making any actual points.

Either you are actively and purposefully just trying to put out so "spin", or you don't even know how to... craft a clear assertion.
A very, very hypothetical question, as that is not how the policy question was framed at the time, because we did not know what we know now.
What planet were you living on at the time? Surely not earth. That is exactly what the policy question was at time. It was W’s policy to exhaust all peaceful means to disarm Iraq. All of Iraq’s neighbors including the Vatican opposed war after 1441 when SH was cooperating with inspectors.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

Just Israel. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions .. He was NO threatt to anyone. ALL the Arab states advised against the invasion.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

yeah that’s it...a telethon...
A very, very hypothetical question, as that is not how the policy question was framed at the time, because we did not know what we know now.
What planet were you living on at the time? Surely not earth. That is exactly what the policy question was at time. It was W’s policy to exhaust all peaceful means to disarm Iraq. All of Iraq’s neighbors including the Vatican opposed war after 1441 when SH was cooperating with inspectors.

Sorry, it's been several days, and I'm not going to comment on the exact wording of a question that you cut from the thread.

By now, you "had to know" that, so you choose to not get an answer.

THus, since I believe that, I will not assert that it is a fact, like you like to do, with opinion.


Thus, we see that you are in the wrong on this question. And that you are a liar. And a blood thirst monster because obviously you supported all the bloody oppression that Saddam would have done, if he remained in power.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

He seems to be trying to say that since the Brits wanted Saddam gone, that that means that since Bush wanted Saddam gone too, that that makes Bush's motives... something...

Bush was a British agent?

He is not making sense.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

Just Israel. Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions .. He was NO threatt to anyone. ALL the Arab states advised against the invasion.

You are trying to over simply a complex issue.

@struth’s lies are not complex at all. Its a simple straightforward fact that he is a liar

if he wasn’t hiding them...why were they hidden?? haha

They weren’t hidden, they were on junk piles waiting to be destroyed. They were not “the most lethal weapons ever devised” that W referred to here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

Correll Does the following take away your excuses for not answering questions you do not wish to answer? You can always just plead the fifth you know.

Saddam insanely destroyed the wmds, without documenting it

“Thus, the inspectors were on a fool's errand that they could NOT be successful at.”

That has got to be one of the stupidest warmonger arguments ever in the history of the world.

You must be the only warmonger in the entire world Making that absurd point..

We killed 500,000 and spent $5 Trillion on the
very same fools errand that you are now claiming the 1441 inspectors were on..

Would you not have preferred, as Biden suggested prior to the decision to invade, for the inspectors to have been on a fool’s errand instead of the US military being sent on one.

very, very hypothetical question, as that is not how the policy question was framed at the time, because we did not know what we know now.

Sorry, it's been several days, and I'm not going to comment on the exact wording of a question that you cut from the thread.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

He seems to be trying to say that since the Brits wanted Saddam gone, that that means that since Bush wanted Saddam gone too, that that makes Bush's motives... something...

Bush was a British agent?

He is not making sense.

No..The US and the British were committed to giving Bibi what he wanted.
You seem confused by my use of "technical".

No, actually you have a problem with the use of the phrase “technically correct”. struth ’s Statements are misleading, half truths, and lies of omission all to be summed up as lying.

This is a stunt that he is pulling when we are trying to have a serious conversation here.

Technically correct: Another example would be "I've never lost at chess" when the speaker has never played a game of chess.
You are trying to over simply a complex issue.

@struth’s lies are not complex at all. Its a simple straightforward fact that he is a liar

if he wasn’t hiding them...why were they hidden?? haha

They weren’t hidden, they were on junk piles waiting to be destroyed. They were not “the most lethal weapons ever devised” that W referred to here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

Correll Does the following take away your excuses for not answering questions you do not wish to answer? You can always just plead the fifth you know.

Saddam insanely destroyed the wmds, without documenting it

“Thus, the inspectors were on a fool's errand that they could NOT be successful at.”

That has got to be one of the stupidest warmonger arguments ever in the history of the world.

You must be the only warmonger in the entire world Making that absurd point..

We killed 500,000 and spent $5 Trillion on the
very same fools errand that you are now claiming the 1441 inspectors were on..

Would you not have preferred, as Biden suggested prior to the decision to invade, for the inspectors to have been on a fool’s errand instead of the US military being sent on one.

very, very hypothetical question, as that is not how the policy question was framed at the time, because we did not know what we know now.

Sorry, it's been several days, and I'm not going to comment on the exact wording of a question that you cut from the thread.
Of course they were hidden...he didn't turn them over as the UN Resolution required...geez...
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

He seems to be trying to say that since the Brits wanted Saddam gone, that that means that since Bush wanted Saddam gone too, that that makes Bush's motives... something...

Bush was a British agent?

He is not making sense.

No..The US and the British were committed to giving Bibi what he wanted.
Israel, like the rest of the world, didn't like Saddam either...most people don't like murderous dictators...but he was low on the list of issues for Israel, in comparison to Iran.

