Differences communism and facism?


Right-Wing Conservative
Mar 27, 2014
There is something I have been wondering about. What are the differences between facists and communists? They are both statists, but from what I know most communists are originally libertarians and wanted less state. But in real life communist states did always have a dictator or too strong government (North Korea, China, East Europe). What I'm asking myself now is: Has real communism ever existed. I mean, things that happen in North Korea or used to happen in East Europe (KGB and Gestapo) sound more facist than communist. Communists do also support peace, but why do most "communist" countries have such big armied and fight so much? So, my question is, what makes a communist state different from a facist one?
When it comes to communism or socialism, it doesn't work when people are forced into it. If there were a place where people voluntarily went and agreed to share everything equally, they might be happy. That would be true communism. People would be free to leave that life if they so choose.

Forcing people to live by your rules is different. You can call it what you want, but it's still a dictatorship.

It should be about choosing things for ourselves as long as we don't harm anyone. Of course, the left cites pro-abortion people as pro-choice. Granted, women have the choice, but they also want to make others pay for them, which takes away other people's choice.

I don't think we should get hung up on labels. The definitions change as each new wannabe ruler makes their own rules.

There are two main types of government. The government that works for the people and does it's job to protect freedom and liberty for it's masters. The other is where the government is master and the people are expected to obey. We are clearly in a fundamental transformation that someone promised and more people fear government now. Fearing government is the definition of tyranny.
Libertarian society always ends back with a government and some sort of communism/socialism.

It sounds great; No government, total freedom. But then cheating and inequality and fairness and crime kick in. And then the most staunch of the group organize and all agree something must be done to keep their libertarian society stable and civil.

So they all agree to a few rules.

Then more problems arise.

Then more rules.

Then people ignore the rules.....and someone must enforce them.

Then.....well, you see the cycle.

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