Diner Takes Down Bacon Sign That Offended Muslim Woman


Pretty funny to see all the lefties on this thread deflecting to the (obvious) "rights" involved and not on the cultural/societal ramifications of this.

They're so pro-business ("it's up to the business to decide to take the sign down") when it involves PC. On pretty much anything ELSE, though, F-U-C-K the business.

Also amusing to see them being so supportive of the sensitivity of a religion - when it's the right religion.



I'm Jewish and I'm not offended. I simply don't eat bacon. Someone else wants to? Great, go for it.
The problem isn't the Muslim being offended. He can be as offended as he likes. The problem is the store owner caving in to it.

I agree with half of your comment. I agree the bistro were pussies for caving, but I also blame the Muslim woman. She knows "bacon" is throughout our culture here, and a staple of the American diet. She should either accept that, or move. We shouldn't have to bend to her wills simply because she was offended. Especially when you consider what a tiny minority Muslims are here.

And by the way, if Muslims TRULY want to be accepted by all Americans, and viewed along side all of us as just being another American, this sure the hell was not the way to go about it. This will only make other Americans resent Muslims even more than they already do.
It really doesn't matter to most muslims whether you hate them or not.

We have our own set of intrinsic values that we follow regardless of what other people think. ... :cool:
haven't read the thread , just heard the report on the news yesterday . The restaurant would never get another penny of my money .

Pretty funny to see all the lefties on this thread deflecting to the (obvious) "rights" involved and not on the cultural/societal ramifications of this.

They're so pro-business ("it's up to the business to decide to take the sign down") when it involves PC. On pretty much anything ELSE, though, F-U-C-K the business.

Also amusing to see them being so supportive of the sensitivity of a religion - when it's the right religion.



I'm Jewish and I'm not offended. I simply don't eat bacon. Someone else wants to? Great, go for it.
The problem isn't the Muslim being offended. He can be as offended as he likes. The problem is the store owner caving in to it.

I agree with half of your comment. I agree the bistro were pussies for caving, but I also blame the Muslim woman. She knows "bacon" is throughout our culture here, and a staple of the American diet. She should either accept that, or move. We shouldn't have to bend to her wills simply because she was offended. Especially when you consider what a tiny minority Muslims are here.

And by the way, if Muslims TRULY want to be accepted by all Americans, and viewed along side all of us as just being another American, this sure the hell was not the way to go about it. This will only make other Americans resent Muslims even more than they already do.
It really doesn't matter to most muslims whether you hate them or not.

We have our own set of intrinsic values that we follow regardless of what other people think. ... :cool:

However if you're to live in a country that is heavily dominated by non-Muslims you should expect there will be different traditions than what you're used to, and instead of expecting everyone else to adjust those traditions, why not simply look the other way ?

You have to learn to pick your battles, this was probably a case that would have been best to simply leave alone.
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Of course they do, and the proper response by Americans is simply to boycott that store.

My wife and I stopped in a diner in Anaheim not long ago. After we were seated, I noticed a sign that said "All food served is Halal."

We got up an left. Nothing rude, just the choice not to spend my money in the establishment. That is how Americans do it, we vote with our dollars.
THAT must be why it only lasted a scant 17 seasons... :bsflag:

"In 1989, Terry Rakolta, a housewife from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, led a boycott[28] of the show after viewing the episode "Her Cups Runneth Over".[29] Offended by the images of an old man wearing a woman's garter and stockings, the scene where Steve touches the pasties of a mannequin dressed in S&M gear, a homosexual man wearing a tiara on his head (and Al's line "...and they wonder why we call them 'queens'"), and a half-nude woman who takes off her bra in front of Al (and is shown with her arms covering her bare chest in the next shot), Rakolta began a letter-writing campaign to advertisers, demanding they boycott the show."
Married... with Children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You were saying crap for brains?
THAT must be why it only lasted a scant 17 seasons... :bsflag:

"In 1989, Terry Rakolta, a housewife from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, led a boycott[28] of the show after viewing the episode "Her Cups Runneth Over".[29] Offended by the images of an old man wearing a woman's garter and stockings, the scene where Steve touches the pasties of a mannequin dressed in S&M gear, a homosexual man wearing a tiara on his head (and Al's line "...and they wonder why we call them 'queens'"), and a half-nude woman who takes off her bra in front of Al (and is shown with her arms covering her bare chest in the next shot), Rakolta began a letter-writing campaign to advertisers, demanding they boycott the show."
Married... with Children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You were saying crap for brains?

