Didn't Richard Nixon lose a presidency over spying on another campaign??

No he didn't. He quit when his tape recordings reveals he lied about the slush fund and the ethical members of his own party told him they would vote for impeachment. When the plumbers got caught re-bugging DNC office at the Watergate Hotel, it was the tip of the iceberg of all the illegal and unconstitutional things CREEP had been up to.
Of course, there were no ethical members of the Dim party when Clinton was up for impeachment.

Nothing more unconstitutional than the coup the Obama admin tried to pull against Trump.

I agree. Democrats accepted the corruption associated with the President lying about a blow job. Just like Republicans accept the corruption associated with using taxpayer funds in a blackmail or shakedown scheme to strong arm a foreign head of state into interfering in our elections on their behalf.

Obamagaters are the next version of the birther.
/—-/ Republicans never went along with Dementia Joe shaking down a foreign government so his drug addict son could get an $83,000 a month no show job. What are you talking about?
No he didn't. He quit when his tape recordings reveals he lied about the slush fund and the ethical members of his own party told him they would vote for impeachment. When the plumbers got caught re-bugging DNC office at the Watergate Hotel, it was the tip of the iceberg of all the illegal and unconstitutional things CREEP had been up to.
Of course, there were no ethical members of the Dim party when Clinton was up for impeachment.

Nothing more unconstitutional than the coup the Obama admin tried to pull against Trump.

I agree. Democrats accepted the corruption associated with the President lying about a blow job. Just like Republicans accept the corruption associated with using taxpayer funds in a blackmail or shakedown scheme to strong arm a foreign head of state into interfering in our elections on their behalf.

Obamagaters are the next version of the birther.
Once again, you lie about Trump. That's why it's pointless to argue with douchebags like you.
No he didn't. He quit when his tape recordings reveals he lied about the slush fund and the ethical members of his own party told him they would vote for impeachment. When the plumbers got caught re-bugging DNC office at the Watergate Hotel, it was the tip of the iceberg of all the illegal and unconstitutional things CREEP had been up to.
Of course, there were no ethical members of the Dim party when Clinton was up for impeachment.

Nothing more unconstitutional than the coup the Obama admin tried to pull against Trump.

I agree. Democrats accepted the corruption associated with the President lying about a blow job. Just like Republicans accept the corruption associated with using taxpayer funds in a blackmail or shakedown scheme to strong arm a foreign head of state into interfering in our elections on their behalf.

Obamagaters are the next version of the birther.
/—-/ Republicans never went along with Dementia Joe shaking down a foreign government so his drug addict son could get an $83,000 a month no show job. What are you talking about?

You're conflating good old Joe doing the Nations business with Trumpybear's shakedown scheme for a personal political favor.

Of course Republicans were consulted on that foreign policy objective. When as Vice President, Joe demanded action on our bipartisan demands of the removal of a corrupt, Russian backed prosecutor?

....The letter was also signed by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Mark Kirk (R-IL), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH).


"We recognize ‎that your governing coalition faces not only endemic corruption left from decades of mismanagement and cronyism, but also an illegal armed seizure of territory by Russia and its proxies. Tackling such obstacles to reforms amidst a war and the loss of much of southeastern Ukraine’s economic productivity is a formidable challenge -- one which we remain committed to helping you overcome.

Succeeding in these reforms will show Russian President Vladimir Putin that an independent, transparent, and democratic Ukraine can and will succeed. It also offers a stark alternative to the authoritarianism and oligarchic cronyism prevalent in Russia. As such, we respectfully ask that you address the serious concerns raised by Minister Abromavi?ius‎. We similarly urge you to press ahead with urgent reforms to the Prosecutor General's office and judiciary. The unanimous adoption by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Basic Principles and Action Plan is a good step."

