Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

Aaaaand the liberals protect the rights of the poor little muslims who are offended by the word bacon.

Yes, they happen to be brown, and rightwinger was quick to use the race card.

Fuck you liberals. Fuck you.
This is a very important subject. I am amazed that we haven't has more threads about it!

More important than gay marriage or the name Redskins.

You stupid typical fucking hypocrite.

Remember everyone when Christians expressed they were offended by the crucifix put in urine (the piece was called Piss Christ) and the same liberals that defend some brown muslim being offended by the word bacon, were all yapping about freedom of expression?

I sure as shit do.

They defended that along with the photo of the Mary being surrounded by female genitalia and elephant shit. The liberals defend the "art" and crush Christians for being offended by it. None of them say it should be taken down just because childish Christians are offended by expression.

When it comes to ONE muslim being offended by the word bacon? They defend the muslim that is offended by the word bacon.

There is no reason at all to treat, refer, or communicate with liberals with any respect whatsoever. None.
This is a very important subject. I am amazed that we haven't has more threads about it!

More important than gay marriage or the name Redskins.

You stupid typical fucking hypocrite.

Remember everyone when Christians expressed they were offended by the crucifix put in urine (the piece was called Piss Christ) and the same liberals that defend some brown muslim being offended by the word bacon, were all yapping about freedom of expression?

I sure as shit do.

They defended that along with the photo of the Mary being surrounded by female genitalia and elephant shit. The liberals defend the "art" and crush Christians for being offended by it. None of them say it should be taken down just because childish Christians are offended by expression.

When it comes to ONE muslim being offended by the word bacon? They defend the muslim that is offended by the word bacon.

There is no reason at all to treat, refer, or communicate with liberals with any respect whatsoever. None.

Who is "they"? You mention them often. Got any names?

You.......you personally.....are thrown into rage by a story of a business owner willingly removing a sign in Vermont. You.......not "them". You.
This is a very important subject. I am amazed that we haven't had more threads about it!
It is important.
It's about giving in and bending over and grabbing your ankles. You know, what you do every day.

I even stated how the liberals make a giant deal over every bullshit subject like gay marriage or the word Redskins. They go ape shit over every fucking thing.

They cannot see the symbolic problem here though. The same assholes that defend an artist that creates "piss Christ" in a museum. The same group of piece of smelly shit liberals that defend the brown muslim offended by the word BACON attack Christians for being offended by "piss Christ."

They are worthless scumbags.

Pretty funny to see all the lefties on this thread deflecting to the (obvious) "rights" involved and not on the cultural/societal ramifications of this.

They're so pro-business ("it's up to the business to decide to take the sign down") when it involves PC. On pretty much anything ELSE, though, F-U-C-K the business.

Also amusing to see them being so supportive of the sensitivity of a religion - when it's the right religion.


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This is a very important subject. I am amazed that we haven't had more threads about it!
It is important.
It's about giving in and bending over and grabbing your ankles. You know, what you do every day.

I even stated how the liberals make a giant deal over every bullshit subject like gay marriage or the word Redskins. They go ape shit over every fucking thing.

They cannot see the symbolic problem here though. The same assholes that defend an artist that creates "piss Christ" in a museum. The same group of piece of smelly shit liberals that defend the brown muslim offended by the word BACON attack Christians for being offended by "piss Christ."

They are worthless scumbags.

More "they"? Who are yiu talking about here?
I'm Jewish and I'm not offended. I simply don't eat bacon. Someone else wants to? Great, go for it.
The problem isn't the Muslim being offended. He can be as offended as he likes. The problem is the store owner caving in to it.
I understand their objection. When on a strict vegan diet I couldn't stand restaurant commercials showing meat, literally turned my stomach.

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