Also Bibi wasn't PM of Israel when we fullfilled the Clinton Xiden policy of overthrowing Saddam...
You seem confused by my use of "technical".

No, actually you have a problem with the use of the phrase “technically correct”. struth ’s Statements are misleading, half truths, and lies of omission all to be summed up as lying.

This is a stunt that he is pulling when we are trying to have a serious conversation here.

Technically correct: Another example would be "I've never lost at chess" when the speaker has never played a game of chess.
Nope, they are simply technically correct...ie correct.

Why did your boss, the Murderous Dictator Saddam, violate the UN resolution and not turn these WMDs over? Why did it take Coalition Forces to find them?
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

He seems to be trying to say that since the Brits wanted Saddam gone, that that means that since Bush wanted Saddam gone too, that that makes Bush's motives... something...

Bush was a British agent?

He is not making sense.

No..The US and the British were committed to giving Bibi what he wanted.
Israel, like the rest of the world, didn't like Saddam either...most people don't like murderous dictators...but he was low on the list of issues for Israel, in comparison to Iran.

Also Bibi wasn't PM of Israel when we fullfilled the Clinton Xiden policy of overthrowing Saddam...

Bibi's Clean Break Strategy specifically called for Saddam to be overthrown.. Top of his list.. The PNAC letter to Clinton was taken from it verbatim.. Now look at how many dual citizen signatories signe the letter and how many of them went to work in the Bush administration.
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

He seems to be trying to say that since the Brits wanted Saddam gone, that that means that since Bush wanted Saddam gone too, that that makes Bush's motives... something...

Bush was a British agent?

He is not making sense.

No..The US and the British were committed to giving Bibi what he wanted.
Israel, like the rest of the world, didn't like Saddam either...most people don't like murderous dictators...but he was low on the list of issues for Israel, in comparison to Iran.

Also Bibi wasn't PM of Israel when we fullfilled the Clinton Xiden policy of overthrowing Saddam...

Bibi's Clean Break Strategy specifically called for Saddam to be overthrown.. Top of his list.. The PNAC letter to Clinton was taken from it verbatim.. Now look at how many dual citizen signatories signe the letter and how many of them went to work in the Bush administration.
Cool, Xiden and Clinton's Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 stated the same thing.

What's your point? Other then proving that a number of countries called for it
the justification. for war is outlined in Xiden authorization. law...there are a number of reasons.

and yes WMDs were found as a i stated...and what was reported

There are is only 1 reason why Bush determined it was necessary to start a war on March 17 2003. Its here:

“Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.” DUBYA the DECIDER March 17 2003.

You said the US military found them. You are a liar.
sure that was certainly a justification...and xiden had authorized him to use force

Invading a country because you are looking for nonexistent WMDs??
Bush finally admitted there were NONE. Why do you think the Brits went to so much trouble to SELL the war in 1998 with Operation Mass Appeal? They spent 3 years demonizing Saddam and Iraq in the press... propagandizing their position with rumors and speculation.

Talk about a witch hunt.. Didn't you catch on with the Booze Wars in KSA when the Brits were carbombing themselves and got caught?
Geez man, it's like talking to a five year old....we know all the reasons...numerous reasons, that Xiden and company outlined for taking out Saddam...WMDs were one of those reason...and nonexistant? I have highlighted, that somewhere found.

I am sure the Brits were just as concerned in 1998, Xiden and Clinton were as well..hence why they made it US policy in 1998 to overthrow Saddam

The thing that set all this crap in motion was a telethon that raised 10s of millions overnight for the Palestinians.. As soon as that happened in 2000 the MI6 began the booze war bombing trying to implicate the Palestinians.. So the Brits got caught blowing each other up and the propaganda to depose Saddam went into overrive.

You're not making any sense. That the brits didn't like Saddam either, is not really relevant to this discussion.

The Brits worked overtime to sell the war.. See Sir Derek Plumbly.
yep lots of countries dislike saddam and wanted him gone. Tends to happen when you are a murderous dictator

He seems to be trying to say that since the Brits wanted Saddam gone, that that means that since Bush wanted Saddam gone too, that that makes Bush's motives... something...

Bush was a British agent?

He is not making sense.

No..The US and the British were committed to giving Bibi what he wanted.
Israel, like the rest of the world, didn't like Saddam either...most people don't like murderous dictators...but he was low on the list of issues for Israel, in comparison to Iran.

Also Bibi wasn't PM of Israel when we fullfilled the Clinton Xiden policy of overthrowing Saddam...

Bibi's Clean Break Strategy specifically called for Saddam to be overthrown.. Top of his list.. The PNAC letter to Clinton was taken from it verbatim.. Now look at how many dual citizen signatories signe the letter and how many of them went to work in the Bush administration.
Cool, Xiden and Clinton's Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 stated the same thing.

What's your point? Other then proving that a number of countries called for it

The Arab world was opposed to it and so were American expats in the ME. The French were opposed to it.

Look, dope. They had decided to invade Iraq no matter the intelligence, no matter the evidence and no matter what the Arabs, diplomats, oilmen, historians or Europeans said.

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