You still trying to pin some kind of crime on Joe's kid?
No he didn't. He quit when his tape recordings reveals he lied about the slush fund and the ethical members of his own party told him they would vote for impeachment. When the plumbers got caught re-bugging DNC office at the Watergate Hotel, it was the tip of the iceberg of all the illegal and unconstitutional things CREEP had been up to.
Of course, there were no ethical members of the Dim party when Clinton was up for impeachment.

Nothing more unconstitutional than the coup the Obama admin tried to pull against Trump.

I agree. Democrats accepted the corruption associated with the President lying about a blow job. Just like Republicans accept the corruption associated with using taxpayer funds in a blackmail or shakedown scheme to strong arm a foreign head of state into interfering in our elections on their behalf.

Obamagaters are the next version of the birther.
Once again, you lie about Trump. That's why it's pointless to argue with douchebags like you.

I know it's hard for you TDSers to accept that you embrace Trumpybear's obvious corruption, but you do.
No he didn't. He quit when his tape recordings reveals he lied about the slush fund and the ethical members of his own party told him they would vote for impeachment. When the plumbers got caught re-bugging DNC office at the Watergate Hotel, it was the tip of the iceberg of all the illegal and unconstitutional things CREEP had been up to.
Of course, there were no ethical members of the Dim party when Clinton was up for impeachment.

Nothing more unconstitutional than the coup the Obama admin tried to pull against Trump.

I agree. Democrats accepted the corruption associated with the President lying about a blow job. Just like Republicans accept the corruption associated with using taxpayer funds in a blackmail or shakedown scheme to strong arm a foreign head of state into interfering in our elections on their behalf.

Obamagaters are the next version of the birther.
Once again, you lie about Trump. That's why it's pointless to argue with douchebags like you.

I know it's hard for you TDSers to accept that you embrace Trumpybear's obvious corruption, but you do.
/-----/ " I know it's hard for you TDSers to accept that you embrace Trumpybear's obvious corruption, but you do. "
No one understands your jibberish when you try to be too cute. Try again in English. TIA
No he didn't. He quit when his tape recordings reveals he lied about the slush fund and the ethical members of his own party told him they would vote for impeachment. When the plumbers got caught re-bugging DNC office at the Watergate Hotel, it was the tip of the iceberg of all the illegal and unconstitutional things CREEP had been up to.
Of course, there were no ethical members of the Dim party when Clinton was up for impeachment.

Nothing more unconstitutional than the coup the Obama admin tried to pull against Trump.

I agree. Democrats accepted the corruption associated with the President lying about a blow job. Just like Republicans accept the corruption associated with using taxpayer funds in a blackmail or shakedown scheme to strong arm a foreign head of state into interfering in our elections on their behalf.

Obamagaters are the next version of the birther.
Once again, you lie about Trump. That's why it's pointless to argue with douchebags like you.

I know it's hard for you TDSers to accept that you embrace Trumpybear's obvious corruption, but you do.
/-----/ " I know it's hard for you TDSers to accept that you embrace Trumpybear's obvious corruption, but you do. "
No one understands your jibberish when you try to be too cute. Try again in English. TIA

Having problem with the TDSer? Toady Dick Suckers....no......Terrible Dick Suckers.....no....hmmmm what could it be?

Clinton was caught(Impeached) corruptly lying about sex and the Democrats vote to acquit was their acceptance of that corruption.

Trumpybear was caught(Impeached) in a politically corrupt act and the Republicans vote to acquit him was their acceptance of that corruption.
Trump was spying on Hillary? Are you serious? It was the Obama administration that spied on Trump, and the plot was 100 times more extensive than anything the Nixon campaign did.

You TDS morons are all suffering brain damage. You live in a fantasy world where none of Obama's minions committed any crimes. It's positively breathtaking how deluded you are.
What crimes, other than the crime of wearing a tan suit and the crime of using Dijon sauce on his hotdogs?
Discussing ongoing investigation of Hillary on an airport tarmac. Releasing blood thirsty terrorist to free traitor Bergdahl. Racist piece of shit attorney general who would not investigate attacks on white people.
Nope, not over spying. Yes, it was a third rate burglary. And if he had come right out, copped to it, and admitted making a mistake and profusely apologize, my guess is that he would have been re-elected...easily.
But he chose to not only cover it up, but also flat out lie about it...and was stupid enough to get recorded talking about it. Then tried to make enemies of his opponents and the media.