Pssssst...it ran until 1997
THAT must be why it only lasted a scant 17 seasons... :bsflag:

"In 1989, Terry Rakolta, a housewife from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, led a boycott[28] of the show after viewing the episode "Her Cups Runneth Over".[29] Offended by the images of an old man wearing a woman's garter and stockings, the scene where Steve touches the pasties of a mannequin dressed in S&M gear, a homosexual man wearing a tiara on his head (and Al's line "...and they wonder why we call them 'queens'"), and a half-nude woman who takes off her bra in front of Al (and is shown with her arms covering her bare chest in the next shot), Rakolta began a letter-writing campaign to advertisers, demanding they boycott the show."
Married... with Children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You were saying crap for brains?

That you're a fucking moron..

1989-1990 Season 4: #50 (12.90 rating)[26]

Highest rating of the entire series...

Does anyone think the Left would take this position if a Christian lady had complained about something?



Does anyone think the Left would take this position if a Christian lady had complained about something?



Just as an example, recently a restaurant was known to give discounts to Christians. Well surprise surprise an atheist group is suing them. Now not all atheist are liberals, but certainly most of them are.
THAT must be why it only lasted a scant 17 seasons... :bsflag:

"In 1989, Terry Rakolta, a housewife from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, led a boycott[28] of the show after viewing the episode "Her Cups Runneth Over".[29] Offended by the images of an old man wearing a woman's garter and stockings, the scene where Steve touches the pasties of a mannequin dressed in S&M gear, a homosexual man wearing a tiara on his head (and Al's line "...and they wonder why we call them 'queens'"), and a half-nude woman who takes off her bra in front of Al (and is shown with her arms covering her bare chest in the next shot), Rakolta began a letter-writing campaign to advertisers, demanding they boycott the show."
Married... with Children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You were saying crap for brains?

Oh, they banned the show then? No, it only became more popular as the left mocked and laughed at Christians.

Funny, how you just unwittingly proved my point.
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Yep, they're free to go either way, and if their like the typical American of 2014, they'll bend over and grab their ankles for the whining and noisy minority.

Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks

Good God a Bacon Cheeseburger or a BLT is now equal to racism.

Yeah. They are pathetic. Some how this is about racism. Wow, he must watch a lot of CNN. BTW, they still have the gentle giant story that assaulted a cop and got shot for it as their lead story.

Still, there lead story. Still......
That you're a fucking moron..

1989-1990 Season 4: #50 (12.90 rating)[26]

Highest rating of the entire series...

Yes, because the protest got it extra attention. Point isn't was Married... a great show, of course it was, point is one Christian woman can cause a shitstorm. :)

That you're a fucking moron..

1989-1990 Season 4: #50 (12.90 rating)[26]

Highest rating of the entire series...

Yes, because the protest got it extra attention. Point isn't was Married... a great show, of course it was, point is one Christian woman can cause a shitstorm. :)
Are you even listening (figuratively speaking) to yourself?
Yeah. They are pathetic. Some how this is about racism. Wow, he must watch a lot of CNN. BTW, they still have the gentle giant story that assaulted a cop and got shot for it as their lead story.

Still, there lead story. Still......

"Let the Muslims have it. It isn't wise to upset a Muslim."

"But Sir, no one worries about upsetting a Christian."

"That's because Christians don't blow things up. Muslims are known to do that."

- "Star Wars" (sorta) :)
The store has a right to post a sign advertising bacon
They also have a right to accomodate a customer who doesn't like the sign

Yep, they're free to go either way, and if their like the typical American of 2014, they'll bend over and grab their ankles for the whining and noisy minority.

Yep, stores used to also do that back when whining and noisy customers insisted that they did not want to eat with blacks

Good God a Bacon Cheeseburger or a BLT is now equal to racism.

Yeah. They are pathetic. Some how this is about racism. Wow, he must watch a lot of CNN. BTW, they still have the gentle giant story that assaulted a cop and got shot for it as their lead story.

Still, there lead story. Still......

CNN = Circus Not News

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