'Dilbert' Finds a New Home After Creator's Racist Tirade


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Will he have a large audience?

The comic strip Dilbert has relocated to Rumble, an online video platform that describes itself as "immune to cancel culture," after the cartoon's creator was dropped by news outlets for embarking on what many have called a racist tirade. Scott Adams, the man behind the popular three-decade-long comic about office life, took to his YouTube channel in late February to tell white people "to get the hell away from Black people" as he considered them a "hate group." He has since argued that he was using "obvious hyperbole."

The "Dilbert" strip isn't racist at all. Just because the creator is alleged a bigot, I don't see that as a reason for any newspaper to reject his product.

The fellow that invented the transistor, Shockley was a racist, yet his product is used all the time. Ditto with the Ford motor car which was invented by Henry Ford- a well known and vocal anti semite.
Have you noticed the roving bands of blacks jumping whites and Asians? People having to lock their cars while getting gas so the car won't be stolen? The destruction of businesses?
Carry a gun and protect yourself from them or end up paralyzed like this poor soul:

I hope he outright owns Dilbert so he can continue right on with it like nothing happened.

He was absolutely correct, stay away from blacks. I do. I deal with the few at work because they are decent enough folks but outside of work I stay away from blacks in general. I'm not afraid of them, I've just had enough of their shit.

I hope he outright owns Dilbert so he can continue right on with it like nothing happened.

He was absolutely correct, stay away from blacks. I do. I deal with the few at work because they are decent enough folks but outside of work I stay away from blacks in general. I'm not afraid of them, I've just had enough of their shit.
You're a frightened little boy.
All the guy did was to point out that 50% of black Americans are demonstrably racist bigots. His suggestion was rooted in nothing but pragmatism. Would it be racist for a black to avoid white people if 50% of them were KKK?
Lots of black people suggest exactly the same thing... for black people to stay away from white people.
And somehow DeAngelo is a hero for suggesting the same thing, go figure.
Have you noticed the roving bands of blacks jumping whites and Asians? People having to lock their cars while getting gas so the car won't be stolen? The destruction of businesses?
Carry a gun and protect yourself from them or end up paralyzed like this poor soul:

Yep, two teenage thugs. Wonder if they'll get more than a slap on the wrist?
The "Dilbert" strip isn't racist at all. Just because the creator is alleged a bigot, I don't see that as a reason for any newspaper to reject his product.

the creator is not a bigot. He speaks the truth

But these days, speaking truth means bigotry because some people are so wimpy, they wilt when they hear certain truths.

I hope he outright owns Dilbert so he can continue right on with it like nothing happened.

He was absolutely correct, stay away from blacks. I do. I deal with the few at work because they are decent enough folks but outside of work I stay away from blacks in general. I'm not afraid of them, I've just had enough of their shit.
my sentiments also. There are good ones, ones who don't hold a grudge against an entire race for what happened 160 years ago, but it seems like a large % are angry and resentful. Aren't they happy they weren't left in poverty stricken Africa centuries ago?
the creator is not a bigot. He speaks the truth

But these days, speaking truth means bigotry because some people are so wimpy, they wilt when they hear certain truths.

Fair enough. But even if the creator of Dilbert was a bigot, that would be a pretty piss poor reason to reject his creation. After all, no one thinks there is anything bigoted about Dilbert.

On Seinfeld, Jerry patronized a soup chef who was a National Socialist, because he appreciated the soup, even though his antisemitic ideology was undoubtably repugnant to him. Of course, that was in the enlightened 20th Century before wokeness.

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