Sound familiar? :)
Cause we have a living, breathing example of it in the White House.
Only difference between now and then? Republicans and most conservatives have become enablers.
Only a complete idiot would try to make a Trump- Nixon analogy. Trump is more conservative than Nixon and has never committed a federal crime in office.
Yes he did. A 3rd rate break in botched. Lied about it and OUT!!!

How dumb. Running against McGovern...LOLOL

Doesn't anyone remember that?
/—-/ Nixon didn’t order the break in. He was threatened with impeachment for the cover up. He resigned. Even Hildabeast said so.
Yeah. Nixon never spied on his political ememies is what you are saying then? He covered up political spying from his team. OK. Didn't order the dumb thing, but was a willing participate on the back end.
His Ememies List were spied on. John Lennon on down the line to politicians.
Yes he did. A 3rd rate break in botched. Lied about it and OUT!!!

How dumb. Running against McGovern...LOLOL

Doesn't anyone remember that?
/—-/ Nixon didn’t order the break in. He was threatened with impeachment for the cover up. He resigned. Even Hildabeast said so.
Yeah. Nixon never spied on his political ememies is what you are saying then? He covered up political spying from his team. OK. Didn't order the dumb thing, but was a willing participate on the back end.
His Ememies List were spied on. John Lennon on down the line to politicians.
/—-/ When it comes to covert attacks on the other candidates, Obozo makes Nixon look like a rank amateur
Yes he did. A 3rd rate break in botched. Lied about it and OUT!!!

How dumb. Running against McGovern...LOLOL

Doesn't anyone remember that?
/—-/ Nixon didn’t order the break in. He was threatened with impeachment for the cover up. He resigned. Even Hildabeast said so.
Yeah. Nixon never spied on his political ememies is what you are saying then? He covered up political spying from his team. OK. Didn't order the dumb thing, but was a willing participate on the back end.
His Ememies List were spied on. John Lennon on down the line to politicians.
/—-/ When it comes to covert attacks on the other candidates, Obozo makes Nixon look like a rank amateur
My Lord. We've never seen anything so bad as Obozo.
Yes he did. A 3rd rate break in botched. Lied about it and OUT!!!

How dumb. Running against McGovern...LOLOL

Doesn't anyone remember that?
/—-/ Nixon didn’t order the break in. He was threatened with impeachment for the cover up. He resigned. Even Hildabeast said so.
Yeah. Nixon never spied on his political ememies is what you are saying then? He covered up political spying from his team. OK. Didn't order the dumb thing, but was a willing participate on the back end.
His Ememies List were spied on. John Lennon on down the line to politicians.
/—-/ When it comes to covert attacks on the other candidates, Obozo makes Nixon look like a rank amateur
My Lord. We've never seen anything so bad as Obozo.
I stand corrected. The Clintons make Obama look like a fairy in corrupt matters. The Clintons probably offed more than Bonnie and Clyde, Dillinger, Berkowitz, and Dahmer combined. Maybe they didn't go as far as eating them, but who knows.
Yes he did. A 3rd rate break in botched. Lied about it and OUT!!!

How dumb. Running against McGovern...LOLOL

Doesn't anyone remember that?
Conservatives remember those dark days when the honest and principled Richard Nixon was framed by the Democrats for a nonexistent crime and forced out of office.

Yes he did. A 3rd rate break in botched. Lied about it and OUT!!!

How dumb. Running against McGovern...LOLOL

Doesn't anyone remember that?
Nixon was a very paranoid man ! He was very brilliant but very mentally “damaged “
He really hated blacks, Italians and Jews
He was a real racist but he achieved a lot

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