Didn't Richard Nixon lose a presidency over spying on another campaign??

Yes he did. A 3rd rate break in botched. Lied about it and OUT!!!

How dumb. Running against McGovern...LOLOL

Doesn't anyone remember that?

The reason it made no sense is because Nixon was winning by a landslide! His paranoia got the best of him! Nixon was probably a brilliant politician, but had such an inferiority complex that weighed on him since his days in college! He just wasn't likeable and he felt it even as President when people pretty much just humored or tolerated him! One of these days people will realize treating people poorly not only hurts the person receiving the barbs, it can come back to bite ya in "KARMA!" The country's Karma has to be TRUMP! :dunno:
Nope, not over spying. Yes, it was a third rate burglary. And if he had come right out, copped to it, and admitted making a mistake and profusely apologize, my guess is that he would have been re-elected...easily.
But he chose to not only cover it up, but also flat out lie about it...and was stupid enough to get recorded talking about it. Then tried to make enemies of his opponents and the media.

Sound familiar? :)
Cause we have a living, breathing example of it in the White House.
Only difference between now and then? Republicans and most conservatives have become enablers.

This was the last era of Republican integrity IMO! House and Senate members relented to Impeachment in '74 and Nixon actually obeyed a Supreme Court ruling to turn over tapes he recorded of his personal conversations in the Oval Office! Anyone else; even Reagan's people would have burned those suckers! Trump would have continued denying they existed! :(
Nope, not over spying. Yes, it was a third rate burglary. And if he had come right out, copped to it, and admitted making a mistake and profusely apologize, my guess is that he would have been re-elected...easily.
But he chose to not only cover it up, but also flat out lie about it...and was stupid enough to get recorded talking about it. Then tried to make enemies of his opponents and the media.

Sound familiar? :)
Cause we have a living, breathing example of it in the White House.
Only difference between now and then? Republicans and most conservatives have become enablers.
Only a complete idiot would try to make a Trump- Nixon analogy. Trump is more conservative than Nixon and has never committed a federal crime in office.

The point here is the cover up is usually worse than the crime. Nixon probably could have survived if he had just come out and apologized. He had a high approval rating not only in the country but in Congress as well.
Let's be clear here about Trump. And as far as crimes go, we'll never know. On the account that you can't indict a sitting President. Plus, with all his yes men/women and enablers, it's not like there's a whole lot of credibility and accountability anyway.
Nope, not over spying. Yes, it was a third rate burglary. And if he had come right out, copped to it, and admitted making a mistake and profusely apologize, my guess is that he would have been re-elected...easily.
But he chose to not only cover it up, but also flat out lie about it...and was stupid enough to get recorded talking about it. Then tried to make enemies of his opponents and the media.

Sound familiar? :)
Cause we have a living, breathing example of it in the White House.
Only difference between now and then? Republicans and most conservatives have become enablers.
your guess????!!!!! your GUESS??? hahah that means nothing but crap
....yes--it was over spying
Nope, not over spying. Yes, it was a third rate burglary. And if he had come right out, copped to it, and admitted making a mistake and profusely apologize, my guess is that he would have been re-elected...easily.
But he chose to not only cover it up, but also flat out lie about it...and was stupid enough to get recorded talking about it. Then tried to make enemies of his opponents and the media.

Sound familiar? :)
Cause we have a living, breathing example of it in the White House.
Only difference between now and then? Republicans and most conservatives have become enablers.
your guess????!!!!! your GUESS??? hahah that means nothing but crap
....yes--it was over spying

Yeah. You must not have been alive...or if you were, you must have been unconscious. It was the cover up that did Nixon in.
Nope, not over spying. Yes, it was a third rate burglary. And if he had come right out, copped to it, and admitted making a mistake and profusely apologize, my guess is that he would have been re-elected...easily.
But he chose to not only cover it up, but also flat out lie about it...and was stupid enough to get recorded talking about it. Then tried to make enemies of his opponents and the media.

Sound familiar? :)
Cause we have a living, breathing example of it in the White House.
Only difference between now and then? Republicans and most conservatives have become enablers.
your guess????!!!!! your GUESS??? hahah that means nothing but crap
....yes--it was over spying

Yeah. You must not have been alive...or if you were, you must have been unconscious. It was the cover up that did Nixon in.
....STARTED by the burglary---hahahahha DUH
...you must not be smart
Nixon didn't authorize the break in.

Nixon tried to cover it up after finding out about it. Big mistake.

Nixon did the globalist a huge favor by coming off the gold standard.

Nixon didn't lose an election he RESIGNED.........and was never impeached.
It was the cover up that did him in.
Yeah a real cover up.
You have no F idea what a cover up is. CNN still hasn't told you yet about it. All out there but rarely mentioned.

The total lying fraud Obama is Nixon times 100. I know you don't believe me yet. You're still stuck in the Mueller investigation and don't know how it turned out yet.
Obama illegally used the NSA, IRS, FBI and DOJ as political weapons.
The Democrats are dirtier than the third world banana republic politicians.
You have no F idea what a cover up is. CNN still hasn't told you yet about it.

Nobody expects the Conservative News Network to say anything bad about Trump.

You really shouldn't attack your media lackeys like that. CNN and the whole nutty conservative MSM are helping Trump best they can. Don't ask for more than they can give.

And by the way, most of us liberals don't watch TV much at all. Just because you get spoonfed all your info from the TV, don't project your propaganda-consuming lifestyle on to liberals.

The total lying fraud Obama is Nixon times 100.

Yet you can't provide any evidence for that, or for any of the insane things you say. The conclusion is that you've been brainwashed beyond any hope of redemption. You're forever lost to morality and rationality. You'll spend the rest of your life screaming about your imaginary demons, as everyone else just smiles and backs away from you.

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