Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman

I understand their objection. When on a strict vegan diet I couldn't stand restaurant commercials showing meat, literally turned my stomach.
Ya, but I'm a vegetarian and you're just a big fucking pussy. I bet the pictures gave you PTSD!!!. :lol:
I understand their objection. When on a strict vegan diet I couldn't stand restaurant commercials showing meat, literally turned my stomach.

Wow, what a fucking pussy.

You could not stand the commercials of icky meat, so you are advocating restaurants should not advertise it?

You are just a manly man aren't you. :gay:
While I think this is a non-story....are other stores allowed to make up advertising signs that look like traffic signs and attach them to public light/power poles?

Those offended can look away, still, your point about it resembling a street sign is valid.
Wow, what a fucking pussy.

You could not stand the commercials of icky meat, so you are advocating restaurants should not advertise it?

You are just a manly man aren't you. :gay:

You do understand don't you that the average gay man epitomizes masculinity right? As a saying goes, "If I wanted a femme I'd be straight." :)
Wow, what a fucking pussy.

You could not stand the commercials of icky meat, so you are advocating restaurants should not advertise it?

You are just a manly man aren't you. :gay:

You do understand don't you that the average gay man epitomizes masculinity right? As a saying goes, "If I wanted a femme I'd be straight." :)

The average gay epitomizes masculinity?

Well, the days seem to be here.

No longer will any teams mascots be named after animals, for PETA will object, they can't be named after any group of people, for that might offend some in said group.

We can't advertise bacon, sausage, ham, tenderloin, and coming soon, no advertising for beef, chicken, fish, or anything else that can be considered meat. Not long after that, we won't be able to advertise milk, eggs, butter, cheese or anything else that an animal produces.

Then lawnmowers shall fall, for we should not be cutting the grass, we may be hurting it, don't trim your trees or shrubs for we might kill them. Trees will no longer be cut down, but will have to be re-located to a new location, so it can continue it's long life.

And all the people who support all these things(luddly, liberalmedia, etc.) are the same ones who call Christians nuts. :wtf:
Let's see...no government action was taken. They were asked nicely to take it down and did. Where is the controversy?

I do not blame you that you do not know----most people
do not know. The muslim woman who complained about
the sign saying "bacon" did not come out of thin air. She is
the product of 14 centuries of Islamic "culture" Her culture
includes a sense of absolute perquisites for muslims and only for muslims.
The concept that muslims are SUPREME ---
ISLAM IS SUPREME and anything a muslim wants is
SUPREME describes shariah law. For people who are
taught from infancy that shariah law describes "god's" will---
and for those who believe it ---and even those who do not
believe -----it means ANYTHING that is remotely
"NOT MUSLIM"---------is shit and muslims have a right to get
rid of it.
A scenario for comparison. Lets say a muslim lays a little
rug or piece of cardboard on the sidewalk and plops down and sticks his ass up in the air as I approach whilst
walking my dog------and the muslim JUMPS up and
insists I cross the street to get out of his way-----do I
get to complain? Lets say some storefront "mosque"--
developes in my neighborhood and five times per day---
a garble of Arabic gets blasted from a loudspeaker
attached to the place----do I get to have it removed?

I can assure you-----according to Islamic more's------my
actions would be capital crimes People "brought up" that
way do not easily overcome the depravity
While I think this is a non-story....are other stores allowed to make up advertising signs that look like traffic signs and attach them to public light/power poles?

sometimes towns sell space for advertising-----it is a way to
raise revenue-----rented out for a fee kind of thing-----
you never lived in the sticks---did you?
I do not blame you that you do not know----most people
do not know. The muslim woman who complained about
the sign saying "bacon" did not come out of thin air. She is
the product of 14 centuries of Islamic "culture" Her culture
includes a sense of absolute perquisites for muslims and only for muslims.
The concept that muslims are SUPREME ---
ISLAM IS SUPREME and anything a muslim wants is
SUPREME describes shariah law. For people who are
taught from infancy that shariah law describes "god's" will---
and for those who believe it ---and even those who do not
believe -----it means ANYTHING that is remotely
"NOT MUSLIM"---------is shit and muslims have a right to get
rid of it.
A scenario for comparison. Lets say a muslim lays a little
rug or piece of cardboard on the sidewalk and plops down and sticks his ass up in the air as I approach whilst
walking my dog------and the muslim JUMPS up and
insists I cross the street to get out of his way-----do I
get to complain? Lets say some storefront "mosque"--
developes in my neighborhood and five times per day---
a garble of Arabic gets blasted from a loudspeaker
attached to the place----do I get to have it removed?

I can assure you-----according to Islamic more's------my
actions would be capital crimes People "brought up" that
way do not easily overcome the depravity

Mmmmmmm, hyperbole flakes.

This happened in the United States. Asked nicely, done.

But no, Fox viewers must make this a controversy.
sometimes towns sell space for advertising-----it is a way to
raise revenue-----rented out for a fee kind of thing-----
you never lived in the sticks---did you?

And sometimes unicorns fart glitter. That was not the case here, they were not "sold" the light pole, it was part of a volunteer program to plant flowers in medians.
sometimes towns sell space for advertising-----it is a way to
raise revenue-----rented out for a fee kind of thing-----
you never lived in the sticks---did you?

And sometimes unicorns fart glitter. That was not the case here, they were not "sold" the light pole, it was part of a volunteer program to plant flowers in medians.
Are you claiming there was something done that was illegal in some way? Post proof or STFU.
Replying to the OP, unless the sign was in Arabic it wasn't 'insensitive to those who don't eat pork.' :) If you take offense to pork advertizing don't live in non-Muslim countries. I'm Jewish and we don't eat pork either but I don't take offense to it at all.

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